jeudi 19 septembre 2013


Chiffre d'affaires

2010: 65,6 
2011: 143,6 
2012: 271,8

Résultat net2010: +4,7
2011: +6,1
2012: +0,8

French online advertising firm Criteo aims to raise up to $190 million in a listing in the United States in the coming weeks, testing investor appetite for technology start-ups ahead of bigger debuts such as social network Twitter.
The company, which uses tracking technology to target ads at consumers surfing the web, filed the preliminary prospectus for its initial public offering to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday. (
No details were given on how many American Depositary Shares Criteo aims to sell or their expected price on the Nasdaq. JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank Securities and Jefferies are the lead underwriters for the issue.
Criteo's move comes as investors pin their hopes that Twitter will reignite technology IPOs, dampened by Facebook's botched listing in May 2012.
There have been 118 IPOs in the United States this year, raising $27.9 billion, a 9 percent drop from the same period a year earlier, according to Thomson Reuters data.
Criteo, which will trade under the symbol "CRTO", was founded in 2005 in Paris and became a darling in the online advertising sector by boosting the rate at which Internet surfers click on display advertising.
Criteo's technology focuses on "re-targeting" - catching users who have visited a shopping website without buying anything, and then showing the ads for similar items on other sites in order to tempt them back.
Criteo's customers, including travel website Expedia, computer maker Lenovo and retailer Macy's, pay the start-up only when a web surfer actually clicks on the marketing message they were shown.
It is one of a slew of companies - from Google to Facebook - that is benefiting as major advertisers shift spending from television and print outlets to the Internet.
Through 2015, two-thirds of the growth in total advertising expenditures will be from the Internet, according to forecaster Zenith Optimedia. Some 24 percent of global ad spend will be online by 2015, compared with 40 percent on TV and 22 percent in newspapers and magazines.
Criteo said proceeds from the IPO would be used for general corporate purposes, including sales and marketing, product development and the acquisition and development of technologies.

La 'planche à billets' tourne dans le fond....BOOST MARKETS AND GOLD

Surprise mercredi PM. Malgré l'amélioration de l'économie américaine, la banque centrale américaine  a annoncé qu'elle maintenait intégralement son soutien exceptionnel, défiant ainsi les pronostics des analystes.

Selon le communiqué du Comité de politique monétaire (FOMC) réuni depuis mardi, la Fed va continuer d'acheter chaque mois pour 85 milliards de dollars d'obligations d'État, afin de faciliter le financement de la dette américaine, mais aussi de titres hypothécaires dans l'espoir de soutenir le marché de l'immobilier. Principale raison avancée : le resserrement actuel des conditions financières qui, "s'il continuait, pourrait ralentir le rythme de la reprise de l'économie et du marché du travail". Un resserrement des conditions financières pourtant déclenché par l'annonce d'un possible retournement de politique monétaire en juin par le patron de l'institution lui-même, Ben Bernanke...Liberté d'action
La Fed estime maintenant que les taux d'emprunt sur le marché immobilier ont trop remontés et attend davantage de preuves de la reprise économique avant de commencer à réduire son programme de rachat massif d'actifs. D'autant qu'une bataille politique s'annonce une fois encore d'ici à la fin de l'année sur le relèvement du plafond de la dette américaine.

mardi 17 septembre 2013


GTA V is a fitting tribute to the the seventh console generation and the game is set to break all sales records when it launches tomorrow. At the time of writing, GTA 5 is a matter of hours from release in the US and has seen busy midnight launches across Europe.

VGChartz estimates that total worldwide pre-order figures for Grand Theft Auto V for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have reached unprecidented levels. Our data shows that the game has more than 7 million pre-orders worldwide breaking down to around 3.7 million for the Xbox 360 and around 3.4 million for the PlayStation 3.

Sales for the day one are expected to reach more than 10 million units and this number could grow to 14-15 million units by the weekend. To put that number into perspective, the current record holder, Call of Duty: Black Ops II sold just under 11 million units in its first five days on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

lundi 16 septembre 2013

exfo sur 3 ans

La dernière fois que la MA50 ascendante a croisée la MA200 ascendante cela a fait des flammèches...
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Est-elle ascendante cette moyenne mobile 200 jours?
Semble que oui...