samedi 20 octobre 2012

un penny à "watcher" MOTR

Icahn now owns 31%. Took part in exercising subscription rights to aquire more equity

jeudi 18 octobre 2012

une claque et une bottine...le Qc s'amuse avec votre cash

Épargnes Québec du Caca ? Oui mais ils en veulent...encore et encore....le monde est fou!...Fou raide !

Malgré des rendements faméliques, les obligations offertes par l'organisme Épargne Placements Québec s'avèrent de plus en plus populaires auprès des petits épargnants du Québec, ce qui enrichit le gouvernement.

Quelque 4,5% de la dette consolidée du Québec, qui s'élevait à 147,7 G$ en mars 2011, est financée à partir de ces titres, révèle le rapport annuel.
Sur son site internet, l'organisme indique les taux d'intérêt en vigueur pour chaque gamme de produits, lesquels sont la plupart du temps inférieurs au taux d'inflation au Québec.
À l'heure actuelle, les obligations d'épargne du Québec, le produit phare d'Épargne Placements Québec, offrent un rendement de 1,3% pour la première année de détention, et le taux est ensuite révisé « par le ministre des Finances selon les conditions du marché ».
Les obligations Sécuri+ du Québec sont moins généreuses et procurent un rendement annuel de 1,1% pour les six premiers mois de détention.
Le produit d'épargne Flexi-Plus offre 0,85% sur un an.
Sur un placement de 1000$, cela représente concrètement après un an un gain de 8,50$ pour l'épargnant, soit le prix d'un repas individuel dans une chaîne de restauration rapide.

mardi 16 octobre 2012

BRIC + i

As India fails to deliver on its promise of growth, a smaller Asian country Indonesia, finds itself in a position to lure investors away from the third largest economy in the region with higher stock market returns, better fiscal management and lower inflation.

“Indonesia looks like it has hit the sweet spot, whereas India is nursing a headache from its latest boom,” says Frederic Neumann, Co-Head of Asian Economic Research at HSBC. 
 India, according to Goldman Sachs’ Jim O’Neill, the Bric that has disappointed. Late last year O'Neill said that India’s poor record on productivity, foreign direct investment (FDI) and policy reform had made it the most disappointing among the four biggest developing economies – Brazil, Russia, India and China.

Credit Suisse’s Wandesford says Indonesia reminds him of India three to four years ago, when there was a huge euphoria over the growth opportunity it offered foreign investors and companies. “In 2005-2008 India could do no wrong, now it is Indonesia.”

IDX et EIDO ...2 etf se dirigent vers la lune.

8 " Stars " :)

After six seasons , MTV's reality show Jersey Shore is finally coming to an end.
But with job skills like binge drinking, dancing, fist-pumping, brawling, smooshing, attempting to hook up and getting arrested, how will this group of Jersey girls and gorillas make ends meet once the final curtain falls?
After three years of hard-partying, the stagnant job market doesn't seem to offer them much promise.
But fear not, each of the cast members must have a plan to cash in on their newfound notoriety, right? Their plans better work or they're in for one hell of a hangover.

Il y a $ûrement quelque$  Jersey clown$ qui vont avoir une 2em carrière...?

Voir l'effet Romney ici sur mon blog

James River Coal Soars On Pure Faith

Shares of James River Coal JRCC.q have gained over 55 percent in the last five trading days. Trade volume is six times its three-month average. After posting year to date losses of over 62 percent through October 1, this recent rally is a welcome break for a stock that dipped below $2 in July. Shares closed up another 23.2 percent on October 15.
Other coal stocks have shared in the recent surge, but not to the same extent. Alpha Natural Resources ANR.nyse closed up 7.61 percent, and have gained over 20 percent in the last five trading days. Arch Coal ACI.nyse has posted much more modest gains, only closing 2.23 percent on the same day, but is still up over 16 percent over the last five days.
The coal industry has taken a widely publicized — and criticized — beating over the past few years. Regulation regarding mining practices and emissions have been particularly rough, and the advent of apparently infinite natural gas reserves in North America have driven prices into the ground. However, natural gas prices have hit a new high recently, and word on the street is that international demand for coal will remain strong, or increase.
Peabody Energy BTU.nyse, up over 11 percent in the last 5 trading days, closed slightly down on October 15. Coal stocks got their first cross-board bump on October 3 when candidate Mitt Romney addressed the industry in the first presidential debate. A Republican victory could mean enhanced clean coal initiatives but many companies are saddled with debt and face steep competition from the natural gas industry, which is powered by giants like Exxon Mobil XOM.nyse.

K-cup festival

Starbucks Corp's  U.S. stores on Tuesday will begin selling the coffee chain's new Verismo coffee and espresso brewer, which aims to grab a piece of the fast-growing single-serve market dominated by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc  and Nestle SA .

Shares of Green Mountain tumbled when Starbucks first announced plans for the Verismo in March.
Green Mountain's Keurig single-cup coffee machines control more than three-quarters of the U.S. market. Nestle's  Nespresso espresso makers hold a 35 percent share globally, with a heavy concentration in Europe.
Starbucks' Verismo machine, which sells for $199 or $399 depending on size and functions, will be offered in about 4,300 company stores beginning on Wednesday. It already is being sold online and through other U.S. retailers.
Brewers from Green Mountain and Nestle, the dominant players in the $8 billion single-serve coffee market, are similarly priced.
Green Mountain's new Keurig Vue coffee brewer sells for around $250, while Nespresso machines can cost anywhere from $130 to $700.
Under a partnership with Green Mountain, Starbucks provides coffee-filled K-cups for use in Green Mountain's Keurig machines. Starbucks has 15 percent share of the K-cup market.