samedi 2 avril 2011

cliquez pour agrandir...
Ça fait 15 jours que ça force le 1.30$ et le stock résiste...est-ce le "bottom" ??

Fortune magazine

At Morgan Stanley that analyst is Katy Huberty. In a Fortune article she describes two possible scenarios for Apple. One is her best case. The other is her bearish take. Her bullish case is for Apple to sell 87 million iPhones and 65 million iPads, in which case she predicts Apple's stock to reach $540. Even if Apple ships only 72 million iPhones and 30 million iPads, the forecast is for $410.

In the latest sign that producers are expecting global demand for crop nutrients to surge this year, Russia’s OAO Uralkali said its Belrusian Potash Co. will raise prices in May for Brazilian customers. Amid surging prices for agricultural commodities farmers are looking to boost crop yields, opening the door for fertilizer makers to raise prices. Belrusian Potash will charge up to $525 per metric ton of Potash in May up from a prior price of $475, Bloomberg News reported. Uralkali raised prices for Chinese customers by 14% in January to $400 per metric ton. The Uralkali news is proving to be a boon for North American fertilizer producers. Potash Corp of Saskatchew (POT )and Mosaic Company (MOS ), the two largest North American potash producers, are both higher by 3% today. Agrium (AGU) and CF Industries Holdings (CF) are higher by 2% while Monsanto Company (MON), the maker of genetic seeds, is up 1%, as is Intrepid Potash (IPI).

jeudi 31 mars 2011

Ce vendredi matin sur XM 172 avec Jeff

Un melting pot très bizarre de plein de choses....Ciné pétrole en Colombie....les gènes des athlètes et où est rendu le portefeuille Brésilien de Marie pirate de Montréal.

300 $ le baril .....c'est Pickens qui le dit !

Legendary energy investor T. Boone Pickens says oil prices at $300 a barrel could become a reality in a decade if the U.S. does not commit to changing the way it consumes and and produces the commodity. As the largest shareholder in Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE), Pickens has become a champion of increased natural gas usage over the past several years. Pickens made the comments about $300 oil in an interview with the ABC affiliate in Waco, Texas, reiterating the dangers of continuing to import oil from OPEC and that the U.S. has been void of a real energy plan for 40 years. Pickens’ firm BP Capital Management counts some of the world’s largest oil companies among its top holdings. Even with stakes in companies such as BP (BP), Europe’s second-largest oil company, and Occidental Petroleum (OXY), the fourth-largest U.S. oil company, as of the end of 2010, Pickens is a strong advocate for increasing natural gas consumption and points to heavy vehicles, such as big rigs, as an ideal place to start. “We can get to 8 million 18-wheelers with natural gas in seven years, and that would cut our OPEC oil in half,” Pickens said in the interview. BP Capital Management also held stakes in companies with significant natural gas exposure such as Chesapeake Energy (CHK), the second-largest U.S. producer of the fuel, and Devon Energy (DVN) and EOG Resources (EOG) at the end of 2010.

China's civil aviation passenger traffic rose 6.8% year on year to 21.63 million people in February, said the Civil Aviation Administration of China. Cargo traffic was down 11.8% year on year to 300,700 tons. In the first two months, passenger traffic was up 11.7% year on year to 44.3 million people and cargo traffic was up 0.7% to 797,200 tons....

China's top three airlines, China Southern Airlines Ltd (NYSE: ZNH), China Eastern Airlines Corp (NYSE: CEA) and Air China Ltd ( HKG: 0753), posted a combined ¥23.4 billion in net profits for 2010, turning around from a combined loss a year earlier.

chinoiseries 360

Qihoo 360 Technology Co. (NYSE: QIHU) is not just another Chinese IPO for American investors. This one brought the growth theme of China, the internet, and security all in one offering. It might also be bringing up yet another bubble or worries of a bubble in Chinese companies wanting to sell shares to Americans. If you have seen all of the newly public Chinese companies which either have had accounting issues or which fall under those speculated or rumored to have possible accounting issues, then at least some concern is merited. Maybe this was just extreme opportunity knocking. Qihoo is said to be China’s third most popular internet company due to its secure browser. Ecommerce China Dangdang (NYSE: DANG) and Inc. (NYSE: YOKU) would likely have been followed by many more Chinese internet IPO filings had it not been for some concerns being brought up over reverse merger companies. Both of those were legitimate IPOs, but as Herb Greenberg points out on CNBC it is hard for a US investor to really know which companies are which. has held up rather well, while China Dangdang is considerably off its highs.

mercredi 30 mars 2011

Du BP à 27$...1 an déjà !

"BP , Europe’s second-largest oil company, is trading flat at 44.70$ on news company executives, including former CEO Tony Hayward, could face manslaughter charges from the Justice Department related to their decisions leading up to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico last April. The explosion led to 11 deaths and triggered the largest oil spill in U.S. history. "

Les problèmes sont pour Tony et pas pour ceux qui ont laissé leurs émotions de coté et ont acheté des parts en Avril 2010. Le géant pétrolier travail présentement à une entente avec la Russe "Rosneft" pour l'exploration de gaz et de pétrole dans l'Artique.

Amazon sur un nuage

Amazon tente de devancer Apple sur le marché de la musique en ligne. AMZN.q vient de lancer le "Cloud Drive", un service permettant aux utilisateurs de stocker leurs chansons préférées directement sur la Toile, plutôt que sur leurs disques durs. Amazon offrira gratuitement un espace de stockage sécurisé de 5 gigabits, qui pourra grimper à 20 GB si l'utilisateur achète un album sur le site. Principal avantage du service : il sera disponible sur PC, Mac, mais aussi sur tous les smartphones tournant grâce au système d'exploitation Android. "Nos clients nous ont dit qu'ils ne souhaitaient plus télécharger de musique sur leurs ordinateurs ou leurs téléphones, car ils trouvaient compliqué d'avoir à transférer les fichiers d'un appareil à un autre. Le Cloud Drive élimine la nécessité de mettre à jour constamment ses logiciels et d'utiliser des clés USB pour gérer ses affaires. Ce nouvel outil offre un avantage à Amazon sur Apple et sa plate-forme iTunes, qui permet de télécharger de la musique mais pas de les stocker à distance. Reste à savoir s'il permettra à la société de Jeff Bezos de faire mal à la Pomme dans ce domaine. iTunes concentrait 66% des téléchargements de musique au troisième trimestre 2010, tandis qu'Amazon représentait seulement 13,3% du marché d'après le cabinet NPD.


InterContinental Hotels Group plans to open 150 hotels in China doubling its presence to 300 during the next five years, said the company's Greater China CEO, who also revealed the hotel operator is developing a specific brand for China that is expected to hit the market by 2012 to 2013.

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC engages in the ownership, franchising, management, and leasing of hotels and resorts. It operates its hotels under various brands, including InterContinental Hotels & Resorts; Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts; Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts, including Holiday Inn Club Vacations; Holiday Inn Express; Staybridge Suites; Candlewood Suites; and Hotel Indigo. As of December 31, 2009, the company had 4,438 franchised, managed, owned, and leased hotels with 646,679 guest rooms in approximately 100 countries and territories worldwide. InterContinental Hotels Group was founded in 1967 and is headquartered in Denham, the United Kingdom.


International Paper a annoncé mardi l'achat d'une participation majoritaire dans le fabricant indien de papier Andhra Pradesh pour environ 260 millions de dollars. Cette opération permet à la multinationale américaine de développer ses affaires en Inde. International Paper a acquis environ 53,5% du groupe familial indien. Le géant américain a signé un accord en vue d'acquérir ultérieurement 21,5% du capital pour environ 104 millions de dollars en numéraire...en plus International Paper a relevé son dividende trimestriel à 26,25 cents par action (+40%) au 3 mois.

lundi 28 mars 2011

RESEARCH IN MOTION LTD ...Ce qui ne va pas !

RIMM selling more Blackberries each year, each phone sale actually generates dwindling profits. Every year, RIMM makes less on each Blackberry. Over the last 4 years, RIMM's profit per sale has dropped from $140 to $83 a phone....

Quand la pomme vend un iPhone....elle fait 2X le cash d'un blackberry! CVTech Group Inc. has released its fourth quarter and fiscal 2010 results for the year ended Dec. 31, 2010. All amounts are in Canadian dollars Fiscal 2010 results Consolidated revenues for 2010 were $259.9-million, up $100.2-million or 62.8 per cent from $159.7-million in 2009. Et qu'est-ce qui se passe maintenant avec TATA motors ...des news ?

EXPEDIA ....accumulez des points !®, the world's leading online travel agency, today unveiled the Expedia Rewards™ program, a first-of-its-kind program created for loyal Expedia® customers. Expedia Rewards allows members to earn points on the hotels, flights, packages and activities they book on The program provides Expedia customers a platform to earn one to four points per dollar spent, regardless of which airline or hotel they book on Travelers can redeem those points for flights on more than 140 airlines, or on hotel coupons at more than 70,000 hotels, with the option of mixing and matching airlines and choosing between a wide range of national brand and independent hotels. All of this is possible with no blackout dates or restrictions.


Youtube et les Stars

Youtube tente de charmer les vedettes de cinéma. Le site de partage de vidéos est en négociation avec les agences gérant les droits des plus grandes stars d'Hollywood. Objectif : utiliser la popularité des acteurs pour attirer les internautes et "booster" ainsi ses recettes publicitaires. Ces stars n'auraient pas à publier elles-mêmes des vidéos, mais prêteraient leur nom à une rubrique, dont elles pourraient contrôler le contenu. Pour les convaincre de participer, Youtube leur aurait proposé une avance en cash. Youtube cherche ainsi à améliorer son offre de contenus, composée jusqu'ici essentiellement de vidéos amateurs. Cette stratégie vise à monétiser un peu mieux l'audience du site en incitant les publicitaires à sponsoriser davantage de pages.

dimanche 27 mars 2011

Message d'un bon technicien sur LULU

''Garde LULU (ou LLL TSX, mais pas tres liquide) sur ta watch list ... Le manufacturier de "Overpriced Yoga Apparell" est dans un pattern interessant. J'ai fait une couples de IN Long/Short dessus jusqu'a maintenant ... tres liquide sur Nasdaq et "hyped up" aussi par beaucoups de media/analystes. Je suis sur la ligne de cote presentement dessus, j'aimerais bien acheter un B/O de "R1", mais va peut-etre me laisser tenter d'acheter un "starter" sur la 50-DMA, avec un stop a 72 (En dessous de S1). Le reste sera acheter sur B/O de R1 si j'embarque un starter sur support. Pour l'instant, c'est dans le "crosshaire", mais je n'ai pas encore bouge dessus. ''

Have fun! CCJ.nyse

``But for all that, Mr. Grandey said this week that he was still optimistic about the long-term future of nuclear power. He says he thinks the nuclear renaissance is only taking a temporary pause. ``