samedi 25 septembre 2010


Vendredi dernier dans mon "placotage" de bourse avec Jeff Fillion sur j'ai parlé rapidement d'une compagnie Chinoise dans l'Alimentation qu'il fallait mettre sur notre watch list...Zhongpin HOGS.q Et aujourd'hui par hasard je tombe sur un texte qui dit qu'il n'y a pas seulement moi qui s'intéresse au stock de "cochon".
September 25, 2010
Dinakar Singh's hedge fund firm TPG-Axon Capital Management recently filed a 13G with the SEC regarding shares of Zhongpin . Per the filing, TPG-Axon has disclosed a 5.18% ownership stake in HOGS with 1,800,000 shares. Due to portfolio activity on September 21st, this marks a 484% increase in the fund's position size as Singh's firm only owned 307,845 shares back on June 30th.A former partner at Goldman Sachs, Dinakar Singh founded TPG-Axon in 2004 in partnership with the private equity firm Texas Pacific Group, launching with $5 billion.

Pickens est de notre bord .

Billionaire T. Boone Pickens has a plan to rid the U.S. from Middle Eastern oil, and while his lobbying efforts are most often directed at domestically produced natural gas, he talked up Canadian oil in Calgary this week. According to coverage by the Calgary Herald, Pickens said the U.S. should import more Canadian oil while developing its own natural gas supplies. “We cannot continue to buy oil from the enemy,” Pickens explained, citing security concerns tied to Saudi Arabian imports.

Ford news

Ford and Chinese partner, Changan Ford Mazda Automobile Ltd., plan to build a $500 million engine plant in China.
They signed a memorandum of understanding with the city of Chongqing on Saturday. Construction is to begin next year with engine production starting in 2013. The plant can make 400,000 engines annually; more than double the partnership's existing engine capacity.
Ford is the 11th-ranked brand by sales in the Chinese market, but its sales have risen dramatically since it entered the country in 2003. Ford and its partners have sold 368,103 vehicles in China through August, an increase of 42 percent from a year ago.

vendredi 24 septembre 2010


Le site internet Kitco n'a jamais eu autant de pub de compagnies juniors . Pompage et visibilité est la clef du succès pour certains stocks.
Gold is hot baby !

jeudi 23 septembre 2010

Mead Johnson

Mead Johnson Nutrition Company en IPO 2009 à 26$ était une aubaine. Aujourd'hui à 55$ il y a des chances que" la ride" ne soit pas finie.
Très mauvaise nouvelle pour le compétiteur !
Drugmaker Abbott Laboratories said Wednesday it is recalling millions of containers of its best-selling Similac infant formula that may be contaminated with insect parts.
The company said the products may contain a small beetle or larvae, which could cause stomach ache and digestion problems

Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Aujourd'hui Blockbuster va annoncer sa liquidation.

mercredi 22 septembre 2010


En fouinant sur mes affaires de bourse je tombe quelques fois sur des commentaires "spéciaux" ....les forums de discutions ...les même certains experts reconnus sortent des choses comiques.
Apple achetée par les Chinois.... >
The Chinese politburo recently invited Hong Kong’s Li Gar Shing, China’s top Billionaire biz wiz based in the real estate market, to Beijng for ideas to turn China’s slowing economy back up. The cycle of US-buying and investing by Chinese is over. China is investing in herself, collaborating with cestial beings such as Apple Inc. which is the best business the US has to offer. Would China buy Apple Inc? Give me one good reason why not? Country the scope of China need innovations, brilliant management, execution, solid culture, enlightened discipline, company loyalty, knowledge, experience, balls, engineering excellence, dedication, customer loyalty, undying energy, company history of high performance, keen insights. In short, Apple singlehandly can alter the balance of power between Beijing, and Washington. And if you sit yourself in front of the US airport terminals, you will see the mandarin of the US flowing into China on Mondays, and flowing home on Fridays. By Beijng buying Apple for $1 Trillion, what’s holding China back?

74% of Chinese Have Never Applied for a Credit Card

As many as 74% of urban Chinese households have never applied for a credit card, a second-quarter survey released over the weekend jointly by Tsinghua University and Citigroup has found, revealing a huge market potential. Of the 5,200 households in 24 cities, only 19% applied and succeeded with the remaining 7%'s application for a credit card denied. Up to 80% of them would borrow money from relatives or friends, and only 19% would turn to banks, added the report.

2000 $


Vous le savez tous que j'ai une "tonne" de fric dans F.nyse à 12.00$ cette "position" est en mode "hold". Je vise le long terme..( si c'est court tant mieux ).....bon vise 16 "piasses" .Voilà que ken heebner, via son fond CGM Capital Growth Management a augmenter sa participation dans la compagnie de 13 000 actions pour un total de 53,3 millions .
merci mon vois ça comme une nouvelle positive,

Les rats quittent le bateau

President Barack Obama's top economic adviser, Lawrence Summers, plans to leave the White House at the end of the year, a move that comes as the administration struggles to show an anxious public it's making progress on the economy.
L. Summers est le troisième membre de l'équipe économique d'Obama à "décrisser" ces derniers mois, après le départ de directeur du budget Peter Orszag et Christina Romer, chef du Conseil des conseillers économiques, qui ont tous deux quitté cet été.
Le secrétaire au Trésor Timothy Geithner est le dernier a défendre les politiques en déconfiture du président des U.S.A

wishful thinking

Research In Motion RIMM.q fabricant du smartphone Blackberry va sortir quelques jours avant Noël son "Tablet PC" pour rivaliser avec le iPad.

"" If the product sell well, it will be a miracle. It would be nice to finally see Apple challenged, but it’s just wishful thinking.""

mardi 21 septembre 2010

Un fond négocié en bourse 100% lithium

Global X Funds, un gérant de fonds basé à New York et spécialisés sur les fonds indiciels, ou ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) offre aux investisseurs le premier ETF basé sur le lithium. Le fond a été lancé en juillet dernier à 17.00$« C’est la meilleure manière d’investir dans une commodité "verte", car il est directement corrélé aux marchés des énergies renouvelables tel le véhicule électrique ou le stockage d’énergie »
Ce nouvel ETF est l’indice Solactive Global Lithium, construit pour dupliquer les résultats des plus importantes et des plus performantes sociétés, tout en ayant une forte liquidité, parmi les producteurs de batteries d’accumulateurs au lithium (49%) et les principaux mineurs et raffineurs de ce métal (51%). Globalement, une vingtaine d’entreprises différentes, avec une capitalisation combinée de près de 30 milliards de dollars, sont inclues dans cet indice. Les trois principaux producteurs de lithium sont là, le chilien SQM et les Américains FMC Corp et Rockwood Holdings.

Le Google Chinois engage.......

Baidu Inc BIDU.q , the world's largest Chinese language search engine, has launched a recruitment program aimed at scouting 1,000 professionals for over 40 of its divisions. Nearly 300 positions are non-technical. The plan will take place in the universities of the nation's largest cities and runs until October 26. pendant ce temps le stock brise son haut à vie !

lundi 20 septembre 2010


American home builders say that the housing market is not recovering.

They blame the unemployment problem, implying that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. A large number of economists believe that joblessness will rise before it falls......Et pour les "shorteux" pourquoi pas une liste des constructeurs Américains......En ordre alphabétique !


Un peu de lecture

"If you lost money investing in Arena Pharmaceuticals you might want to consider buying AEZS before it doubles."


Ford Motor Co has said it will start selling its Edge in China in October to mark its entry to the nation's SUV market, where 750,000 trucks were sold last year compared to 160,000 five years earlier. Backed by Ford's 2.0T EcoBoost technology, the model is sold between $27,220 and $38,070 in the United States and expected to cost 30% more in China due to tariff.
According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, SUV sales climbed 133% to 587,000 units in the first half of this year to become the fastest expanding segment market, and 54.8% of the 353,000 vehicles China exported in 2009 were SUVs.