jeudi 27 décembre 2012

l'OTCbb y toujours de petits trésors.

" " But inevitably, readers wonder if there may be some future winners that they can pick up for pennies on the OTC BB that will grow to be successful, giant companies.There are examples of that. The biggest example, and the one scammers often use to point out that some OTC BB companies do succeed, is Wal-Mart . The company, listed on the NYSE since 1972, says it began as an over-the-counter stock in 1970.
The NASD, which owns the OTC BB, was unable to confirm whether Wal-Mart was traded on its market. It was also unable to provide data on the number of stocks that have moved from the OTC BB to a major exchange.
But, there have been more recent examples. One that comes to mind is True Religion Apparel , a Los Angeles-based maker of trendy denim jeans and other clothing. The company had been listed on the OTC BB market, but switched to the Nasdaq in late 2005. And the stock did pretty well, gaining 34% this year through early November....." "

Ce message a été écrit en décembre 2006 dans un site qui parle de bourse

Retournons en 2004...avant le nasdaq listing d'août 2005

Aug. 16, 2004--True Religion Apparel, Inc., (OTCBB:TRLG - News) is pleased to announce that its sales and profits continued to grow during the second quarter ending June 30, 2004. Sales rose 50% and net income before tax climbed 98% in the quarter ending June 30, 2004 over the quarter ending March 31, 2004. Sales for the six months ended June 30, 2004 were $6,757,000 versus $307,000 for the same six month period a year ago.
----------- ----------
Quarter Ended June 30, 2004 $4,061,906 $799,606
Quarter Ended March 31, 2004 $2,694,809 $404,487
Quarter Ended December 31, 2003 $1,338,275 $156,122
Quarter ended September 30, 2003 $ 710,143 $ 3,750

et maintenant ....

25 millions d'actions sur le marché
168 millions en cash 0 .....pas de dette.

en bien voilà MA50 et MA200 s'embrasse à 25,16$ vers le haut
.....avec une lampée de vodka...ce stock va doubler en 2013 ,target 50$

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

pourquoi 50$

est-ce qu,il y a quelque chose que j'ai manqué ?

GERRY a dit…

prévision de croissance des ventes de 9% par année pour les 5 prochaines années...

dans le passé / ventes \ 60% hommes 40% femmes
ma prédiction inverse pour 2013
donc plus d'accessoire$
