vendredi 11 janvier 2013

flash vendredi 11 janvier 2013* Achat-vente

...sur le marché Canadien
bullish HLF high liner
bullish WJA westjet

bearish ECA encana
bearish RMX rubicon minerals

*c'est le genre de nouvelle stupide, souvent les médias "call" les stocks en retard....
....les maîtres de la cage à homards.

Apple chief sees biggest market in China

 Apple CEO Tim Cook has told a Chinese news agency the computer giant expects China to overtake the United States as its biggest market.
"China is currently our second largest market. I believe it will become our first. I believe strongly that it will," the Xinhua News Agency quoted Cook as saying in an interview.

Cook was visiting Beijing to meet with Chinese regulators and managers of state-owned phone companies.
Xinhua said Cook did not respond to rumors Apple might be developing a lower-cost iPhone for developing markets such as 

jeudi 10 janvier 2013

Deere...c'est tout dire

cliquez pour agrandir

86,80$ méga support
90,50$ ....décollage vers la lune

lundi 7 janvier 2013

funny brasse le petit!


World Moto  manufactures and supplies taxi meters for the motorcycle taxi industry. It offers portable taxi meters,GPS and black boxes for motorcycles. The company also provides professional consulting services to governments, organizations, and companies. It sells its products through channel partners and distributors. The company is based in Bangkok, Thailand.

World Moto, Inc.  is pleased to announce the unveiling of "Yes," an exciting new service that marks the Company's move into the multi-trillion-dollar local commerce ecosystem. Changing the way the world goes around, World Moto is a global authority on the $500 billion dollar a year motorcycle taxi industry and inventor of the Moto-Meter, the world's first motorcycle taxi meter.
Local commerce in much of the world is facilitated by motorcycle taxis. Dr. Claudio Sopranzetti, a transportation expert from Harvard, describes their role as follows: "The drivers operate not only as transportation providers but also as messengers and personal assistants, paying bills and delivering commodities." Traditionally, however, these services have been offered individually, on an ad-hoc, undependable basis. By contrast, Yes creates a trusted brand and leverages advanced logistics, motorcycle taxis and high-speed communications to eliminate the inherent inefficiencies of local commerce transactions. In other words, Yes gives people what they need, when and where they need it.
Commercial development of Yes began in 2012 after more than 3 years of extensive research into the motorcycles taxis' role in local commerce, which included interviews and surveys of both motorcycle drivers and the consumers who hire them. This unparalleled visibility into the workings of the industry has allowed World Moto to create Yes. The service is constructed as a customer-centric electronic marketplace, offering popular services on-demand (e.g., mobility and delivery) via web, phone or phone application from anywhere, at any time. Use of Yes is effortless; a person can understand it immediately.

Samsung et Apple brisent HTC

Taiwan smartphone company HTC released its fourth-quarter earnings, which were awful. They show how rapidly the company is losing ground to Apple and Samsung. With each progressive quarter of poor results, HTC’s chance to remain a competitive force in the smartphone market continues to disappear. As a matter of fact, at this point that chance already has been destroyed.
The Wall Street Journal points out that this is the fifth consecutive quarter of profit drop, and the dead spin has dropped the number to 2006 levels.
HTC has more than one problem, but its primary issue is the lack of a successful flagship smartphone that global consumers view as directly competitive with the Samsung Galaxy S III and Apple iPhone 5, which are considered the gold standards.

Without an immensely popular product, HTC cannot go to carriers and get premium display in stores, at websites and in advertisements. Carriers readily promote the iPhone 5 to drive traffic to their retail outlets, both online and in stores. The iPhone is a magnet for consumers to buy two-year subscriptions, which are the key to phone company cellular division profits.

dimanche 6 janvier 2013 \ NEPT.nasdaq 1-2

Le désastre du 8 novembre dernier chez Neptune à tout changé.
Premièrement  la vie des gens qui y travaillent et certains d'entre eux des héros.
2ement la valeur de l'action qui fait mal aux travailleurs actionnaires et tout les autres.

Quoi penser de tout ça?

1) Cette compagnie est formidable, dans un domaine de pointe ...le " krill oils " qui prend de l'expansion
année après année mondialement.
2) Technicalement le graph est horrible ! Le dernier support est à 1.60$...en bas c'est le crash 1$

Mettez Neptune dans votre "watch list"....avec une vision "LONG"
Dans 6- 9 mois-12 mois ...nous allons avoir plus de détails sur la 'renouveau' de la cie.

...peut-être l'aubaine de 2013....pour 2014