Yandex has launched Yandex.Disk, a cloud storage product that functions like Box and Dropbox, GigaOM reports. The product, which had been invite-only beta, will offer up to 20 gigabytes of storage for free.
The company reiterated its forecast for a 40 percent to 45 percent revenue growth in 2012, Alexander Shulgin, the chief financial officer.
The company reiterated its forecast for a 40 percent to 45 percent revenue growth in 2012, Alexander Shulgin, the chief financial officer.
2 commentaires:
remember my PPHM @ 1.40 ?
Mon Dieu...!
Suivez votre flair pour la suite des choses....
mon humble avis...
Vendre une partie de vos parts pour reprendre votre cash initial doit faire partie de la gamme des solutions.
Et laisser aller les autres...comme "profits"
un heureux problème :)
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