mardi 27 novembre 2012

                              Three months ended           Nine months ended
                                   Sept. 30,                   Sept. 30,
                              2012          2011          2012          2011

Sales                      $35,359       $18,969       $88,878       $58,266
Net earnings                 4,243         2,331        12,262         8,429
Per share -- basic            0.21          0.12          0.61          0.42
Per share -- diluted          0.21          0.12          0.60          0.42

All figures are in thousands except per-share amounts.

Shares Issued20,267,104

Canada faces a similar dilemma. Ongoing negotiations between GM and Chrysler and the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) union illustrate the unattended costs of the oil (and, commodity) boom. Without significant changes in shop floor practices and a re-structuring of wage scales, both auto makers are threatening to shift production from Ontario back to the United States.
Automodular a un contrat avec Ford qui se termine en 2014, en même temps que les 
TCA vont commencer à brasser la cage des gouvernements et des constructeurs.