samedi 16 octobre 2010
vendredi 15 octobre 2010
Les festival de la pomme
Un des "after hours " le plus attendu de l'Année est celui de lundi. À 16h la cloche va sonner et Apple inc va dévoiler les résultats de son Q4.
Voici un résumé des ANALystes....
Ticonderoga said it more than doubled its forecasts for Apple to sell about 45 million iPads in 2011.
A small firm called Hudson Square even noted a $500 target based on increased market opportunities.
Citigroup recently said that earnings were likely to be above its estimates with higher gross margin on component prices.
Piper Jaffray has a Overweight rating and a $390 price target.
Deutsche Bank reiterated a Buy rating and a $375 target.
Jim Cramer has been touting the stock all week ahead of earnings and said that this $300 mark eclipse was barely a speed bump up to $325. Cramer aimed previously to have the highest earnings target on Apple.
Barclays also reiterated its Overweight rating and $385 target, no big deal on the surface. The issue is where it thought it could in market cap.
Stern Agee raised estimates but reiterated a BUY and $320 target on the stock.
Calls in the two weeks before this last two-week period that stood out were below.
Bank of America/Merill Lynch reiterated its Buy but raised its target to $400 from $365 and raised estimates for 2011 and 2012.
Oppenheimer reiterated an Outperform rating and raised its target to $345 from $330 along with the note of raised estimates.
Canaccord Genuity reiterated its Buy rating and the target here was $366.
Jefferies started a Buy rating on the stock under new coverage.
BMO Capital reiterated an Outperform and had listed the target to $328 from $320.
A small firm called Hudson Square even noted a $500 target based on increased market opportunities.
Citigroup recently said that earnings were likely to be above its estimates with higher gross margin on component prices.
Piper Jaffray has a Overweight rating and a $390 price target.
Deutsche Bank reiterated a Buy rating and a $375 target.
Jim Cramer has been touting the stock all week ahead of earnings and said that this $300 mark eclipse was barely a speed bump up to $325. Cramer aimed previously to have the highest earnings target on Apple.
Barclays also reiterated its Overweight rating and $385 target, no big deal on the surface. The issue is where it thought it could in market cap.
Stern Agee raised estimates but reiterated a BUY and $320 target on the stock.
Calls in the two weeks before this last two-week period that stood out were below.
Bank of America/Merill Lynch reiterated its Buy but raised its target to $400 from $365 and raised estimates for 2011 and 2012.
Oppenheimer reiterated an Outperform rating and raised its target to $345 from $330 along with the note of raised estimates.
Canaccord Genuity reiterated its Buy rating and the target here was $366.
Jefferies started a Buy rating on the stock under new coverage.
BMO Capital reiterated an Outperform and had listed the target to $328 from $320.
DHRM.q Une image vaut 1000 mots
Dehaier Medical Systems Limited, through its subsidiaries, designs, develops, and markets respiratory and oxygen homecare products, and other medical devices in China. It offers various medical devices, including C-arm X-ray systems, anesthesia machines, patient monitors, and general hospital products; and respiratory and oxygen homecare products, such as oxygen concentrators, CPAP devices, portable sleep screening and diagnostic devices, and thermotherapy devices; and air compressors and ventilator trolleys. Dehaier Medical sells its products primarily to distributors, as well as to hospitals, clinics, and government health bureaus directly.
jeudi 14 octobre 2010
The coal sector has enjoyed much of the same run that has been seen by other commodities of late. We are about to start getting coal companies and commodities companies reporting earnings and we wanted to see which stocks have measured up and which ones can hold up during the earnings season deluge. We wanted to review the major components to see which of these can and will be able to continue the run. The real focus is if the growth expectations can hold up in 2011 as many are turning around. We reviewed, Peabody Energy Corp. (NYSE: BTU), Massey Energy Co. (NYSE: MEE), Consol Energy Inc. (NYSE: CNX), Arch Coal Inc. (NYSE: ACI), and Alpha Natural Resources (NYSE: ANR) as earnings season approaches for these large coal players.
Du coté Canadien il y en a un qui m'énerve ! La MA50 va passer le MA200 bientôt.
mercredi 13 octobre 2010
C'est Ed Whitacre qui le dit !
General Motors devrait être introduit en Bourse en novembre au prix de 20 à 25 dollars par action, a déclaré mercredi Ed Whitactre, président du constructeur automobile.
Ed Whitacre n'a pas précisé l'ampleur de l'opération, tout en déclarant qu'elle permettrait à l'Etat fédéral américain de réduire sa participation, actuellement de plus de 50%.
Touché de plein fouet par la crise économique, le constructeur est passé par le régime des faillites l'an dernier et a reçu 50 milliards de dollars d'aides publiques. "Je ne sais combien (de titres) nous vendrons mais je peux vous dire que l'introduction en Bourse, qui aura lieu en novembre, sera une réussite", a déclaré celui qui a cédé les rênes opérationnelles de GM à Dan Akerson le 1er septembre.
Ed Whitacre n'a pas précisé l'ampleur de l'opération, tout en déclarant qu'elle permettrait à l'Etat fédéral américain de réduire sa participation, actuellement de plus de 50%.
Touché de plein fouet par la crise économique, le constructeur est passé par le régime des faillites l'an dernier et a reçu 50 milliards de dollars d'aides publiques. "Je ne sais combien (de titres) nous vendrons mais je peux vous dire que l'introduction en Bourse, qui aura lieu en novembre, sera une réussite", a déclaré celui qui a cédé les rênes opérationnelles de GM à Dan Akerson le 1er septembre.
Les petits pompeux travaillent fort sur celui-ci.
Cannabis Science, Inc. CBIS.otcbb appears to have reached a turning point after a short price burst induced by the company's announcement of its guidance on the process of getting the FDA approval for the medical marihuana products.
President & CEO, Dr. Robert Melamede Ph.D., commented, "We are at the beginning stages of our growth curve right now. This is the most exciting time yet for us all in our short history.
84,970,574 actions sur le marché...à 0,0841 $ cet après-midi
Encore des chiffres
79% of American companies doing business in China will increase investment in the county in 2011, an China survey has found. 82% were positive about China's economy. But China's recent moves in intellectual property rights and removal of some preferential treatments for foreign businesses over the past six months have upset US firms. "Despite the minor setbacks China has become a vital profit center for American corporations.
Un paquet de chiffres...
China Responsible for 76% of Global IPO Funding
Chinese firms raised $40.1 billion from initial stock sales in the third quarter of 2010, accounting for 76% of the world's total, an Ernst & Young report has revealed. There were 286 initial public offerings that financed $52.7 billion over the period, and China's 110 cases absorbed $40.1 billion, including $22.1 billion by Agricultural Bank of China, the world's largest ever IPO. The companies associated with finance, mining and manufacturing raised $26.8 billion, $5.7 billion and $5.7 billion respectively between July and September, followed by hi-tech companies' $4.5 billion. During the nine months through September 2010 globally, 888 IPOs raised $152.7 billion, eclipsing last year's $112.6 billion, added the report.
Chinese firms raised $40.1 billion from initial stock sales in the third quarter of 2010, accounting for 76% of the world's total, an Ernst & Young report has revealed. There were 286 initial public offerings that financed $52.7 billion over the period, and China's 110 cases absorbed $40.1 billion, including $22.1 billion by Agricultural Bank of China, the world's largest ever IPO. The companies associated with finance, mining and manufacturing raised $26.8 billion, $5.7 billion and $5.7 billion respectively between July and September, followed by hi-tech companies' $4.5 billion. During the nine months through September 2010 globally, 888 IPOs raised $152.7 billion, eclipsing last year's $112.6 billion, added the report.
mardi 12 octobre 2010
i Phone 4 ...nouveaux problèmes !
Barclays has set a new price target of $385 for Apple Inc which is 31% above its current share price. Si les prévisions de Barclays sont bonnes, la capitalisation boursière de "la pomme" sera supérieur à celle d'Exxon à plus de 329 Milliards.....Quand même !
The Barclays Capital analyst said that in the long term he is "excited" about the growth potential in Apple's FaceTime videoconferencing application, "which we expect to be enabled on all Apple devices over time." And short term, we believe the calendar third quarter was very strong for Apple, with momentum building into the holidays," the analyst wrote.
Cochon ( 2 )
Le message le plus regardé depuis 30 jours.... ici sur mon "humble" blog a été celui-ci
Le stock de cochon à bien performé...en 11 jours ouvrables il est passé de 15.25$ à 20.25$.
Je veux vous dire que HOGS.q a un "petit cousin" qui a donné des signes intéressants
ce lundi.....
Tianli Agritech OINK.q completed its IPO on July 21 at $6.00 and the share price initially plunged to below $4.00 during the first week of trading.
OINK is in the business of breeding, raising and selling hogs for meat and as breeders for its own use and for other hog farmers in the PRC. The company entered the hog breeding and production business in 2005 when it built its first hog farm. OINK currently operates nine hog farms with annual production capacity of approximately 110,000 hogs. Capacity will increase to 130,000 hogs once the ninth farm reaches capacity by the end of calendar 2010.
OINK is in the business of breeding, raising and selling hogs for meat and as breeders for its own use and for other hog farmers in the PRC. The company entered the hog breeding and production business in 2005 when it built its first hog farm. OINK currently operates nine hog farms with annual production capacity of approximately 110,000 hogs. Capacity will increase to 130,000 hogs once the ninth farm reaches capacity by the end of calendar 2010.
OINK has set itself apart from the competition by developing a proprietary non-antibiotic premix feed for use in its hogs. OINK adds live microbes to its swine feed that results in better absorption of the feed and a generally healthier intestinal system than would exist without the use of beneficial bacteria. Greater absorption reduces waste and feed costs by 10%-12%. The industry's typical feed cost per hog is $117 for meat hogs and $51 for breeders. OINK's costs are around $104 for meat hogs and $45 for breeders, giving the Company a competitive costing advantage. Additionally, drug free hogs are preferred and valued by OINK's customers, government regulators and informed consumers.
lundi 11 octobre 2010
Teachers et ses amis
BOMBAY/SINGAPOUR - L'offre de BHP Billiton sur Potash de 39 milliards de dollars pourrait être contrecarrée par d'autres candidats, comme le chinois Sinochem ou un fonds de pension canadien, suivant des informations de la presse.
Selon le Sunday Times, le fonds de pension canadien Ontario Teachers Pension Plan discute avec le fonds d'investissement singapourien Temasek en vue d'une offre conjointe sur le groupe minier canadien Potash, éventuellement avec un autre mineur canadien, Teck Resources.
"Tout le monde discute avec tout le monde", a déclaré une source proche du dossier.
Selon le Sunday Times, le fonds de pension canadien Ontario Teachers Pension Plan discute avec le fonds d'investissement singapourien Temasek en vue d'une offre conjointe sur le groupe minier canadien Potash, éventuellement avec un autre mineur canadien, Teck Resources.
"Tout le monde discute avec tout le monde", a déclaré une source proche du dossier.
'A Certain Number of Countries Will Go Bankrupt'
Une rare photo d'une réunion du FMI.
"Un certain nombre de pays vont faire faillite" !
Assis dans son bureau à l'Université Harvard aux stores baissés, Rogoff dit, calmement et posément:..
"Une faillite est inévitable en grèce". Il y a 95 pour cent des chances que l'Espagne fera faillite et la Hongrie est au bord du gouffre. En Europe de l'Est nous avons un certain nombre de pays qui vont faire faillite. Nous aurons un certain nombre de pays de la zone euro qui serait bien avisé de prendre un congé sabbatique de l'euro pendant un an. La situation aux États-Unis est très inquiétante. Les marchés refusent de tolérer ce niveau de la dette. Le gouvernement américain lui a demandé de commenter un projet de loi sur la réglementation du secteur financier. "Le projet avait 2.000 pages» ( Obama way ), explique M. Rogoff. "Je ne sais pas quoi dire à ce sujet. Je soupçonne que ces 2000 pages sont remplies de failles assez que Wall Street va découvrir et à exploiter pour trouver de nouveaux modèles économiques. Une véritable réforme du secteur bancaire et financier devrait considérablement réduire le système à un volume d'affaires qui existaient il y a 30 ans. Rogoff dit:.. "Le marché financier, avec l'ensemble de ses produits, ajoute jusqu'à 200 milliards de dollars, 120 milliards de dollars qui représente la négociation de titres de la dette Je me souviens d'un discours prononcé par Angela Merkel....... Elle a dit que les Américains font des profits tout en distribuant les risques, avec tous ces titres, à travers le monde. "Rogoff dit qu'il n'a jamais compris pourquoi les banques sont autorisées à gonfler leur capital, par des prêts. Pourquoi peuvent-elles faire des affaires avec de nombreuses fois plus de capital que ce qui est à leur disposition ?
Les Crises, dit Rogoff, sont des crises, et non pas la fin du monde.
dimanche 10 octobre 2010
Les Analystes financiers ont le don d'énerver les investisseurs....souvent ils mettent des "target" très haut pour "pomper" les stocks qu'ils veulent vidanger.
Credit Suisse has reiterated an Outperform rating and $28 price target on Sino-Forest Corporation TRE.TO as the investment bank ponders whether the company should distribute dividends.
"In our view, Sino-Forest is somewhat unique among timberland investment opportunities. The company's Chinese exposure is the most significant differentiating factor versus other timberland plays. Over the longer-term Sino-Forest is well positioned to benefit from China's wood fiber supply-demand imbalance."
Le titre est intéressant j'en conviens mais pourquoi crédit suisse vidange
en fin de journée vendredi....tout ça entre 16h et 16h01 ???
Buyer - Seller
1,700 123 Citigroup 72 Credit Suisse
600 123 Citigroup 72 Credit Suisse
400 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
1,600 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
2,200 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
1,400 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
300 7 TD Sec 53 Morgan Stanley
2,300 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
400 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
500 7 TD Sec 1 Anonymous
600 123 Citigroup 72 Credit Suisse
400 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
1,600 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
2,200 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
1,400 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
300 7 TD Sec 53 Morgan Stanley
2,300 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
400 7 TD Sec 72 Credit Suisse
500 7 TD Sec 1 Anonymous
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