samedi 6 novembre 2010

Steve Ballmer passe à la caisse

Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer has sold 49.3 million shares in the company worth some 1.33 billion dollars, according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Ballmer, 54, confirmed in a statement late Friday he is "selling some of his holdings of Microsoft stock to gain financial diversification and to assist in tax planning before the end of the calendar year."
He stressed that the move should not be seen as a lack of confidence in the software giant and he remained "fully committed" to the company.
Microsoft said Ballmer held approximately 408 million shares in Microsoft before the latest sale and plans to sell up to 75 million shares by the end of the year.
According to the SEC filing, Ballmer sold 21.87 million shares, 14.35 million shares and 13.12 million shares between Wednesday and Friday.
He currently holds 358.91 million shares in Microsoft worth some 9.64 billion dollars, or 4.2 percent of the company.

IPO fiesta

Primo Water Corporation (NASDAQ: PRMW) priced an initial public offering of 8,333,333 shares of common stock at a price of $12.00 per share. The company is a North Carolina-based and it sells three-gallon and five-gallon purified bottled water and water dispensers sold through major retailers nationwide.

The company said that it plans to use $60 million and funds from its new senior revolving credit facility. The company will issue additional shares directly to Culligan Store Solutions LLC and will pay for the Culligan Refill acquisition at roughly $105 million.


The Fresh Market Inc. (NASDAQ: TFM) just became a challenger to this week’s review of the top 7 IPO’s of 2010.. The company priced its initial public offering of 13,175,000 shares of common stock being sold by stockholders at $22.00 per share. The company is a higher-end grocery chain with fresh and premium products and it has its Old World Butcher shop, European Delicatesan and Fresh Baked Goods. The company notes, “Our goal is to become an out of the ordinary food destination store for those who enjoy cooking and good eating.

jeudi 4 novembre 2010

Vendredi matin sur Radio pirate XM 172 avec Jeff

BOISSON GAZEUSE ...LA GAGA et des p'tites affaires....


La demande mondiale de pétrole pourrait revenir à ses niveaux de 2007, la reprise augmentant la consommation d'or noir mais l'Opep n'envisage pas d'accroître ses capacités de production. Son secrétaire général Abdallah al Badri a dit que les cours du pétrole ne devraient pas renouer avec un prix de 100 dollars le baril l'an prochain, en soulignant que le degré de spéculation était aujourd'hui inférieur à celui observé en 2008, quand les cours avaient alors atteint leur pic historique à près de 150 dollars le baril.

Le sucre en folie

French food trader Louis Dreyfus predicted China would need to import a large amount of sugar in Q4 2010.

mercredi 3 novembre 2010


General Motors a finalisé mercredi les modalités d'un placement de titres de près de 13 milliards de dollars afin de rembourser l'Etat et d'en faire un actionnaire minoritaire. Le constructeur automobile compte vendre 365 millions d'actions ordinaires à un prix de 26 à 29 dollars pièce, selon le document mis à jour de sa réintroduction en Bourse déposé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). L'entrée en bourse est prévue ce mois-ci.


Vertro, Inc. VTRO is an Internet company that owns and operates the ALOT product portfolio. ALOT's products are designed to 'Make the Internet Easy' by enhancing the way consumers engage with content online. Through ALOT, Internet users can discover best-of-the-web third party content and display that content through customizable toolbar and homepage products. ALOT has millions of live users across its product portfolio. Together these users conduct high-volumes of type-in search queries, which are monetized through third-party search and content agreements.
Vertro announced it will release its third quarter 2010 financial results on Thursday, November 4, 2010, after the market close.
Les rumeurs disent que le stock va explosé !


China Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc.,
Established in 2003 in the Zhejiang province (Hangzhou)
As of September 10, 2010, the Company operates /45 drugstores
Estimate locations by March 2011 / 60 drugstores
Estimate locations by March 2014 / 300 drugstores
Each Company store is unique providing:
Prescription drugs, OTC drugs, traditional Chinese medicine and other sundries
Access to licensed physicians providing consultations and/or outpatient services
+ Premium Eastern medical services .

mardi 2 novembre 2010

If you can’t beat them, join them !

Electronic Arts Inc. ERTS.q has announced a five-year strategic relationship with Facebook. EA noted that more than 200 million people play games every month on Facebook and EA has already expanded efforts in Apps and social media, so today’s news seems a logical extension of its efforts which will likely be followed by more deals to come.
The goal is to create a simple and accessible experience for those who play games and purchase virtual goods on Facebook, and the Facebook Credits will become the exclusive payment method.
ERTS.q va sortir ses résultats après la fermeture des marché aujourd'hui. Selon certains analystes , le géant du "gaming" avait besoin d'une bonne news pour adoucir les mauvaises nouvelles...
EA is forecast to swing to a fiscal second quarter loss of 10 cents a share, according to a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters. Sales are expected to decline 30% to $815 million.

Morgan Stanley Says

Apple Inc. may triple revenue from China over two years as the maker of the iPhone expands its sales network in the country and Chinese consumers become increasingly affluent, Morgan Stanley said.
China may contribute more than $9 billion of sales to Apple in the year ending September 2012, compared with $2.9 billion last fiscal year, Morgan Stanley analysts Katy Huberty and Mathew Schneider wrote in a report yesterday. Growth of Apple’s earnings from Asia will outpace other regions, they wrote.
Apple last month started taking orders from customers in China via its website as the world’s most valuable technology company steps up efforts to market its products in the world’s fastest-growing major economy.


Billionaire investor George Soros is evidently bullish. According to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, he recently raised his stake in Platinum Group Metals - PTM.tsx to 9.7%.
Soros Fund Management now owns 15.5 million Platinum Group shares, up from just 1.5 million shares in his last disclosed quarterly portfolio, and significant enough for it to become the company's largest shareholder.
Platinum Group chiefly looks for platinum resources and has mineral rights in Canada and South Africa. It recently raised C$125 million to increase its stake in a platinum mine expansion project to 75%.
The company also recently said it's open to various "strategic" options, including a potential sale or merger, partnerships and the creation of a platinum stream, which might have also prompted an investment from the hedge fund titan.
Platinum and palladium have been rallying along with other precious metals. While gold has received the most interest because of its status as a safe haven, platinum is in demand as sales of automobiles in emerging markets continue to rise.

lundi 1 novembre 2010

VIP.nyse beau graph

cliquez pour agrandir
VimpelCom Ltd. consists of telecommunications operators providing voice and data services through a range of wireless, fixed and broadband technologies. The VimpelCom Ltd. group is headquartered in Amsterdam and has operations in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam and Cambodia, covering territory with a total population of about 345 million.

La folle et le 5 500 000 000 $

200 millions de joueurs actifs mensuels + 1 folle.

200 millions de gens "addict".,,, ça vaut une fortune !

dimanche 31 octobre 2010

top 2

La Chine se hissera au deuxième rang des économies mondiales cette année, les chiffres trimestriels du produit intérieur brut augurant d'un dépassement imminent du Japon. Directeur des investissements de Robeco Asie, Arnout van Rijn souligne que l'Empire du milieu est devenu un pays a revenus moyens, après trois décennies de croissance moyenne à deux chiffres, alors qu'il souffrait d'un dénuement extrême à la fin des années 1970. En dépit de signes de surchauffe, il ne s'attend pas à un atterrissage brutal. Il ne juge pas les actions chinoises survalorisées, mais considère que d'autres marchés asiatiques sont moins chers, à l'image de Taiwan et de la Corée du sud.
Pékin encourage les augmentations salariales, un vecteur de développement de la consommation intérieure et de réduction des inégalités et le gouvernement est conscient des enjeux environnementaux a pris des mesures pour brider la pollution des entreprises.La Chine n'est qu'à mi-parcours de son long cycle d'expansion".