jeudi 28 juin 2012

Google pad...une scrap pour les pauvres

Google today unveiled a new Android-based tablet, the Nexus 7. The device, being produced with PC maker Asus, will have a 7-inch screen, an nvida Tegra 3 quad-core CPU, the new Android 4.1 OS – Jelly Bean! – and a price tag of $199. It ships in mid-July.
Topeka Capital analyst Brian White sees nothing for Apple to worry about here. True, the Nexus 7 will sell well below the entry level $499 price for the latest iPad, but the iPad 2 starts at $399, both with a larger 9.7-inch screen. He also thinks an Apple iPad mini is coming later this year; his guess is a fall launch and a price tag of $250-$300. White notes that the resolution of the new Google pad – 1280-by-800 – is far lower than the 2048-by-1536 on the iPad with a Retina display. And he notes that the Nexus 7 is WiFi only; you can get an iPad with 3G connectivity.


The New York Times is introducing a Chinese-language Web site, part of a continuing effort to expand its reach to international readers.
The site, which is called and went live Thursday morning China time, is intended to draw readers from the country’s growing middle class, what The Times in its news release called “educated, affluent, global citizens.’’
The site will feature about 30 articles a day on national, foreign and arts topics, as well as editorials. Joseph Kahn, the paper’s foreign editor, said that about two-thirds of the content would be translated from Times articles and one-third would be written by Chinese editors and local freelance journalists.


Research in Motion Ltdn  is set to report earnings after the close on Thursday.  Investors have to now be prepared for something they have not seen in years and years.  The new expectation is for operating losses.

j'ai envie de mettre un ordre à 7.50$ pour 1k les vidanger next week....;)

mardi 26 juin 2012

Le stock monte tout le temps ! ?....MNR.nyse

Google tablet

Apple has cemented its dominance in the tablet market, but that hasn't stopped competitors from trying to chip away at the iPad's market share and fight for the runner up position. The latest entrant, Microsoft's  "Surface," was introduced last week with strong fanfare. But its time in the spotlight may be short-lived as Google  is expected to unveil their own tablet, the Nexus 7during this week's I/O developer's conference.
"For Google this is certainly a big opportunity," says David Garrity of GVA Research, adding that the tech behemoth may be better positioned to beat out Microsoft due to its history across software and hardware, especially after acquiring Motorola Mobility.
"Google I think could potentially have a product that does pose a threat. However, that said, Apple is still the name to beat in terms of the space," says Garrity. He points to Apple's unparalleled momentum and years of brand equity as primary reasons why Google and just about any other competitor will have trouble making significant dent in the tablet market.
As for Microsoft and the aforementioned Surface, Garrity suggests they may not even be competing for the same customers. He predicts the company's foray into hardware (Xbox not withstanding) will put the Surface more in line with Ultrabooks in terms of pricing rather than slightly cheaper tablets.Garrity says Microsoft won't "throw over a business model that has served them reasonably well for about the last 30 years to come out and transform wholly into an integrated provider of hardware and software." Rather, in his view the Surface is a product that will highlight the strengths ofWindows 8 and what the platform is capable of.
With Apple, Google, and Microsoft leading the tablet pack, Garrity reminds us not to discount the old guards like Dell and Hewlett Packard . He argues both have perfectly good reasons to enter the fray, but whether or not they do depends on Microsoft loyalty for Dell and whether Meg Whitman can, or even wants to, succeed in a market that her HP predecessors clearly avoided.


Les banques centrales continuent à acheter massivement de l'or pour diversifier leurs réserves. D'après les derniers chiffres publiés par le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) aujourd'hui , la Russie a acquis en mai 15,5 millions de tonnes pour un montant de 790,7 millions de dollars. Cela porte ses réserves à leur plus haut niveau depuis au moins 1993. Avec un peu plus de 911 tonnes dans ses coffres, Moscou détient aujourd'hui plus de deux fois de lingots qu'il y a cinq ans.
Les réserves de la Turquie ,un pays qui a longtemps joué un rôle clef dans le marché de l'or -ont progressé de 5,7 tonnes à 245 tonnes, celles de l'Ukraine de 2,1 tonnes à 32,7 tonnes et celles du Kazakhstan de 1,8 tonne à 100 tonnes, souligne le rapport de FMI.
Cette tendance n'est pas nouvelle. Les banques centrales, principalement d'Asie et des pays émergents, ont nettement accru leurs achats d'or ces dernières années. Au cours du premier trimestre de 2012, le Mexique avait récupéré à lui seul près de 17 tonnes.
Depuis un mois et demi, l'once d'or oscille autour de 1.600 dollars. Le prix du métal précieux a certes baissé depuis son pic historique à 1.900 dollars en septembre 2011, mais il reste l'une des rares matières premières en progression depuis le début de l'année (+1,1%), après onze années consécutives de hausse.


Since 1973, the four companies in the table have traded at an average premium of 51% to U.S. stocks. Today, the premium is just 22%. 
This is a historically tiny "spread" over the regular names. I expect this spread will widen again – and that someone will make a lot of money when it does. 

Now is a time to buy the expensive stock. Now is a time to buy the "Cokes" of the world. 

1972 P/E 2012 
 46.4 19.5 
Johnson & Johnson 
57.1 13.3 
71.2 17.3 
71.0 16.5 

US home prices rose an average of 1.3% in April according to the latest S&P Case-Shiller home price index. Prices rose in both the 10-city and 20-city indexes after seven consecutive months of decline.
On a monthly basis, only Detroit of the 20 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) saw prices decline, and 18 of 20 MSAs enjoyed a better annualized rate of return. Only New York and Detroit showed lower rates.