lundi 4 octobre 2010


La compagnie Mosaic a dévoilée ses résultats après la fermeture des marchés aujourd'hui...Il y a une chose qui m'intéresse dans cette business c'est la potasse.
Net sales in the Potash segment totaled $621.9 million for the first quarter compared to $333.3 million a year ago. The Potash segment’s gross margin increased to $256.7 million in the first quarter, or 41 percent of net sales, compared with $124.6 million, or 37 percent of net sales, in the same period last year.“We continue to make good progress in executing our potash expansion plans. We believe this additional capacity will be necessary to meet projected global demand growth. With the recent momentum in the grain markets, demand for potash has increased and producer inventories have significantly declined"
Une rumeur court que la compagnie du minnesota va "overbidder" l'offre de
130.00$ l'action de BHP Billiton pour bâillonner la possible union avec Potash corp.................Les Chinois ( sinochem) eux attendent tranquillement....

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