jeudi 29 novembre 2012
Selon des documents financiers rendus publics mercredi, il appert que Susan Rice, qui est mariée à un Canadien, posséderait des actions dans la compagnie TransCanada, la pétrolière albertaine qui tente d'obtenir l'accord du gouvernement américain pour son projet controversé d'oléoduc Keystone XL.
Or, c'est au secrétariat d'État que revient la décision finale d'approuver ou non le projet de 7 milliards $US, qui traverse les terres américaines.
Le président Barack Obama avait rejeté le projet de TransCanada, il y a 10 mois, invoquant des inquiétudes à propos des risques possibles envers une zone à l'équilibre environnemental délicat dans le Nebraska et que l'oléoduc aurait traversée, selon le tracé prévu à l'origine.
TransCanada a dû refaire ses devoirs pour concevoir un nouvel itinéraire, ce qui force une deuxième évaluation du département d'État.
L'industrie pétrolière espère désormais que M. Obama approuvera le projet laissé de côté depuis janvier, le président repoussant toute décision jusqu'après l'élection présidentielle.
Les avoirs de Mme Rice, qui possède des actions dans la pétrolière canadienne pour une valeur se situant entre 300 000 $US et 600 000 $US, avaient déjà fait l'objet d'un article dans le journal en ligne On Earth, une publication environnementale reliée au Natural Resources Defense Council.
iPad mini Festival
The iPad mini from Apple is in such hot demand and its parts are in such short supply that even if you want one this holiday season you may not get it.
Apple supply chain to benefit from new Apple products in 1Q13
Siu Han, Taipei; Alex Wolfgram, DIGITIMES
Parts providers in Apple's supply chain will reportedly have to wait until the first quarter of 2013 to see their revenues bump up as the result of Apple's newly released iPad mini and 21.5- and 27-inch iMac due to mass production issues with the products, according to industry sources.
Mass production of panels used in the iPad mini has reportedly suffered low yield rates, and backlight module providers have also had a shortage of supplies, which is affecting the amount of iPad minis that can be shipped in 2012, said the sources.
The sources said AU Optronics (AUO) and LG Display (LGD) provide panels for the iPad mini and that AUO is having mass production issues. This has caused the overall shipment proportion of AUO panels used in the iPad mini to drop to about 22%, down from AUO's original 40% target, added the sources.
Apple is said to have set a ten million shipment target for the iPad mini for the fourth quarter of 2012, but might only reach six million during the period largely as a result of production delays at AUO, said the sources.
Additionally, the sources said new iMac models use panels sourced only from LGD. The company has had to develop a new production process for mass producing the iMac panels and has limited capacity, which is delaying shipments.
Apple is expected to reach its shipment targets for both the iPad mini and 21.5- and 27-inch iMacs during the first quarter of 2013, as parts providers in its supply chain are expected to increase their yields by then, added the sources.
mercredi 28 novembre 2012
une preuve que DICK's s'en viens au Canada
FGL Sports Ltée., une entité de la Société Canadian Tire Limitée (TSX : CTC) annonce aujourd'hui la conclusion d'une entente de 85 millions de dollars avec Les équipements sportifs Pro Hockey Life Inc., une compagnie privée. La transaction fait suite au succès de l'acquisition en 2011 de FGL Sports et mise sur la position dominante de la Société sur le marché du sport.
Pro Hockey Life est un détaillant de sport spécialisé en articles de hockey haut de gamme. La chaîne est présente dans cinq provinces et comptent 23 magasins en zone urbaine. Son revenu annuel s'élève à environ 95 million de dollars et sa clientèle est unique en son genre. Quant à son assortiment d'articles, il est plus vaste et plus spécialisé comparé aux autres enseignes similaires présentes sur le marché.
« Le hockey n'est pas limité à une catégorie de marchandises dans nos magasins, » explique Stephen Wetmore, président et chef de la direction de la Société Canadian Tire. « Le hockey est dans notre ADN. Qu'il s'agisse de notre partenariat avec la LNH, d'aider les enfants dans le besoin par le biais de notre Fondation Bon départ ou encore notre soutien aux joueurs de hockey junior et aux diverses équipes du pays, nous sommes une entreprise canadienne qui soutient le sport au Canada. »
YY.nasdaq un mélange de Twitter,Facebook et youtube
("YY" or the "Company") is a revolutionary rich communication social platform that engages users in real-time online group activities through voice, text and video. Launched in July 2008, YY Client, the Company's core product, empowers users to create and organize groups of varying sizes to discover and participate in a wide range of online activities, including online games, karaoke, music concerts, education, live shows and conference calls. As of September 30, 2012, YY Client had 400.5 million registered user accounts, and in the first nine months of 2012, users spent 393.0 billion voice minutes on YY Client.
YY consistently posted losses over the years, some of which were pretty steep. In 2009, it landed around $53 million in the red. A year later that tally was approximately $326 million, while in 2011 the bleeding was somewhat stanched at $49 million. The company has only just started to turn a profit; in the first nine months of this year, it netted $9 million.
("YY" or the "Company") is a revolutionary rich communication social platform that engages users in real-time online group activities through voice, text and video. Launched in July 2008, YY Client, the Company's core product, empowers users to create and organize groups of varying sizes to discover and participate in a wide range of online activities, including online games, karaoke, music concerts, education, live shows and conference calls. As of September 30, 2012, YY Client had 400.5 million registered user accounts, and in the first nine months of 2012, users spent 393.0 billion voice minutes on YY Client.
YY consistently posted losses over the years, some of which were pretty steep. In 2009, it landed around $53 million in the red. A year later that tally was approximately $326 million, while in 2011 the bleeding was somewhat stanched at $49 million. The company has only just started to turn a profit; in the first nine months of this year, it netted $9 million.
AV Homes, Inc and JEN Partners, , a New York City-based residential investment company, through a newly formed entity, acquired 527-acres at Eastmark , DMB Associates' newest large-scale integrated community in Mesa. AV Homes' investment was $18.6 million; JEN Partners investment was $13.6 million.
AV Homes will control 310 acres on which it plans to build approximately 1,000 homes under its Vitalia active adult brand. JEN Partners plans to develop the remaining 217-acre into a gated executive club community where it will sell approximately 550 developed home sites to a select group of luxury home builders.
AV Homes Executive Vice President Carl Mulac said the opportunity to be associated with Eastmark gives the company strong positions in both the East and West Valley active adult markets. "Eastmark is clearly one of the best development locations in the region. As the local home building industry continues to improve, we will be well positioned to serve active adults in two proven markets," he said. The company is currently building at its CantaMia active adult community located in the West Valley's Estrella master-planned community.
mardi 27 novembre 2012
Nintendo's Wii U is "effectively sold out." Sales surpass 400,000 in its first week in the U.S
From Experian, the retailers getting the most searches on Cyber Monday are Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Best Buy Co. Inc. Inc. (NYSE: AMZN), Sears Holdings Corp, and Target Corp.
The most searched for product is the Kindle Fire, followed by Uggs (footwear from Decker Outdoor Sports Inc. (NASDAQ: DECK), iPads and iPods from Apple Inc. , Legos, and the Wii U game console from Nintendo.
From Experian, the retailers getting the most searches on Cyber Monday are Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Best Buy Co. Inc. Inc. (NYSE: AMZN), Sears Holdings Corp, and Target Corp.
The most searched for product is the Kindle Fire, followed by Uggs (footwear from Decker Outdoor Sports Inc. (NASDAQ: DECK), iPads and iPods from Apple Inc. , Legos, and the Wii U game console from Nintendo.
Three months ended Nine months ended Sept. 30, Sept. 30, 2012 2011 2012 2011 Sales $35,359 $18,969 $88,878 $58,266 Net earnings 4,243 2,331 12,262 8,429 Per share -- basic 0.21 0.12 0.61 0.42 Per share -- diluted 0.21 0.12 0.60 0.42 All figures are in thousands except per-share amounts.
Shares Issued | 20,267,104 |
Canada faces a similar dilemma. Ongoing negotiations between GM and Chrysler and the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) union illustrate the unattended costs of the oil (and, commodity) boom. Without significant changes in shop floor practices and a re-structuring of wage scales, both auto makers are threatening to shift production from Ontario back to the United States.
Automodular a un contrat avec Ford qui se termine en 2014, en même temps que les
TCA vont commencer à brasser la cage des gouvernements et des constructeurs.
lundi 26 novembre 2012
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