jeudi 21 juin 2012

Japon ; c'est fini le nucléaire ! ...ah oui?

Last week, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda ended Japan's month-long freeze on nuclear power. On June 16, after the Prime Minister met with three Cabinet ministers sharing nuclear approval authority, he stated that two reactors at Kansai Electric Power's Ohi nuclear plant could be put into operation. The Ohi plant serves the second-largest urban region within Japan, and Kansai immediately began working towards starting the reactors, estimating that the first should be up running in early July and the second by mid-July.
Japan will slowly reopen most of the nuclear plants that provided almost one-third of the nation's energy, before being shut down after the meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima station in March of 2011. The decision to restart nuclear power usage follows a deal between political parties that also included a consumption tax increase. The nuclear power restart is still unpopular with many Japanese people, but many industrial businesses have claimed they require the power.
This could be the start of something in the potential turnaround for uranium miners. Japan was formerly one of the largest users of nuclear power, and its moratorium on the use had a significant reduction in the overall demand for the commodity. The last year was exceptionally negative for uranium miners and the radioactive element itself. Beyond Japan's actions, Germany added that it planned to phase out nuclear power production. Japan's ramping up of its sizable nuclear power development should help buoy demand for uranium, and also help stabilize or increase its price.
After a serious surge to start off the year, where several uranium producers appreciated by more than 60% in January, most have since been stuck in their state of gradual decline that accelerated when the broader equity commodity markets also began to decline.
Emerging market demand trends for uranium look strong, with both China and India announcing multi-year plans to develop nuclear power infrastructure. China plans to increase its nuclear capacity eight-fold by the end of the decade and India plans to increase its production thirteen-fold. Other nations within Asia and Southeast Asia could follow their lead. If this were to happen, emerging market demand would likely replace and even surpass current first-world demand for uranium. Natural gas is not a cheap option in Asia.




-85% depuis 2008

Le numéro deux mondial du hamburger, Burger King, est revenu en Bourse hier..... un an et demi seulement après avoir été retiré de la bourse , à la faveur d'un énième changement de composition de son capital alors qu'il cherche toujours un nouvel élan.
La chaîne de restauration rapide, désormais cotée sous le symbole BKW pour Burger King Worldwide a clôturé en hausse de 3,52% à 15,01 dollars.
"L'entreprise a énormément bénéficié de sa reprise par" le fonds 3G, qui l'avait rachetée en septembre 2010 pour 4 milliards de dollars et l'avait alors sortie de la cote.
 Le bénéfice net hors éléments exceptionnels du groupe a progressé de 22% entre 2010 et 2011.
Fonctionner en tant qu'entreprise cotée va permettre de capitaliser sur une dynamique positive. 2011 a été une année pivot et Burger King Worldwide est bien positionné pour une croissance de long terme sur le marché international.
En avril, 3G a cédé 29% du fabricant du Whopper à un fonds britannique, Justice Holdings, pour 1,4 milliard de dollars en numéraire, ce qui valorise Burger King à 4,8 milliards de dollars, nettement plus que les 4 milliards investis.
Justice Holdings est une entité d'investissement ad hoc créée spécialement pour cette opération et qui comprenait trois investisseurs, Bill Ackman, Nicholas Berggruen et Martin Franklin.
Justice doit fusionner avec Burger King, rebaptisé Burger King Worldwide et dont le siège va être déplacé de la Floride vers le Delaware . Ce rapprochement devrait être achevé début juillet.
Burger King a été distancé ces dernières années par le numéro un du hamburger, McDonald's, dans le renouvellement de son offre et la rénovation de ses restaurants.
Le 1er avril, il avait annoncé un nouveau menu ressemblant à celui de son rival, avec plus d'options saines comme les smoothies aux fruits et les salades, alors que les fast-foods sont régulièrement accusés d'être responsable de l'épidémie d'obésité aux Etats-Unis.
A l'issue de l'opération boursière de mercredi, 3G détient 71% de Burger King, les trois actionnaires de Justice détiennent 13% collectivement, et 16% sont désormais cotés.
"L'équipe de direction à la tête de l'entreprise depuis 2010 reste en place"

mardi 19 juin 2012

NEW 5.06% Stake in Cooper \ Mandel est à "watcher"

In a  filing on Cooper Cos. (NYSE: COO), Stephen Mandel's hedge fund Lone pine Capital disclosed a 5.06%, or 2,435,937 share, stake in the company. The firm did not hold shares at the end of the latest quarter ending March 31, 2012.

The Cooper Companies, Inc. engages in the provision of medical devices for healthcare professionals worldwide. It offers spherical lenses that correct near and farsightedness; toric multifocal lenses, which correct near and farsightedness, as well as address various complex visual defects, such as astigmatism and presbyopia; and aspherical, toric, and multifocal lens products. The company also develops, manufactures, and markets medical devices, diagnostic products, and surgical instruments and accessories that improve healthcare delivery to women in various clinical settings. It markets its products through sales representatives, independent agents, and distributors. The Cooper Companies, Inc. was founded in 1980 and is based in Pleasanton, California.


Microsoft  unveiled today at its event in Hollywood Surface: PCs, showing two Windows tablets. Conceived, designed and engineered entirely by Microsoft employees, Surface represents a unique vision for the seamless expression of entertainment and creativity, Microsoft said.
 Two models of Surface will be available: one running an ARM (ARMH) processor featuring Windows RT, and one with a third-generation Intel (INTC) Core processor featuring Windows 8 Pro. Both will be sold in the Microsoft Store locations in the U.S. and available through select online Microsoft Stores. Surface sports a full-sized USB port and a 16:9 aspect ratio and a uouch cover. Suggested retail pricing will be announced closer to availability and is expected to be competitive with a comparable ARM tablet or Intel Ultrabook-class PC. OEMs will have cost and feature parity on Windows 8 and Windows RT. 

lundi 18 juin 2012

Galaxy 3 ....

Samsung  a fait savoir qu’il retarderait la sortie duGalaxy S III au Canada en raison d’une « demande sans précédent ». On ne sait pas si les difficultés de production de la version bleue du châssis sont aussi en partie responsables de ce retard.
 Les pré-commandes de Galaxy S III avaient atteint 9 millions au mois de mai dernier. Le lancement du nouveau terminal est donc un succès, malgré un retard sur le modèle bleu qui souffre de décolorations.
Les retards ne sont pas seulement au Canada, puisque Verizon aux États-Unis et Clove au Royaume-Uni ont aussi dû commercialiser le téléphone plus tard que prévu. Samsung ne communique pas sur le nombre de téléphones vendus, mais selon les premières informations en provenance des opérateurs, il semble y avoir une demande forte depuis la mise sur le marché du téléphone en mai dernier ...... Cela s’explique en partie par le fait que son soc exynox 4 quad et son autonomie le place parmi les smartphones les plus performants du moment.

Zynga has nothing to announce at this time....MAIS ?

 Despite Zynga's recent sharp share price decline, the company is "rolling the dice" on its future: online gambling.

The San Francisco-based social gaming company is exploring the potential online gaming market, according to Mike Gupta, Zynga's vice president of finance and treasurer.

Online gambling is still illegal in the United States, but it's legal in other countries, including Britain. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has tried to push forward online gambling legislation, only to see it fail. Zynga may be poised to capitalize on any such legislation

 Zynga recently launched its own platform, and has partnerships withGooglePlus, Tencent and a recent announcement with Sina Weibo to bring Draw Something to the Chinese social network.
Potential partners include casino operators such as Wynn CasinosCaesar's Entertainment and others.
The continued expansion of gambling in the United States will most certainly happen, as the federal government seeks to generate additional revenue to help pay down the federal deficit. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has already said that he will push forward with his state's decision to allow sports gambling. The federal government, however, still has not approved sports gambling outside of Nevada, Oregon, Montana and Delaware.