jeudi 4 octobre 2012

Mark Zuckerberg l'a dit !

Le réseau de socialisation en ligne Facebook a franchi la barre du milliard d’utilisateurs actifs, a annoncé ce matin son PDG Mark Zuckerberg. «Ce matin, il y a plus d’un milliard de gens utilisant Facebook activement chaque mois», a-t-il indiqué dans un communiqué publié sur le site internet du groupe.
«Aider un milliard de gens à être en contact est incroyable, cela rend humble et c’est de loin la chose dont je suis le plus fier dans ma vie», a-t-il commenté. Facebook précise que sur ce total, 600 millions de membres accèdent au site depuis un appareil mobile.
Les cinq pays où les connexions au site sont les plus nombreuses actuellement sont le Brésil, l’Inde, l’Indonésie, le Mexique et les Etats-Unis, et l'âge médian des nouveaux membres du réseau est de 22 ans, a encore indiqué le groupe.

.....«merci d’avoir donné, à moi et à ma petite équipe, l’honneur de vous servir», a encore indiqué Mark Zuckerberg dans son message, se disant «engagé à travailler chaque jour pour rendre Facebook meilleur pour vous, en espérant qu’un jour nous pourrons mettre en contact le reste du monde également».


Map Apps to Bypass the Rivalry of Google and Apple.

Avec désastre du dernier GPS map d'Apple et le Google map App qui ne sera plus disponible sur l'iPhone , les gens recherchent une solution solide pour l'Amérique et l'Europe.

Apple’s new system may offer free turn-by-turn instructions, and Google’s Android maps app is pretty powerful. But neither is as good as a dedicated mapping and navigation app.
For a high-end navigation solution, my family relies on Navigon’s app after a lot of experimentation. It’s $40 for United States maps on iOS and Android . The app is a lot like the experience you would get from a high-end dedicated GPS unit.
Once you’ve downloaded your area’s maps data from the company’s servers, it works offline and offers the usual navigation routing and text-to-speech turn-by-turn instructions. It also advises on lane choice on the freeway and even shows you a representation of street signs. The app alerts you to speed limits and speed camera positions; there’s also an extensive list of “points of interest” like pharmacies, hotels, gas stations and so on. This means that you can navigate to a city you don’t know and find services that you’ll need while you’re staying there without needing mobile data.
The Navigon app has recently been improved for pedestrian navigation, so it can help you across parts of a city that cars can’t reach. It also uses this mode as part of its Last Mile system that helps you navigate back to where you parked your car. There is also a Public Transport mode, which helps you use alternative forms of transportation, though this and a couple of other extras are in-app purchases.
L'américain Garmin, numéro un mondial du GPS autonome, a annoncé en juin 2011 le rachat de son concurrent européen Navigon grâce auquel il compte concurrencer TomTom.


Credit card customers are more responsible than they've been in over a decade.

Delinquencies on credit cards issued by banks dropped to the lowest level since 2001 during the second quarter, according to a report from the American Bankers Association released Thursday.
Only 2.93% of all bank card accounts were considered delinquent, meaning they were 30 days or more overdue. That's down from 3.08% in the first quarter and significantly lower than the 15-year average of 3.91%.
"Consumers are saving more and borrowing less as they work to pay down debt at a faster rate," said James Chessen, a chief economist at the American Bankers Association. "Economic uncertainty has made consumers hesitant to take on new debt, and building a stronger financial base has become a priority."

mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Un de mes sujets du 28 septembre dernier

Sym-XBid - AskLastChg%ChVol$Vol#TrOpen-Hi-LoYear Hi-LoLast TrNewsDelay
SRPT - Q0.142.23 · 42.350.142.35+27.31181.623,232.0829,125109,30631.73  43.30  29.2617.12  2.60


TAIPEI—Apple Inc.'s Asian component suppliers have started mass production of a new tablet computer smaller than the current iPad, people with knowledge of the situation said, as the Silicon Valley company tries to stay competitive against rivals such as Google Inc. and Inc. that are offering smaller, less-expensive alternatives to the iPad.
Two of the people said the smaller tablet will have a 7.85-inch liquid-crystal display with a lower resolution compared with the latest iPad model that came out in March.


Selon les sources d'un blog spécialisé, la commande d'Apple en fibre de carbone indiquerait que la production de nouvel iPad MINI aurait commencé.

A general consensus among analysts reveals that 2013 will be a particularly trying year for livestock producers, with higher feed prices expected to pressure producer returns. Already U.S. farmers are rushing to reduce their herds in an attempt to offset the imminent losses from sky-high feed costs. And as the industry continues to consolidate, the effects of the country’s worst drought since the 1950′s will quickly work their way onto supermarket shelves as livestock producers hike up their prices.
Makin’ The Bacon
Recently, the chief executive officer of Smithfield Food, Inc warned the masses: “If you got sticker shock on pork, you’ll have a heart attack when you look at beef.” And although everyone is preparing to empty their pockets at the grocery store next year, there is, of course, an opportunity to make a profit on Wall Street. Investors should keep a close eye on these ETFs in 2013, as the imminent increase in livestock prices may provide some lucrative returns:
  • DJ-UBS Livestock Total Return Sub-Index ETN (COW): This fund is composed of two livestock contracts: lean hogs and live cattle. COW currently has over $55 million in total assets and has an average daily trading volume of 40,469, making it the largest and most liquid ETP in its category.
  • E-TRACS UBS Bloomberg CMCI Livestock ETN (UBC): This ETN tracks an index that is designed to measure the collateralized returns from a basket of futures contracts representing the livestock sector. Contracts are diversified across two constant maturities of three months and six months.
  • Pure Beta Livestock ETN (LSTK): Unlike other products on this list, this fund applies a unique roll methodology to its livestock exposure, which is designed to reduce the impact of contango or backwardation on returns.

Because these three ETNs are futures-based products, investors should keep a close eye on their positions. Currently, lean hog futures contracts are contagoed up until June of 2013. Live cattle futures are sitting in contango through April of 2013, and a spike in price is also seen in October of 2013. Feeder cattle is also exhibiting contango through August of 2013, as far as contracts are currently offered 

mardi 2 octobre 2012


La compagnie brésilienne à bas prix GOL a commandé 60 avions mono-couloirs Boeing 737 Max pour un montant évalué à 6 milliards de dollars au prix catalogue, a annoncé lundi le constructeur aéronautique américain dans un communiqué.
Cette commande est "la plus grosse jamais passée en 12 années d'existence de GOL et la plus large commande d'avions passée par une seule compagnie dans l'histoire de l'aviation sud-américaine", précise Boeing dans son communiqué.
"Boeing a fait équipe avec GOL depuis leur naissance il y a tout juste 12 ans. Nous les avons regardés passer de petite start-up à un poids lourd de l'aviation et nous sommes fiers" qu'ils soient le "premier client sud-américain pour le 737 MAX", a commenté Ray Conner, directeur général de la branche d'aviation civile de Boeing.
GOL propose environ 810 vols quotidiens vers 63 destinations au Brésil et 12 en Amérique du sud et aux Caraïbes.

Quand  BA.nyse va repasser sa MA 200 ...ça va être un buy! for long...
Pourquoi? C'est le modèle parfait !

"natural" food

Les 2 derniers IPO de bouffe 'naturel' ont connu du succès....à surveiller Amira la reine du 'basmati'
Amira Nature Foods, a processor, distributor and marketer of packaged Indian Basmati rice, filed on Wednesday with the SEC to raise up to $100 million in an initial public offering. The company originally filed confidentially with the SEC on June 18, 2012. The Dubai, United Arab Emirates-based company, sells its packaged Indian speciality rices in over 40 countries, including India (34% of 2011 sales), Kuwait (26%) and UAE (11%).