jeudi 27 décembre 2012

de retour 4 Janvier

Le passé est un oeuf cassé, l'avenir est un oeuf couvé.

l'OTCbb y toujours de petits trésors.

" " But inevitably, readers wonder if there may be some future winners that they can pick up for pennies on the OTC BB that will grow to be successful, giant companies.There are examples of that. The biggest example, and the one scammers often use to point out that some OTC BB companies do succeed, is Wal-Mart . The company, listed on the NYSE since 1972, says it began as an over-the-counter stock in 1970.
The NASD, which owns the OTC BB, was unable to confirm whether Wal-Mart was traded on its market. It was also unable to provide data on the number of stocks that have moved from the OTC BB to a major exchange.
But, there have been more recent examples. One that comes to mind is True Religion Apparel , a Los Angeles-based maker of trendy denim jeans and other clothing. The company had been listed on the OTC BB market, but switched to the Nasdaq in late 2005. And the stock did pretty well, gaining 34% this year through early November....." "

Ce message a été écrit en décembre 2006 dans un site qui parle de bourse

Retournons en 2004...avant le nasdaq listing d'août 2005

Aug. 16, 2004--True Religion Apparel, Inc., (OTCBB:TRLG - News) is pleased to announce that its sales and profits continued to grow during the second quarter ending June 30, 2004. Sales rose 50% and net income before tax climbed 98% in the quarter ending June 30, 2004 over the quarter ending March 31, 2004. Sales for the six months ended June 30, 2004 were $6,757,000 versus $307,000 for the same six month period a year ago.
----------- ----------
Quarter Ended June 30, 2004 $4,061,906 $799,606
Quarter Ended March 31, 2004 $2,694,809 $404,487
Quarter Ended December 31, 2003 $1,338,275 $156,122
Quarter ended September 30, 2003 $ 710,143 $ 3,750

et maintenant ....

25 millions d'actions sur le marché
168 millions en cash 0 .....pas de dette.

en bien voilà MA50 et MA200 s'embrasse à 25,16$ vers le haut
.....avec une lampée de vodka...ce stock va doubler en 2013 ,target 50$

mercredi 26 décembre 2012


À tout le moins, les investisseurs américains ont faitt rebondir le titre RIMM.nasdaq de plus de 10% sur le Nasdaq hier, après le plongeon de 22% vendredi. Lors de la séance écourtée de lundi, l'action avait encore reculé de près de 3%.
Le rebond du titre s'explique par le fait que des photos de ce qui serait le prochain BlackBerry 10 sont apparues sur Internet. Les photos publiées sur un site techno du Vietnam laissent voir un appareil sans clavier physique qui a de grandes ressemblances avec le iPhone.
Selon le «Financial Post», le site Tinh Te a souvent publié des photos de téléphones intelligents avant leur lancement, ce qui laisse croire que les photos
 publiées ( -cliquez ici ) représentent bien l'appareil.

RIM fera le lancement du Blackberry 10 dans plusieurs pays le 30 janvier prochain.
RIM promet des téléphones plus rapides et plus conviviaux. Les deux premiers Blackberry 10 tourneront sous le système d'exploitation RIM BB10.
L'appareil permetterait d'ouvrir jusqu'à huit fenêtres en même temps.
Le volet jeu dans la navigation sur le Web était aussi amélioré.


Selon les dernières rumeurs, Intel devrait profiter du prochain Mobile World Congress, qui se tiendra du 25 au 28 février prochain, pour dévoiler de nouveaux processeurs destinés aux smartphones et tablettes. Ils utiliseront la gravure la plus économe en énergie, en 22nm, et Intel pourrait donner à ses puces mobiles la priorité de la gravure en 14nm.
INTC, qui a déjà refait une bonne partie du retard sur ARM en terme d'efficacité énergétique, semble vouloir au plus vite enfoncer le clou en faisant encore mieux et en convaincant plus de partenaires de proposer des appareils mobiles x86 alors qu'ils sont encore très très rares.
Cet empressement à contrer ARM est peut-être un début d'explication à la sortie tardive des processeurs Haswell. Aujourd'hui, le marché des ordinateurs est presque totalement acquis à Intel donc il peut se permettre sans risque de transférer une bonne partie de ses ressources vers le marché des puces mobiles, qui sont prioritaires. Ce marché est en effet non seulement largement dominé par ARM (et donc à conquérir) mais aussi le seul vecteur de croissance actuel dans l'industrie électronique grand public.

cliquez pour agrandir_

Le gros INTC est pas très beau présentement mais de savoir qu'il met le paquet sur le mobile,il va être 
intéressant de voir au printemps si c'est le temps d'y mettre des gros dollars.

iPhone incurvé sexy !

De plus en plus de téléphones mobiles sont dotés d'écrans pas totalement plats, ce qui permet d'aider les designers et facilite dans certaines conditions la prise en main de appareils.
Apple a déposé un brevet prouvant son intérêt pour ce type d'écrans.

Le brevet ne décrit pas de design au verre incurvé, mais une technique permettant de le mettre en forme. Elle passe par des outils de haute précision, un moule et un chauffage de la plaque de verre, qui vient ainsi prendre la forme déterminée sans avoir à faire appel à des traitements chimiques.
Difficile de savoir si l'on aura un jour un iPhone incurvé, mais Apple s'y prépare, c'est certain.

jeudi 20 décembre 2012

GAMING....THQ = Chapter 11

THQ Inc. THQI.nasdaq is being acquired.....maybe. Before you get too excited about any major turnaround huge-premium buyout you better pay attention to the fine print here. Clearlake Capital Group, L.P. has entered into a stalking horse bidder agreement to acquire THQ’s assets in an Asset Purchase Agreement. Here is the problem: the buyout is via Section 363 under Chapter 11

THQ has said that it has obtained a commitment for interim financing to fund its operations without interruption. The agreement covers substantially all of the assets of THQ’s operating business, and it includes THQ’s four owned studios and games in development.

As part of the sale agreement, THQ will get to shed certain legacy obligations and emerge with a new stronger owner with what was called “substantial experience in software and technology.” THQ says that it will continue normal operations without interruption during the sale period, assuming that court approval of THQ’s first-day motions.
To facilitate the sale, THQ and its domestic business units have filed voluntary petitions under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. THQ’s foreign operations (including Canada) are not included in the filings. Wells Fargo and Clearlake have lined up debtor-in possession financingbof approximately $37.5 million.

mercredi 19 décembre 2012


Selon les premières fuites, le prochain system on a chip de Nvidia adopte l’architecture ARM Cortex A15 et sera doté de 6 fois plus de cœurs graphiques que le Tegra 3. Il pourrait faire son apparition lors du prochain Consumer Electronic Show

""..... le Tegra 4, qui sera présenté au début 2013, la société voudrait refaire son retard et même prendre une confortable avance.
Cette puce gardera le principe des 4 cœurs haute puissance et d'un cinquième cœur compagnon à basse consommation, destiné à gérer par exemple la veille ou l'utilisation comme simple téléphone et augmenter ainsi notablement l'autonomie. C'est surtout au niveau de la partie graphique que Nvidia veut mettre le paquet. Le Tagra 4 embarquera pas moins de 72 cœurs graphiques ou ce que Nvidia nomme ainsi. En tout cas, la puissance graphique théorique serait alors 6 fois supérieure à celle du Tegra 3, qui est déjà confortable.
Comme toujours quand il s'agit de puces destinées à des mobiles ou tablettes, on peut se poser la question sur l'usage qui sera fait d'une telle puissance, peut-être proposer les premiers appareils capables d'envoyer des vidéos 4K sur les téléviseurs 82" à ce format qui arrivent...""

mardi 18 décembre 2012

GMCR ...êtes-vous intéressé ?

Caribou Inc. CBOU.nasdaq is being acquired. If you want proof that the retail coffee market is not a dead sector, all you have to do is consider that Caribou is the second-largest company-owned premium coffeehouse operator in the United States, if you just base the calculation on the number of coffee shops.
The Joh. A. Benckiser Group is acquiring the company for $16.00 per share in cash, for a total sum of about $340 million. The agreement represents a premium of about 30% over Caribou’s most recent closing stock price of $12.32. One consideration we would note is that the 52-week range is $9.93 to $18.84. That being said, even if this is a 30% premium, some buyers may allege that the deal undervalues Caribou.
It is also important to recall that this Benckiser Group, a German firm, is the group which spent about $1 billion to acquire Peet’s Coffee & Tea Inc. So why is the tea and coffee bull not dead? You have to consider that Starbucks Corp SBUX.nasdaq is in the midst of acquiring Teavana Holdings Inc. TEA.nyse in a deal worth close to $600 million.
Shares of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. GMCR have not yet shown any interest in participating in the ongoing coffee bull market. Its shares are down 0.5% at $40.10 as its peak interest has, at least for now, come and gone.

jeudi 13 décembre 2012


As Groupon rushes into e- commerce, it needs to line up vast numbers of products to become profitable. To secure sufficient inventory, the company is developing software that will help small retailers easily set up flash sales on its Groupon Goods site.

The tool, called DealAdvisor, will let shopowners arrange sales for a fixed period, targeting the millions of visitors to Groupon’s pages. The feature is aimed at bringing more merchandise to the year-old Groupon Goods e-commerce service, Vice President Faisal Masud said in an interview. It’s in early testing and will be available next year, he said.
DealAdvisor, created in partnership with e-commerce software provider ChannelAdvisor Corp., will let smaller retailers offer deals with less human intervention than the current system. Rather than rely on Groupon’s buyers to find products, the system will encourage merchants that already sell on Amazon and EBay to offer their wares to Groupon Goods.

insider buying

William Hunter, M.D.

Interim Chief Executive Officer and Director fait le plein d'actions de Cardiome Pharma depuis
quelques temps....assez pour réveiller les boursicoteurs.

sept 14/ 90 k à .33
sept 20/ 160k à .38
déc 12 / 1310k à .408 - presque tout le volume de la journée!
cliquez pour agrandir

iPhone pas cher...pas cher

Selon un analyste de Jefferies, Apple aurait dans ses plans un modèle d'iPhone bon marché, dont le tarif pourrait se situer entre 200 et 250$, un tarif largement inférieur à celui de l'iPhone 4 encore en vente. Ce nouvel appareil serait d'ailleurs directement dérivé de l'iPhone 4, mais utiliserait des composants plus modernes et moins coûteux pour compenser la baisse de prix.
Foxconn aurait déjà préparé cette production et pourrait en sortir une quantité impressionnante, entre 200 000 et 300 000 unités par jour.

La décision de ce lancement est entre les mains des dirigeants d'Apple et pourrait intervenir en 2013. Il est fort probable qu'ils gardent le doigt sur le bouton de lancement mais temporisent afin qu'il se fasse au meilleur moment et surtout le plus tard possible pour ne pas nuire aux ventes des modèles sur lesquels la marge est plus importante.
Apple avait fait de même à la plus belle époque des iPod, et avait sorti l'iPod mini lorsque ses concurrents avaient commencé à vouloir prendre des parts de marché sur un créneau non exploité, celui des baladeurs à un tarif inférieur à celui des iPod.

lundi 10 décembre 2012

Ne lisez que ce qui est en vert.

Sunday, 9 Dec 2012 | 11:33 PM 

Mortgage Crisis Presents a New Reckoning to Banks

The nation’s largest banks are facing a fresh torrent of lawsuits asserting that they sold shoddy mortgage securities that imploded during the financial crisis, potentially adding significantly to the tens of billions of dollars the banks have already paid to settle other cases.

Regulators, prosecutors, investors and insurers have filed dozens of new claims against Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and others, related to more than $1 trillion worth of securities backed by residential mortgages.

Estimates of potential costs from these cases vary widely, but some in the banking industry fear they could reach $300 billion if the institutions lose all of the litigation. Depending on the final price tag, the costs could lower profits and slow the economic recovery by weakening the banks’ ability to lend just as the housing market is showing signs of life.

The banks are battling on three fronts: with prosecutors who accuse them of fraud, with regulators who claim that they duped investors into buying bad mortgage securities, and with investors seeking to force them to buy back the soured loans.

“We are at an all-time high for this mortgage litigation,” said Christopher J. Willis, a lawyer with Ballard Spahr, which handles securities and consumer litigation.

Efforts by the banks to limit their losses could depend on the outcome of one of the highest-stakes lawsuits to date — the $200 billion case that the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees the housing twins Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, filed against 17 banks last year, claiming that they duped the mortgage finance giants into buying shaky securities.

Last month, lawyers for some of the nation’s largest banks descended on a federal appeals court in Manhattan to make their case that the agency had waited too long to sue. A favorable ruling could overturn a decision by Judge Denise L. Cote, who is presiding over the litigation and has so far rejected virtually every defense raised by the banks, and would be cheered in bank boardrooms. It could also allow the banks to avoid federal housing regulators’ claims.

At the same time, though, some major banks are hoping to reach a broad settlement with housing agency officials, according to several people with knowledge of the talks. Although the negotiations are at a very tentative stage, the banks are broaching a potential cease-fire.

As the housing market and the nation’s economy slowly recover from the 2008 financial crisis, Wall Street is vulnerable on several fronts, including tighter regulations assembled in the aftermath of the crisis and continuing investigations into possible rigging of a major international interest rate. But the mortgage lawsuits could be the most devastating and expensive threat, bank analysts say.

“All of Wall Street has essentially refused to deal with the real costs of the litigation that they are up against,” said Christopher Whalen, a senior managing director at Tangent Capital Partners. “The real price tag is terrifying.”

Anticipating painful costs from mortgage litigation, the five major sellers of mortgage-backed securities set aside $22.5 billion as of June 30 just to cushion themselves against demands that they repurchase soured loans from trusts, according to an analysis by Natoma Partners.

But in the most extreme situation, the litigation could empty even more well-stocked reserves and weigh down profits as the banks are forced to pay penance for the subprime housing crisis, according to several senior officials in the industry.

There is no industrywide tally of how much banks have paid since the financial crisis to put the mortgage litigation behind them, but analysts say that future settlements will dwarf the payouts so far. That is because banks, for the most part, have settled only a small fraction of the lawsuits against them.

JPMorgan Chase and Credit Suisse, for example, agreed last month to settle mortgage securities cases with the Securities and Exchange Commission for $417 million, but still face billions of dollars in outstanding claims.

Bank of America is in the most precarious position, analysts say, in part because of its acquisition of the troubled subprime lender Countrywide Financial.

Last year, Bank of America paid $2.5 billion to repurchase troubled mortgages from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and $1.6 billion to Assured Guaranty, which insured the shaky mortgage bonds.

But in October, federal prosecutors in New York accused the bank of perpetrating a fraud through Countrywide by churning out loans at such a fast pace that controls were largely ignored. A settlement in that case could reach well beyond $1 billion because the Justice Department sued the bank under a law that could allow roughly triple the damages incurred by taxpayers.

Bank of America’s attempts to resolve some mortgage litigation with an umbrella settlement have stalled. In June 2011, the bank agreed to pay $8.5 billion to appease investors, including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Pimco, that lost billions of dollars when the mortgage securities assembled by the bank went bad. But the settlement is in limbo after being challenged by investors. Kathy D. Patrick, the lawyer representing investors, has said she will set her sights on Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo next.

Of the more than $1 trillion in troubled mortgage-backed securities remaining, Bank of America has more than $417 billion from Countrywide alone, according to an analysis of lawsuits and company filings. The bank does not disclose the volume of its mortgage litigation reserves.

“We have resolved many Countrywide mortgage-related matters, established large reserves to address these issues and identified a range of possible losses beyond those reserves, which we believe adequately addresses our exposures,” said Lawrence Grayson, a spokesman for Bank of America.

Adding to the legal fracas, New York’s attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, accused Credit Suisse last month of perpetrating an $11.2 billion fraud by deceiving investors into buying shoddy mortgage-backed securities. According to the complaint, the bank dismissed flaws in the loans packaged into securities even while assuring investors that the quality was sound. The bank disputes the claims.

“We need real accountability for the illegal and deceptive conduct in the creation of the housing bubble in order to bring justice for New York’s homeowners and investors,” Mr. Schneiderman said.

Une chance que le Bonhomme  " Ben la Fed " a la machine à imprimer du cash "

F.nyse good news quand même !

Ford Motor has been touting its Fusion hybrid and one model of its C-MAX hybrid family with EPA mileage per gallon (mpg) ratings of “47 city/47 highway/47 combined mpg.” Great, but not true says Consumer Reports magazine.

According to the consumer group, in its tests of the Fusion hybrid, the vehicle delivered 35 mpg in the city, 41 on the highway, and 39 combined. The C-MAX hybrid wagon delivered 35 in the city, 38 on the highway, and 37 combined overall. Consumer Reports notes:
These two vehicles have the largest discrepancy between our overall-mpg results and the estimates published by the EPA that we’ve seen among any current models. … And while our highway test results almost always meet or exceed the EPA highway numbers, our highway figures for these cars fell far below.
In early November, the U.S. EPA forced Hyundai/Kia to change the labeling on their new cars to reflect a change to the estimated fuel economy rating of different models by up to six mpg. At the time, the EPA said that this was only the second time in a dozen years that the agency discovered incorrect label values.

jeudi 6 décembre 2012

Un consortium canadien dirigé par KingSett Capital offre 4,4 milliards $ afin de faire l'acquisition de Primaris Retail et ainsi renforcer son portefeuille de centres commerciaux canadiens.

Cette offre d'achat non sollicité intervient au moment où de nombreux détaillants américains font leur arrivée au Canada en quête de revenus supplémentaires.
Les grandes sociétés immobilières mondiales bataillent afin d'acquérir les centres commerciaux canadiens qui accueilleront les détaillants américains tels que Target, Nordstrom, Forever 21 ou Michaels.
Au Québec, Primaris possède la Place du Royaume, à Saguenay, Place Fleur de Lys, à Québec et la Place Vertu à Montréal.
Pour l'ensemble du pays, la société immobilière détient 35 centres commerciaux qui abritent des géants du commerce de détail comme Walmart, Sears et Canadian Tire ce qui en fait une cible de choix pour les sociétés immobilières concurrentes.
L'offre en espèce est de 26 $ l'action, ce qui représente une prime d'environ 12,8 % par rapport à la valeur du titre de Primaris à la fermeture de la Bourse de Toronto mardi.
La nouvelle a d'ailleurs été bien accueillie par les investisseurs, le titre Primaris a clôturé à 26,40 $ mercredi, signe que les investisseurs s'attendent à une offre plus généreuse ou que d'autres acheteurs se manifestent.
«C'est la première ronde de négociations», a déclaré l'analyste de Raymond James, Ken Avalos, qui conseille aux actionnaires d'être patients et d'attendre une offre de 28 $ ou plus.


mercredi 5 décembre 2012

des news de la pomme

Après la remarquable stagnation des parts de marché des quatre principaux OS pour smartphones il y a un mois, les nouveaux indicateurs de comScore sur le parc de téléphones mobiles aux USA livrent de nouveau une information intéressante ce mois-ci : Apple est désormais le second constructeur de téléphones mobiles aux USA, avec 17.8% (+0.3pt) du parc installé, contre 17.6% (-0.2pt) à LG, désormais troisième. Samsung reste largement en tête, avec 26.3% (+0.3pt).

Les délais de livraison du nouvel iMac s'allongent déjà largement en France . Ils sont passés de 1-3 jours pour le modèle 21,5" de base à 7-10 jours. Pour le 27" Apple annonce maintenant jusqu'à 4 semaines, soit une de plus et ce qui met presque assurément l'arrivée des produits commandés maintenant au début janvier.
Pour rappel, Apple devrait avoir des difficultés de livraison durant encore les premiers mois de 2013. 

Voilà fort longtemps qu'Apple ne fabrique plus le moindre ordinateur aux Etats-Unis. Pourtant, selon iFixit, l'iMac qu'ils ont démonté est annoncé comme assemblé aux Etats-Unis.

Apple ne s'en est pas vanté et on ignore quelles quantités de machines ont été assemblées en dehors des usines chinoises de Foxconn.
Si nous devions faire une supposition à ce sujet, nous présumerions qu'Apple a été obligé de faire appel à une société américaine (Un sous-traitant de Boeing ?) pour réaliser ces fameuses coques si complexes à souder. Ensuite, il était certainement plus simple de faire venir le reste pour l'assembler aux Etats-Unis que de devoir faire repartir ces coques en Chine.

mardi 4 décembre 2012

un charavia bearish sur AAPL

Per Lindberg of Oslo, Norway-based investment bank ABGSC Sundal Collier yesterday published a rare thing: an initiation of coverage of Apple with a Sell rating and a $400 price target.

The maps fiasco – affecting hundreds of millions of users of iOS 6 – serves as a crude reminder that all cycles of vogue eventually come to an end, as spirits of innovation give way to acts of protection – in quite vivid display today. Anticipating sharply decelerating earnings growth next year, followed by absolute erosion thereafter […] At this juncture, there is also another common force which may rouse concerns about Apple to vigorous life. Competitors are stepping up their campaigns to not only close the lead that the Cupertino company has enjoyed, but also to displace it as the architect of the world’s most popular ecosystem of software and services. The facts speak for themselves: (i) Google’s Android outsells Apple’s iOS by a factor of 4-5x in terms of monthly smartphone activations, (ii) Samsung ships nearly twice as many units of smartphones on an annualised basis (with sales values on a par with Apple’s), (iii) the iPad is quickly ceding market share to the tablets powered by Android and Microsoft’s freshly launched Windows 8. The patterns discerned are illuminating and ominous in equal measure. Apple may have fostered the rush of upgrades from feature phones to smartphones and from laptops to tablets through its eye-opening creation of the iPhone and the iPad, but the mass industrialisation process is progressively taken over by others willing to embrace a horizontal model. Unlike Apple, which remains tightly proprietary on both the hardware and software/services fronts, Google and Microsoft are making their ecosystems available to third parties (competitors and customers alike). We take the view that in a market as large, as commoditised and as complex as consumer electronics, open systems will eventually push those that are closed, into obsolescence. The upshot is that the day Apple fails to make leap-frog innovations, then it is highly exposed to wars of attrition in contention with dozens of manufacturers powered by operating systems, value-added applications and online services controlled by its arch-rivals Google and Microsoft. As judged by the lacklustre reception of Apple Maps (wholly inadequate in terms of accuracy and completeness), iPhone 5 (plagued by iOS 6, manufacturing difficulties) and the mini-iPad (a rather immaterial size reduction of iPad 2), there are tangible signs that Apple no longer moves ahead at a pace required to avoid vicious price wars.

pas un million....pas 2....

Jeff Bezos, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Inc.  is taking some extra cash out of the company.

The sale was called a planned share sale under one of the existing 10b5-1 Plan filings, but we would expect to see more and more of these sales. Between November 29 and November 30 (2012) Mr. Bezos sold some 790,102 shares at a volume weighted average of $250.02 per share. The end result: $197,543,988 take-home for Mr. Bezos.

lundi 3 décembre 2012

Grosse acquisition pour Saputo aux États-Unis : le spécialiste des produits laitiers avale Morningstar Foods pour 1,45 milliard $ US.

Morningstar Foods est une filiale de Dean Foods Company qui fabrique une gamme de produits laitiers et non laitiers ayant une durée de conservation prolongée sous diverses marques. La compagnie compte environ 2000 employés et exploite 10 usines réparties dans neuf États.

"Morningstar sells Friendship cottage cheese and private label dairy products such as creamers, ice cream mix and sour cream. It supplies a range of foodservice customers such as restaurant chains."

Un petit stock gold à surveilled,B-O possible
Shares Issued55,870,262

jeudi 29 novembre 2012


D'ici 5 ans, cette business  sera un souvenir.

L'une des candidates favorites pour succéder à Hillary Clinton comme secrétaire d'État, pourrait se retrouver dans une situation de conflit d'intérêts.
Selon des documents financiers rendus publics mercredi, il appert que Susan Rice, qui est mariée à un Canadien, posséderait des actions dans la compagnie TransCanada, la pétrolière albertaine qui tente d'obtenir l'accord du gouvernement américain pour son projet controversé d'oléoduc Keystone XL.
Or, c'est au secrétariat d'État que revient la décision finale d'approuver ou non le projet de 7 milliards $US, qui traverse les terres américaines.
Le président Barack Obama avait rejeté le projet de TransCanada, il y a 10 mois, invoquant des inquiétudes à propos des risques possibles envers une zone à l'équilibre environnemental délicat dans le Nebraska et que l'oléoduc aurait traversée, selon le tracé prévu à l'origine.
TransCanada a dû refaire ses devoirs pour concevoir un nouvel itinéraire, ce qui force une deuxième évaluation du département d'État.
L'industrie pétrolière espère désormais que M. Obama approuvera le projet laissé de côté depuis janvier, le président repoussant toute décision jusqu'après l'élection présidentielle.
Les avoirs de Mme Rice, qui possède des actions dans la pétrolière canadienne pour une valeur se situant entre 300 000 $US et 600 000 $US, avaient déjà fait l'objet d'un article dans le journal en ligne On Earth, une publication environnementale reliée au Natural Resources Defense Council.

iPad mini Festival

The iPad mini from Apple is in such hot demand and its parts are in such short supply that even if you want one this holiday season you may not get it.

Apple supply chain to benefit from new Apple products in 1Q13
Siu Han, Taipei; Alex Wolfgram, DIGITIMES 
Parts providers in Apple's supply chain will reportedly have to wait until the first quarter of 2013 to see their revenues bump up as the result of Apple's newly released iPad mini and 21.5- and 27-inch iMac due to mass production issues with the products, according to industry sources.
Mass production of panels used in the iPad mini has reportedly suffered low yield rates, and backlight module providers have also had a shortage of supplies, which is affecting the amount of iPad minis that can be shipped in 2012, said the sources.
The sources said AU Optronics (AUO) and LG Display (LGD) provide panels for the iPad mini and that AUO is having mass production issues. This has caused the overall shipment proportion of AUO panels used in the iPad mini to drop to about 22%, down from AUO's original 40% target, added the sources.
Apple is said to have set a ten million shipment target for the iPad mini for the fourth quarter of 2012, but might only reach six million during the period largely as a result of production delays at AUO, said the sources.
Additionally, the sources said new iMac models use panels sourced only from LGD. The company has had to develop a new production process for mass producing the iMac panels and has limited capacity, which is delaying shipments.
Apple is expected to reach its shipment targets for both the iPad mini and 21.5- and 27-inch iMacs during the first quarter of 2013, as parts providers in its supply chain are expected to increase their yields by then, added the sources.

mercredi 28 novembre 2012

une preuve que DICK's s'en viens au Canada

FGL Sports Ltée., une entité de la Société Canadian Tire Limitée (TSX : CTC)  annonce aujourd'hui la conclusion d'une entente de 85 millions de dollars avec Les équipements sportifs Pro Hockey Life Inc., une compagnie privée.  La transaction fait suite au succès de l'acquisition en 2011 de FGL Sports et mise sur la position dominante de la Société sur le marché du sport.

Pro Hockey Life est un détaillant de sport spécialisé en articles de hockey haut de gamme. La chaîne est présente dans cinq provinces et comptent 23 magasins en zone urbaine. Son revenu annuel s'élève à environ 95 million de dollars et sa clientèle est unique en son genre. Quant à son assortiment d'articles, il est plus vaste et plus spécialisé comparé aux autres enseignes similaires présentes sur le marché.
« Le hockey n'est pas limité à une catégorie de marchandises dans nos magasins, » explique Stephen Wetmore, président et chef de la direction de la Société Canadian Tire. « Le hockey est dans notre ADN. Qu'il s'agisse de notre partenariat avec la LNH, d'aider les enfants dans le besoin par le biais de notre Fondation Bon départ ou encore notre soutien aux joueurs de hockey junior et aux diverses équipes du pays, nous sommes une entreprise canadienne qui soutient le sport au Canada. »

YY.nasdaq un mélange de Twitter,Facebook et youtube

 ("YY" or the "Company") is a revolutionary rich communication social platform that engages users in real-time online group activities through voice, text and video. Launched in July 2008, YY Client, the Company's core product, empowers users to create and organize groups of varying sizes to discover and participate in a wide range of online activities, including online games, karaoke, music concerts, education, live shows and conference calls. As of September 30, 2012, YY Client had 400.5 million registered user accounts, and in the first nine months of 2012, users spent 393.0 billion voice minutes on YY Client.

YY consistently posted losses over the years, some of which were pretty steep. In 2009, it landed around $53 million in the red. A year later that tally was approximately $326 million, while in 2011 the bleeding was somewhat stanched at $49 million. The company has only just started to turn a profit; in the first nine months of this year, it netted $9 million.


 AV Homes, Inc and JEN Partners, , a New York City-based residential investment company, through a newly formed entity, acquired 527-acres at Eastmark , DMB Associates' newest large-scale integrated community in Mesa. AV Homes' investment was $18.6 million; JEN Partners investment was $13.6 million.
AV Homes will control 310 acres on which it plans to build approximately 1,000 homes under its Vitalia active adult brand. JEN Partners plans to develop the remaining 217-acre into a gated executive club community where it will sell approximately 550 developed home sites to a select group of luxury home builders.
AV Homes Executive Vice President Carl Mulac said the opportunity to be associated with Eastmark gives the company strong positions in both the East and West Valley active adult markets. "Eastmark is clearly one of the best development locations in the region. As the local home building industry continues to improve, we will be well positioned to serve active adults in two proven markets," he said. The company is currently building at its CantaMia active adult community located in the West Valley's Estrella master-planned community.