jeudi 12 février 2009


Le stock "retail" à Jim Cramer.......he is bullish on VF Corp.

Pourquoi? La marque "the north face" aurait eu une énorme progression dans les 12 derniers mois.

Salut Salauds

Les gens font plus attention à leurs dépenses c'est temps-ci.....libre à eux.
Les émetteurs de cartes de crédit ne semblent pas aimer ça....les gens
remboursent leurs cartes et les utilisent moins.
Les salauds commencent à mettre de la pression........
Loretta Maxwell of Troy, Mich., thought her credit score of 790 buffered her against most of the fallout of the credit crunch. When Chase closed her $6,000-limit card in December without warning after two years of inactivity, she called to fight it. She was unsuccessful.
"If you're not using it, they entice you to do so, and then the moment you don't spend enough, they cut your limit," she says. (Chase says it is standard practice is to review inactive accounts. "Inactive cards with large open credit lines present a real risk of fraudulent use and large potential liabilities for Chase," says spokeswoman Stephanie Jacobson.)
In December, Discover reported that it closed three million accounts during 2008 due to inactivity, and plans to cull up to two million more. A Discover spokeswoman says the issuer is constantly reevaluating cardholder's credit and assessing whether they have the most appropriate credit line and product.

mardi 10 février 2009

Changer le plomb en Or

Les alchimistes médiévaux ont toujours rêvés de changer le plomb en Or.

Pourquoi le plomb? Parce la masse atomique du plond est supérieur à l'Or donc il était "possible" "dans la tête" des alchimistes d'enlever les 3 protons au plomb pour faire le miracle.


Chimiquement parlant, il est impossible de faire de l'Or avec du cuivre.

Le cuivre a une masse atomique inférieur......

Chimiquement non.....mais à la bourse "oui".......selon un de mes ami boursicoteur.....La prochaine "bulle" serait le cuivre !.......???(*) NO COMMENT NOW......NO DETAILS

Son choix.....un penny à Toronto CHD

lundi 9 février 2009


Associated Press
Starbucks corp, which is trying to refashion its image as a more recession-friendly coffeehouse, offered more details Monday on the breakfast "pairings" it will sell beginning March 3.The gourmet coffee chain said it will introduce value-meal type options for $3.95 each in its U.S. company-owned stores. Customers can order a tall latte and an oatmeal or a slice of reduced-fat cinnamon swirl coffee cake. Drip coffee drinkers can get a tall brewed coffee with a breakfast sandwich at the same price.Starbucks said it will also launch two new breakfast sandwiches -- a bacon sandwich with egg and gouda cheese and a ham sandwich made with egg and cheddar.Regular prices for the drinks and food items vary depending on the location of the store but a tall latte and an oatmeal can cost as much as $5. Starbucks said the pairings will provide customers with an average savings of as much as $1.20.
Seattle-based Starbucks has struggled to keep its customers as the recession has deepened and has been promoting loyalty cards and other options to give customers more value without hurting its premium brand status.The company first mentioned the pairings last month after it released fiscal first-quarter results that showed same-store sales -- or sales at stores open at least a year -- fell 10 percent in the US. The sales drop was the biggest yet for the company.

Mcdo à fait très mal à SBUX dans les deux dernières années avec les petits prix du déjeuner rapide.

Grosse année pour vous croyez à un come-back ...dans les 10.00$ c'est un stock intéressant.

En Janvier 2003, les actions de Mcdo était à 13$ et des rumeurs couraient que la compagnie s'en allait en faillite.

Les salades et les bébelles légères ont transformé l'image du resto de clown.


Depuis un an, le "sucre" à pris 4.97%.....rien d'extraordinaire... mais si nous comparons avec d'autres commodités....c'est une belle hausse.
Il y a un peu de fouinage à faire là dedans.....