samedi 8 janvier 2011

iPhone ...pas le 4 mais le ?

Le premier opérateur télécoms américain Verizon Wireless va commercialiser un nouvel iPhone à la norme CDMA conçu par Apple.
Aucune date de commercialisation n'a été indiquée mais selon la rumeur une annonce sera faite mardi au cours d'une conférence à New York.
Verizon et Apple ont refusé de commenter l'information.
L'iPhone 4 actuel est compatible uniquement avec les réseaux UMTS utilisés en Europe, tandis que la norme CDMA est plus répandue en Amérique et en Asie.
En after hours, l'action Verizon progressait de 2,5% + 0.87$ sur le New York Stock Exchange, tandis qu'Apple gagnait 0,6% après avoir clôturé vendredi à un plus haut historique à 336,12 dollars.

Le résumé du CES

As this year's Consumer Electronics Show comes to an end, consumers and critics alike are weighing in on the event, noting the various trends and showstoppers, as well as the products that could land under our Christmas trees in 11 months.
Benzinga spoke to Fox Business reporter Shibani Joshi this morning to get her take on the matter.
“We come here every year to scope out the newest hopefuls, the big scenes, and the ideas that will guide technology possibly for decades to come,” she said. This year, Joshi said that there are four key trends ruling the show.
(1) The Connected Living Room
Joshi said that while the idea of the connected living room has long been the promise of content creators, Internet companies, cable service providers and hardware makers, CES 2011 showed that the dream may finally becoming a reality.
“What we're seeing is this category is getting some real presence, some real traction, and a lot of deal-making going on here,” she said. “Reed Hastings, the chairman and CEO of Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX), is one of the keynotes here, and that is really reflective of the importance of the seam of the digital connected home. When you have a big content distributor like Netflix kicking things off here, it really sets the tone for what's important.”
Everyone, Joshi said, is talking about Apple TV (NASDAQ: AAPL). Google TV (NASDAQ: GOOG) has a big presence at the show as well, along with Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) and Logitech (NASDAQ: LOGI). “They have big booths here, and I've been to see all of their products, and they're really putting their best foot forward,” Joshi said, noting that each company wants to be the first to deliver the best connected living room products, because they believe that the one who gets their first – and does it right – will be the winner in the long-term.
(2) Smartphones
The second trend is an awfully familiar one: smartphones. The difference this year, Joshi says, is that the phones are being fired up with impressive computing capabilities. They boast quicker processors, download apps faster, and support 4G.
Smartphone makers are also carefully watching the operating systems, whether it's Windows Phone 7 (NASDAQ) or Google Android, to see which one is adopted and which one consumers prefer.
(3) Television Sets
TVs are once again a big hit at CES, but this year, 3D is no longer the big push. “Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp [and other TV manufacturers] are boasting about 3D capabilities [but really] focus on TVs that can do all kinds of things,” Joshi said. “HD, very big, very thin, can do 3D.”
(4) Tablets Take Over The World
“We have tablets everywhere,” Joshi said. “iPad put the tablets on the map. Now everyone's trying to compete and put out the new and the next iPad killer.”
Joshi said that almost every computer manufacturer has unveiled some kind of iPad killer.
“I've seen 20 of them myself,” she said. “One of them that I really liked is the one from Research in Motion (NASDAQ: RIMM), the PlayBook. I had a chance to play with it at CES and was really impressed. It competes head-on with the iPad with features the iPad is missing. It's got a front and a rear-facing camera. It can take video and still images. It can run flash cards.
“And it has this unique synching ability, so basically everything you have on your BlackBerry gets wirelessly synched up to the PlayBook so that you have everything that you have on your BlackBerry on your tablet, and vice versa. That connectivity, that seamlessness, is something that's going to be a growing trend and BlackBerry is picking up on that right now.

vendredi 7 janvier 2011

Former hedge fund manager and CNBC's colorful spokesman Jim Cramer has been a cheerleader behind Citigroup (NYSE: C). In early 2010 he called it a speculative play, but now he is fully convinced that the stock can trade to $12 by 2012 !!

Un frein sur le come-back de MOSANTO ?


Voici le top 6 des plus grosses compagnies Américaine pour la prévision des profits.
1. Exxon MobilProjected profits 2011: $32.3 Billion (NYSE: XOM)12 month price change: 5.33%Consensus Revenue Est. 2011: $417.6 Billion
2. MicrosoftProjected profits 2011: $21 Billion (NASDAQ: MSFT)12 month price change: -9.85%Consensus Revenue Est. 2011: $73.4 Billion
3. ChevronProjected profits 2011: $19.8 Billion (NYSE: CVX)12 Month Price Change: 14.61%Consensus Revenue Est. 2011: $247.23 Billion
4. J.P. Morgan ChaseProjected profits 2011: $19.1 Billion (NYSE: JPM)12 Month Price Change: -2.88%Consensus Revenue Est. 2011: $101.57 Billion
5. PfizerProjected profits 2011: $18.3 Billion (NYSE: PFE)12 Month Price Change: -6.16%Consensus Revenue Est. 2011: $66.09 Billion
6. AppleProjected profits 2011: $18.2 Billion (NASDAQ: AAPL)12 Month Price Change: 50.46%Consensus Revenue Est. 2011: $103.3 Billion
....j'ai été surpris de voir Wal-mart en 10 em place dans la liste à 15.5 Milliards !

jeudi 6 janvier 2011

NVDA.q le stock s'envole...

Le fabricant de puces graphiques Nvidia a annoncé qu'il allait développer des microprocesseurs centraux pour PC, appelés CPU (central processing unit), une réponse face à la pression de son compatriote Intel, numéro un mondial du marché.
Pour son "Projet Denver", présenté à l'occasion du salon annuel de l'électronique grand public à Las Vegas, le Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Nvidia dit vouloir développer de nouvelles puces destinées à toutes les machines, de la station de travail au superordinateur.
Elles intégreront sur une même pièce de silicium les fonctions de processeur graphique et de CPU et seront basées sur l'architecture ARM.
"Nous sommes en train de concevoir des coeurs CPU hautement performant (d'architecture) ARM combinés avec nos coeurs GPU (graphiques) massivement parallèles pour donner naissance à une nouvelle classe de processeurs", a déclaré Jen-Hsun Huang, directeur général de Nvidia, lors du CES.
L'entrée de Nvidia dans le domaine des CPU est considéré comme une attaque directe contre Intel, dont les microprocesseurs équipent plus de 80% des PC de la planète.

Olé !

China says it will buy as much as $7.9 billion of Spain’s sovereign debt. That is a large investment given Spain’s modest $1.3 trillion GDP. China can spare that money. Its foreign reserves are well over $2 trillion. Spain needs the money. Its current deficits and national debt are not sustainable.
China has made large investments in the debt of Portugal and Greece. The big Asian nation may single-handedly save the financial fortunes of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain.
It is unclear why China is so interested in the region. It is also fascinating that China has taken a role which was recently held by the US and IMF. China has become the sovereign debt buyer of last resort. Not even the European Central Bank is willing to be so helpful
China may believe that the distressed debt of EU nations is a risky but potentially very rewarding investment. The People’s Republic may also be concerned that if there is a partial financial collapse of Europe it will lose sales in one of its most important export markets.
China’s intentions may also be more sinister. It could want to have the kind of alliances in Europe that the US has had for decades. If so, it is another example of how China has begun to push America aside on the international stage.


Les Télévisions avec la technologie 3-D sont demeurées dans leurs boîtes en 2010. Les compagnies sont muettes sur les ventes de 2010 mais c'est un flop! Selon des membres du CES...Samsung electronics misait de façon conservatrice à 4 millions d'appareils vendus aux USA...."à peine " 900 000 ont trouvés preneurs.

LG electronic de leur coté mise maintenant à améliorer les lunettes pour quelles soient plus légères et les inclures (4 paires au lieu de 1-2 ) dans le prix d'achat.
et SONY ""demonstrated a prototype of another 3-D viewing system that's "all glasses and no TV." It's a big visor that covers the eyes, containing two small displays, one for each eye"" ??? UNE PATENTE !

mercredi 5 janvier 2011

Une cage à homard ou bien "a good move" ??

Les problèmes politiques en république de Côte-d'Ivoire affectent énormément le titre de RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED GOLD.nasdaq .
Le stock a brisé sont dernier support de 80.00$ aujourd' peut y avoir un carnage car les shorts détectent toujours les stocks "blessés".....
En tout cas, ce qui faut surveiller c'est... est-ce que l' O.N.U va être capable de foutre à la porte Laurent Gbagbo et sa gang de truands ? Si oui...GOLD est un strong buy !

Legendary energy investor T. Boone Pickens said he thinks oil prices could touch $120 a barrel, a forecast that is above the $100 per barrel estimate most major banks proffered toward the end of last year. In an interview with the National Journal on Tuesday, Pickens said oil will trade over $100 a barrel this year, not average $100 as many estimates believe, and prices could average between $110 and $120 a barrel, which could result in gas prices of $4 a gallon.


Les multinationales n'ont pas finies de mettre le paquet en Chine.

Walmart opened 47 stores in China in 2010, bringing the total number to 224.
The value of payments through bankcards rose 44.5% year on year to ¥92.19 billion during the first 3 days of 2011, according to China UnionPay, the nation's sole bankcard network operator.
GM said its sales in China jumped 28.8% to a record 2.35 million units in 2010.
IKEA said it was planning to invest ¥3 billion building a 300,000m2 shopping mall in Hubei provincial capital Wuhan. The complex is expected to be launched by 2015.
Yum! Brands Inc said it would invest ¥30 million in Gansu provincial capital Lanzhou in the next years. It just opened its 500th China Pizza Hut store in the city. The number of its openings of different brands in western China in 2010 was 7 times the previous 5 years combined.

15 $....16.93$ (incluant les taxes)

Un petit concours "boursier" qui peut vous inté il y a le volet "grand public"

mardi 4 janvier 2011

Un peu de lecture

GTI.nyse CHGI.otcbb


Même si tu tires sur la fleur...elle ne poussera pas plus vite !

Voici un vidéo avec le boss de Microvision en Janvier 2010.....du point de vue "boursicoteur"c'est maintenant que je m'intéresse à
cette technologie....disons plutôt à ses actions en bourse.En "daily" c'est ordinaire mais en "weekly"$

Placements privés

Les investisseurs s'arrachent les parts de Facebook. Le site de réseau social vient de boucler une levée de fonds de 500 millions de dollars auprès de Goldman Sachs et du groupe russe Digital Sky Technologies, d'après le New York Times. Cette transaction valorise le site à 50 milliards, un nouveau sommet.
Goldman Sachs a injecté 450 millions de dollars. Originalité de cet accord : il prévoit que la banque américaine permette à ses riches clients de miser sur le site, via un instrument financier créé pour l'occasion.
Grâce à cette technique, Facebook va pouvoir attirer de nouveaux fonds sans être obligé de dévoiler ses données financières. La SEC exige, en effet, que les sociétés non cotées publient certaines informations lorsqu'elles comptent plus de 500 actionnaires. Or, même si de nombreux clients de Goldman décident d'acheter des parts du site, seule la banque serait considérée comme investisseur.
De quoi alimenter un peu plus la spéculation sur Facebook. Avec une valorisation de 50 milliards de dollars, le site pèse plus lourd qu'eBay (36,3 milliards de capitalisation boursière). Pourtant, son chiffre d'affaires (environ 2 milliards de dollars en 2010 selon Bloomberg) est près de 5 fois inférieur au spécialiste de la vente sur Internet (9 milliards prévus).

lundi 3 janvier 2011

93 $ M en cash 0 $ dette

low float de 13 M
Le stock a eu un très bon mois de décembre et là il viens de passer sa MA200 avec une RSI élevée....Une autre compagnie à mettre dans ma watch list pour les semaines à venir.

U.S. consumer bankruptcies increased 9 percent nationwide in 2010 from the previous year, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute relying on data from the National Bankruptcy Research Center. The data showed that the overall consumer filing total for the 2010 calendar year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010) reached 1,530,078 compared to the 1,407,788 total consumer filings recorded during 2009.

grosse job !

C'est B.Obama qui doit être heureux(*).....lui qui rêve de création de nouvelles jobs au USA. La compagnie Dollar General DG.nyse ....un magasin à " une piasse " va faire sa part .

Dollar General Corp is in the right spot at the right time in today’s economic recovery. It is a trade-down economic play, but the dollar store segment has been successful in grabbing up into the lower priced items that are actually under $5 and $10 rather just a true $1.00. It is leading the pack of dollar stores and is now going even further after Wal-Mart Stores Inc and other retailers. This morning it has announced part of its 2011 expansion plans with the creation of what will be 6,000 new jobs under its plan to open 625 new stores in fiscal 2011. The company said that the new stores and new jobs will be spread across its existing operating area in 35 states, but it will also expand into three new states with new stores in Connecticut, Nevada and New Hampshire. The expansion is into new suburban, rural and metropolitan markets on the heels of two years of positive job growth for the company. Dollar General’s jobs creation is now said to over 15,000 from 2009 to 2011. In addition to the 625 new stores in 2011, the company said that it plans to remodel or relocate 550 stores.

dimanche 2 janvier 2011

Ils font sonner la caisse..

Les têtes dirigeantes et les directeurs de Rare Element Resources Ltd. RES.v n'en pouvaient plus ...l'Odeur du cash était trop fort ! Selon un document de la SEC du 21 décembre , ils ont vidangés pour 8 190 522 dollars d'actions et profitent ( eux aussi ) de la "bulle" des métaux rares....
Il faut noter que l'action de la compagnie est passée de 2$ en juillet à 16$ aujourd'hui.

Les Français champions du monde du pessimisme en 2011

PARIS (Reuters) - Les Français sont champions du monde du pessimisme quant à leur situation économique en 2011, éclipsant même les habitants de pays en guerre comme l'Irak ou l'Afghanistan, selon un sondage BVA-Gallup international réalisé pour Le Parisien.

..... Ils sont 61% à déclarer que la nouvelle année sera synonyme de grandes difficultés économiques.

cuivre (2)

Copper prices continued to rise in 2010, although not nearly as much as the base metal's spectacular move in 2009 when prices doubled to $7,000 a metric ton. Morgan Stanley believes prices in 2011 will average $7,900 a metric ton, up from $7,300 this past year, as strong demand coupled with low inventories.

Je pense qu'il va falloir "jouer" les juniors dans le cuivre...les gros comme FCX.nyse SCCO.q sont dans la stratosphère...

"Chicane" entre Expedia et AA

Expedia Inc. EXPE.q has dropped tickets for American Airlines flights from its listings, according to a statement on the airline's website, the latest development in a feud between the airline and online travel agencies.
In the statement, American recommended that travelers use other Web services to compare ticket prices.
"Customers looking to compare flights or fares online should visit other travel sites such as or Inc. PCLN.q for the most accurate and up-to-date information," the Fort Worth, Texas, airline, which is part of AMR Corp. AMR.nyse, said.
The removal of American flights from Expedia's listings comes as a conflict between the airline and travel sites ratchets higher. On Dec. 21, American pulled its listings from Expedia competitor Orbitz Worldwide Inc. OWW.nyse. The airline hopes to drive more traffic to its own website, which it says offers "our lowest airfares" and doesn't charge an online booking fee.
In a statement, Expedia, Bellevue, Wash., questioned whether American's strategy would benefit travelers, but said it would still partner with the airline if the two companies could reach an agreement.
The contract between American and Expedia expired recently, according to a person familiar with the situation.