vendredi 11 novembre 2011

Tiger Woods is now "Powered by Fuse."

Vous savez que le Tigre a eu des problèmes dans les derniers mois avec ses commanditaires et que son golf erratique ne lui donne pas de chances. Mais imaginez qu'il reprenne confiance et gagne des tournoi ! Son image de marque va redevenir payante pour les compagnies qui ont continué à lui faire confiance. Une petite firme viens tout juste de mettre son nom sur son sac de golf...FUSE !
Fusescience*, announced today that it has entered into an exclusive endorsement agreement with Tiger Woods in the sports nutrition and energy categories. Woods will endorse Fuse Science as a primary spokesperson in professional sports.
One of the world's most recognizable athletes .
"When I learned about Fuse Science's groundbreaking technology, I immediately understood that this will be a game-changer in how we live our lives every day, said Woods. "We will improve energy, nutrition and medication delivery in several global categories and we will enhance every athlete's ability to perform at their natural best. This company is laying the foundation for some very significant things and after personally talking to them; I wanted to be Powered by Fuse."
"This is a very big day for our company and what it means to be Powered by Fuse," added Brian Tuffin, President and Chief Operating Officer. "Our partnership with the world's best is an enabler to have a worldwide impact sooner than later. Tiger recognizes the significance of the journey we're on as a company, and wants to be part of our growth while leverage the technology to make a difference globally."
"Beyond sports, this technology applies in so many ways," added Tiger. "The long-term potential is significant. To me, that's something much bigger than golf."
Woods will represent the Fuse Science technology, intellectual property, unique delivery system, and future products to be developed in the sports nutrition and energy categories.
"In some countries, millions of children grow up in a nutritional void," Tuffin said. "With Fuse Science technology, we can create new, incredible nutritional opportunities, enhance access to medicines, and improve the quality of life for millions everywhere around the world including right here in the US."
Fuse Science technology can be used to more effectively deliver vitamins and minerals in a variety of unique applications that can address nutritional deficiencies in thousands of impoverished communities across the globe – creating opportunities for malnourished children, in particular, to lead healthier, more productive lives.

C'était un de mes sujets de boursicotage sur RADIOPIRATE.COM avec Jeff aujourd'hui....malheureusement il était impossible pour moi d'être en onde.....donc je remet ça 2 fois la semaine prochaine.(*!)

jeudi 10 novembre 2011


Walmart said that the press was mistaken when several media reported the world’s largest retailer would create a national medical clinic system within its stores. The denial hardly matters. Walmart is already on its way to becoming a major health care provider.
NPR, among other media, said Walmart was at the beginning of a program to offer health care services across the country. Walmart responded, “The RFI statement of intent is overwritten and incorrect. We are not building a national, integrated, low-cost primary care health care platform.” RFI means a request for information from the company.
Walmart probably touches more “patients” than any health care provider in America. Its Medicare Part D prescription-drug plan, a venture built with Humana (NYSE: HUM), offers generic drugs for as little as $1 after a deductible is satisfied. Humana maintains informational kiosks in about 3,000 Walmart stores nationwide. Walmart operates a network of hundreds of pharmacies. These offer $4 prescriptions for many drugs. The affordability of these programs has already made Walmart a de facto provider of critical health care services in most regions in the United States.


Adobe Systems Inc a annoncé hier l'abandon de son logiciel Flash Player pour les plateformes mobiles, mettant ainsi un terme à un long bras de fer avec Apple, qui avait écarté ce lecteur vidéo de ses iPhone et iPad depuis 2007, au profit des applications ouvertes en HTML5.
Selon Apple, le lecteur Flash d'Adobe, très répandu sur internet pour la conception de sites web, la lecture de vidéos ou de jeux vidéo, est source de problèmes techniques et de consommation excessive d'énergie.
La décision d'Adobe intervient alors que le spécialiste des logiciels d'arts graphiques a annoncé mardi un avertissement sur la croissance de son chiffre d'affaires pour l'année prochaine, le licenciement de 7% de son personnel et une restructuration de sa business vers la location de logiciels.

mercredi 9 novembre 2011

China news....

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Japan's Softbank Corp are in talks with private equity funds about bidding for all of Yahoo! Inc (NASDAQ: YHOO), Bloomberg reported, citing people with knowledge of the matter. Alibaba and Softbank, in an effort to buy back stakes owned by Yahoo, have grown impatient with a lack of progress in direct talks with the company, said the unnamed people. Yahoo prefers to sell a smaller stake rather than cede complete control, the people said.
Little Sheep Group Ltd (HKG: 0968), China's largest hotpot restaurant chain, said the Ministry of Commerce has given the go-ahead to Yum! Brands Inc's (NYSE: YUM) takeover of it after over four months of antimonopoly review. Yum agreed in May to acquire Little Sheep for $587 million.
Tingyi Holding Corp (HKG: 0322), China's biggest instant noodle and tea drink maker, swapped a 5% stake in its beverage subsidiary for PepsiCo Inc's (NYSE: PEP) bottling business in China, letting Tingyi, also known as Master Kong, capitalize on its advantage in distribution channels in China to sell PepsiCo's drinks in the country. Distribution channels in China are a disadvantage for international beverage makers including PepsiCo and Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO).
Underwater mortgages are mortgage arrangements that effectively leave the owner with more debt on the property than the current market value.
In the Miami area, 47% of the mortgages are underwater. The figure is 66% for Phoenix. Sacramento underwater mortgage level is 51%.
Home markets which are at the better end of the scale include Boston where only 14% are underwater, and New York the number is 18%.

Nucléaire...un "update".....enfin !

Le secteur chinois des centrales nucléaires est prêt pour son décollage dans les années qui viennent et qui s'annoncent prometteuses, et davantage de centrales nucléaires seront construites durant la période du 12e Plan quinquennal (2011-2015), d'après Zhao Meiyang, expert en énergie nucléaire.Le développement de l'énergie nucléaire en Chine a connu un développement rapide, a dit M. Zhao. A la fin de 2010, la Chine comptait 13 centrales nucléaires et une capacité de production d'énergie de 10,8 millions de kilowatts. Rien que pour l'année dernière, le gouvernement central a approuvé 35 nouveaux projets de centrales nucléaires –d'une capacité de 36,92 millions de kilowatts- dont 26, comptant pour 28,71 kilowatts, ont déjà été mises en chantier, représentant près de 40% des centrales nucléaires en construction dans le monde. Mais il y a le Japon et l'Allemagne....

(The Japanese government is considering building non-nuclear plants to replace the ruined reactors, and Germany has begun the process of de-commissioning all its nuclear generation by 2022.)

De mon coté , vous le savez sûrement j'ai une tonne de $$ dans et je suis le Chinois et je vais continuer avec eux...

....At this time, Cameco does not expect the rest of the world to follow the Japanese and German governments’ restrictions on nuclear energy.

mardi 8 novembre 2011


Pour faire suite à mon placotage boursier de vendredi dernier sur , voici une autre preuve que dans le "gaming" les profits viennent du " mobile gaming " maintenant...

Ubisoft a réduit sa perte de plus de moitié au premier semestre avec sa réorientation vers les jeux sur internet et confirmant pouvoir ramener sa rentabilité opérationnelle dans le vert en 2011-2012.
Très attendu par les analystes financiers sur sa montée en force dans les jeux en ligne et sur son recentrage sur des jeux de meilleure qualité, l'éditeur français a indiqué avoir généré 30 millions d'euros de revenus grâce au "online" au premier semestre, soit un bond de 85% pour un segment généralement très rentable dont le groupe était encore récemment absent.

Ma prédiction...ZYNGA va mettre la main sur GLU MOBILE bientôt.!

Chilled Property Market Causes Massive Agency Closures

Oups...! ça commence à " chier" en Chine !

China's slack property market has resulted in the widespread closure of real estate agencies across the nation. Geland began shutting down offices as early in February and has closed 50 offices; Century21 China closed 34 offices in the second quarter of this year and saw this number increase in the third quarter; one of the top five agencies in Beijing has closed 40 offices so far this year.
Small and midsized real estate agencies with less than 50 offices were the hardest hit by the limits on home purchases, according to a manager from a leading agency in Beijing. He predicted the demise of at least 3,000 real estate agencies, affecting 50,000 employees, in the city this year.
Online second-hand home sales in the Chinese capital totaled 7,262 units in October, down 17% from a month earlier and down 48.7% from a year earlier, data show.
Centaline Group, a major Chinese real estate service provider, said last week that it had shut down 60 offices and laid off over 1,000 employees in Shenzhen. The group also stated that the total number of real estate agencies in the city had decreased by 3,000 to around 5,000 since the beginning of 2011.
New home sales in Shenzhen totaled 183,500 square meters at an average price of ¥19,119 per square meter in October 2011, down 60% and 11% respectively from a year ago, according to the local land resource administration.

Money is no object

Apple chouchoute ses dirigeants. Le groupe vient de donner à sept de ses principaux responsables d'énormes bonus en actions. Valeur totale : 400 millions de dollars !
Six vice-présidents, dont le directeur financier Peter Oppenheimer, ont reçu chacun 150.000 actions Apple, d'une valeur de 60 millions de dollars au cours actuel. Le dernier en a reçu 100.000 (40 millions de dollars). La moitié de ces titres pourront être touchés en 2013, et le reste en 2016.....ouf ! ça veut dire que les gars vont travailler fort pour garder le stock haut ....(*)
Les vice-présidents ne sont pas les seuls à avoir été gâtés dernièrement. Lors de sa prise de fonction en août, le nouveau patron du groupe, Tim Cook, avait lui aussi reçu une juteuse prime : 1 million d'actions, valorisées 400 millions de dollars, touchables pour moitié en 2016 et le solde en 2021.
Apple cherche ainsi à retenir ses meilleurs éléments. Depuis la mort de Steve Jobs, plusieurs d'entre eux ont déjà quitté le navire. C'est notamment le cas de Ron Johnson, l'homme à l'origine des Apple Store, devenu la semaine dernière le patron de la chaîne de grands magasins américaine JCPenney.

lundi 7 novembre 2011


La dernière décision du gouvernement Chinois de vouloir réduire la consommation d'électricité dans les foyers a fait des vagues sur plusieurs stocks LED et on estime que d'ici à 2020, le LED pourraient représenter 75 % du marché de l'éclairage au monde.

China announces major policy changes. News is out that China is taking a multi-step plan to stop the use of incandescent light bulbs. The aim is to reduce power consumption, therefore reducing emissions. Imports and sales of incandescent bulbs of 100 watts and higher will become subject to a ban in October 2012. Even those bulbs of 60 watts and above will be phased out supposedly by October 2014.