vendredi 14 mai 2010


En ce beau vendredi matin
j'ai acheté " 20 " actions de Google à 498.00$
C'est la première fois que je touche
à ce stock !


C'était inévitable , mais je ne pensais pas que ça arriverait aussi tôt !

Cellphones Now Used More for Data Than for Calls.

Liza Colburn uses her cellphone constantly

She taps out her grocery lists, records voice memos, listens to music at the gym, tracks her caloric intake and posts frequent updates to her Twitter and Facebook accounts.
The one thing she doesn’t use her cellphone for? Making calls.
“I probably only talk to someone verbally on it once a week,” said Mrs. Colburn, a 40-year-old marketing consultant in Canton, Mass., who has an iPhone .
La suite....

jeudi 13 mai 2010

"Rosen BEAR"

Gluskin Sheff economist David Rosenberg says in a note to clients monday that it's time to "take chips off the table." He says stocks have risen too far, volatility is rising and the economy remains too weak to support current prices.Rosenberg has some credibility because he was among the few who saw a recession as inevitable way back in 2007, before the full extent of the financial meltdown became clear.


China's budget hotels contribute just 1% to the overall revenue of the hospitality market and the percentage will surge to 50% 30 years from now, said Hanting Inns & Hotels CEO Ji Qi. "Within 30 years, [China's] budget hotel market will be dominated by five big companies some 10,000 smaller ones," argued Ji. "The competition is more between budget hotels and starred hotels than between budget hotels themselves."

HMIN.nasdaq SVN.nyse HTHT.nasdaq

mercredi 12 mai 2010

Down the drain

Big Deal ?

Netflix Spikes on Reignited Takeover Talk

NEW YORK -- Netflix(NFLX) is spiking as rumors surface yet again that Amazon(AMZN) is interested in acquiring the company.
These rumors have surfaced many times over the last several years in regards to Netflix, most recently in January. Each time analysts have dismissed the claims.
"Amazon would not acquire Netflix for its by-mail business", Netflix has a terrific digital-streaming business, its library consists of mostly older films. It can't offer new releases as they are available because it is too expensive. It's a successful growth story, adding 1.7 million subscribers during the first quarter, its biggest gain in its 11-year history

mardi 11 mai 2010

Disney en "weekly"

Selon mon "grapheux" préfèré le stock de Disney est très bullish en weekly car la ma50 passe la ma200. Je lui demande ...tu es bullish à quel niveau ? Il s'en va faire son plus haut à vie !
Il va faire un breakout solide...
Le all time high semble être en MAI 2000 Dis.nyse 43.88$

Certains analystes disaient que Disney avait payé trop cher pour MARVEL....

Iron Man 2 est à peine sorti au Etats-Unis qu'il est déjà promis à un bel avenir, en témoignent les excellents chiffres de son premier week-end (près de 135 millions de dollars engrangés). Fort de ces résultats, Kevin Feige, président de Marvel Studios, n'a pas attendu une semaine de plus pour annoncer une troisième mouture pour 2013.

REED (deuxième partie)

Petit deviendra grand !

First Quarter 2010 Highlights:
First quarter sales increased 17% to a record $4.0 million.
Gross profit in the first quarter increased 26% to $1.1 million.
Gross margin in the first quarter increased by 200 basis points to 27%.
Operating expenses in the first quarter decreased by $86,000, or 7% to $1.2 million.
EBITDA for the first quarter was $172,000, as compared to an EBITDA loss of $159,000 in the first quarter of 2009 (See EBITDA table at end of this release for further non-GAAP information).
Cash plus revolving LOC availability was $1.3 million at March 31, 2010, as compared to $1.5 million at December 31, 2009.
Working capital increased by approximately $500,000 during the quarter, to $2.5 million
Ramped up private label business with the addition of third private label customer.
Began production/shipment of new ‘Reed’s Rx’ Remedy for Nausea and Motion Sickness.
‘Reed’s Rx’ Natural Ginger Nausea Relief gained placements in over 7,000 CVS/Pharmacy locations nationwide.
Expanded relationship with Kroger’s and Woodman’s Food Market; and established new relationship with Associated Wholesale Grocers (AWG).

Nearly 40 million Americans received food stamps

lundi 10 mai 2010

+ 9,5

Les stocks solaires Chinois ont progressé en moyenne de 9.5% aujourd'hui........Quand même !

Les plus hot...LDK ,SOL ,STP et TSL
Et les autres....CSIQ , CSUN, JASO , SOLF et YGE


Porter Aviation Holdings Inc. est une société de portefeuille qui exerce ses activités par l’intermédiaire de plusieurs filiales en propriété exclusive. L’activité principale de Porter, soit celle d’une compagnie aérienne, est exercée par Porter Airlines. Porter est la troisième compagnie aérienne de transport régulier en importance du Canada et offre un réseau de vols en expansion qui comprend plusieurs itinéraires court-courriers un peu partout dans l’est et le centre du Canada et des États-Unis.
Le IPO est prévu dans la semaine du 24 mai / 6,00$ > 7,00 $ par action.


New data from NPD Group reports that phones based on the Google (GOOG) Android OS took 28% of the U.S. smart phone market in the first quarter, trailing Research in Motion (RIMM) at 36%, but ahead of the Apple (AAPL) iPhone at 21%.


Potential bailout operations to underpin the euro seem likely to cost Germany far more than the €8.4 billions....“The guilty men are the eurocrats who stubbornly refuse to recognise that their fanciful construction is collapsing like a Tower of Babel.”