Carl Icahn viens tout juste d'augmenter sa position dans WBMD.q
Il a acheté pour 203 Millions d'action et possède maintenant 13.12% des parts.
WebMD Health Corp. is a provider of health information services to consumers, physicians and other healthcare professionals, employers and health plans through its public and private online portals, mobile platforms and health-focused publications. The WebMD Health Network includes (WebMD Health), its public portal for consumers, and (Medscape from WebMD), the Company's primary public portal for physicians and other healthcare professionals, as well as other sites, through which it provides branded health and wellness content, tools and services and select third party sites that WebMD supports. During the year ended December 31, 2011, the WebMD Health Network had an average of approximately 20 million users per month and approximately 734 million aggregate page views.
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