samedi 19 novembre 2011

pourquoi ?

pourquoi la France a une meilleur cote que le Brésil ?

FR dette AA A 1 646,1 milliards d'euros 84,5 % du PIB deficit public:-7% du PIB prevision de croissance: +0.9%

BR dette BBB 1 200 milliards de dollars 60.8% du PIB excedent budgetaire:+4.5% du PIB prevision de croissance: +7.5%

vendredi 18 novembre 2011

ce vendredi sur RADIOPIRATE.COM avec Jeff...

Imagerie pour les saoulons.....fuck you China ! peut-être la prochaine machine à fric internet...

...une humble chronique de boursicotage !

Steve Cohen is one of the best stock-pickers on the planet.

Cohen founded SAC Capital in 1992. Today, it's one of the largest hedge funds in the world, with over $14 billion in assets under management.
Since inception, Cohen has averaged more than 30% returns annually for his clients. These returns put him in the same class as investor legends Warren Buffett and George Soros. Based on his exceptional track record, I always pay close attention to what stocks Cohen is buying. And right now, Cohen is making some interesting energy bets...
In recent interviews, Cohen has expressed his bullishness on natural gas stocks. That's probably why he holds stakes in Anadarko Petroleum (producer), Plains Exploration (producer), and Weatherford (oil & gas services).
He also just picked up a new position: On September 9, Cohen disclosed a 5.9% stake in Heckmann (HEK). The water services company has a market-cap of only $650 million.
Heckmann is one of the few pure-play water solution companies in the energy sector. In short, the company provides infrastructure like pipelines and treatment centers to produce and recycle water for companies that use hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling.
Water is an essential component in hydraulic fracturing. Under high pressure, it's used to break up shale rock formations underground and let the oil and gas out. According to natural gas producing giant Chesapeake Energy, one horizontal deep-shale well requires an average of 5 million gallons of water. (That's equivalent to 80 billion bottles of drinking water.)
Chesapeake a dit dernièrement qu'il va y avoir plus de 25 000 puits dans le bassin Utica.
Getting this much water to drilling sites can be difficult. Also, companies must have a way to dispose or recycle the water for future drilling once the well is completed. That's where Heckmann comes in.

jeudi 17 novembre 2011

5 X Vegas = Macau
Robert Carter est en feu !.....( ou sur la coke )
My price target is $32.60 which is a P/E multiple of 10 for a company whose earnings growth rate is now similar to SINA's and BIDU's. Once investors fully understand and appreciate AERL's business !!....AERL.q a fermé à 6.70$ et est basée au ïles caymans....

mercredi 16 novembre 2011

Deux dirigeants de la Réserve fédérale américaine se sont prononcés mardi en faveur d'un nouveau plan de soutien à la croissance économique, ce à quoi s'est opposé le président de la Fed de Saint-Louis James Bullard.

Ces divisions illustrent les difficultés du président de la Fed Ben Bernanke à trouver un consensus autour de l'idée que l'institut d'émission doit faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour remettre sur pied le marché de l'emploi.

John Williams, président de la Fed de San Francisco et Charles Evans, président de la Fed de Chicago, ont en effet tous deux fait référence à un taux de chômage très élevé pour démontrer qu'un soutien à la reprise économique était nécessaire.

"Une action continue de la Réserve fédérale est nécessaire au soutien d'une économie fragile", a déclaré John Williams lors d'un discours en Arizona.

Il a toutefois ajouté qu'il souhaitait attendre que de nouvelles données confirment le recul de l'inflation avant de lancer un nouveau programme de relance.

Charles Evans, connu pour ses prises de positions plus tranchées en faveur d'une action forte de la Fed, a estimé que ces mesures devaient être prises immédiatement.

"Dans la mesure où nous ne constatons pas d'amélioration satisfaisante (...) je pense qu'un nouveau programme de rachat d'actifs consoliderait notre engagement en faveur d'une politique accommodante", a-t-il déclaré à la presse après un discours à New York.

Le rachat de titres adossés à des crédits immobiliers pourrait également assainir un marché immobilier en difficulté, a-t-il ajouté.

La Fed a abaissé ses taux d'intérêts à un niveau proche de zéro au moins jusqu'en 2013 il y a près de trois ans et a racheté 2.300 milliards de dollars d'obligations.

mardi 15 novembre 2011

un petit stock à watcher


""Management has reviewed the combined Twin Butte and Emerge asset base, and believes there is the opportunity to provide attractive total returns to investors by providing both sustainable income (through dividends) and moderate internal production growth. The oil leveraged combined assets have the potential to generate sufficient cash flow to pay strong dividends while leaving sufficient cash flow to finance internally generated annual production growth, targeted at approximately 3 to 5 per cent.""

take the money and run....

LinkedIn Corp.'s employees and early backers plan to sell more than 6.7 million shares as they try to reap the gains from a rapid run-up in the online professional networking service's market value.

CEO Jeff Weiner wants to sell more than 372,000 shares,among LinkedIn's management. The company listed the amounts in a regulatory filing Monday.

After two years as LinkedIn's CEO, Weiner is in line for a $29 million windfall from the sale. That's based on Monday's closing price of $78.49 for LinkedIn's shares. The stock sold for $45 per share in an initial public offering completed in May.

....alors si la compagnie a 135 millions de membres....pourquoi ils veulent décrisser.?

voyage compétition du voyage en ligne est très forte et les derniers résultats de Elong confirme que cette petite compagnie a réussis à vivre malgré sa 2em position dans le online travel en Chine.
La rumeur parle que le gros Ctrip ( no 1 75% du marché chinois)serait en mode achat..LONG.q semble la première proie ....mais moi je pense que CTRP.q veut venir faire de la business
en Amérique et en Europe maintenant......alors...
Il y a quelque chose qui m'agace depuis quelque temps.
Blackstone group BX.nyse est dans plusieurs cages à homards....autrement dit, le groupe est propriétaire de beaucoup d'actions de cie qui sont dans la cave....OWW.nyse en fait partie.
BX.nyse possède 55 millions de parts sur les 103M et voudrait bien sauver les firme est 'in' dans les 12-15$
Ctrip veut grossir et BX veut vendre...

lundi 14 novembre 2011

buy sell buy sell buy sell

Groupon, Inc. (NASDAQ: GRPN) is trading lower this morning. What we knew going into this week was that Monday would mark the start of stock options trading in Groupon. This allows traders to create a synthetic short sale by buying a put option. It also allows investors and speculators the chace to get long without ponying up the full amount by buying call options or even by taking a riskier trade of selling put options.

CNBC has also just reported that a boutique named Northcoast Securities has issued a SELL rating on the stock. Apparently they have the same concerns we have on the stock.

en fin de semaine un groupe d'analyste avait un buy target de 32$

les bonnes nouvelles sont demandées..en .criss!

Bombardier Inc.'s Bombardier Commercial Aircraft will debut a full-scale flight deck demonstrator for the all-new C Series aircraft at the Dubai air show, which opens on Nov. 13.

Visitors to the Bombardier C Series aircraft dome, situated at P1, will experience first-hand the most advanced flight deck demonstrator in the industry.

"The all-new design of the C Series aircraft flight deck benefits from the latest avionics technology and will set the new standard," said Robert Dewar, vice-president and general manager, C Series, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft. "The C Series aircraft flight deck features a number of state-of-the-art communication and navigation aids, developed with the future in mind. Our integrated design approach offers reduced costs through increased operational efficiency and reduced pilot training, while improving reliability. The result is a finely tuned human-machine interface, which the demonstrator allows visitors to experience.


who is the typical customer of McDonald's? If you answer "the poor," you'd be wrong.

See, contrary to conventional wisdom, the poor actually don't eat a lot at McDonald's, but people in the middle class do:

Leigh and colleague DaeHwan Kim analyzed 1994-96 data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals and the accompanying Diet and Health Knowledge Survey. The data included responses from 5,000 Americans who were asked about restaurant dining habits, income, race, gender, age and education.

The researchers found that people visited fast-food restaurants more often as their household income increased — at least up to a point. Fast-food visits rose along with annual income up to $60,000; beyond that, visits started to drop back down, replaced by full-service, sit-down dining at slightly higher prices.

Based on the data, the researchers described the typical fast-food consumer as a lower-middle income head of household, who is budget-conscious and harried and likes the convenience and low price of fast food, compared with other restaurants. Poor people, by contrast, can't easily afford fast-food "value meals," and the poorest, who may rely on the FNS Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, certainly can't use food stamps at McDonald's.