jeudi 1 septembre 2011


HP a jeté l'éponge dernièrement avec les " tablets" en vidangeant le stock à 99$ pièce.Le iPad est roi et maître....partout....les Chinois n'en finissent plus d'acheter...mais là il semble qu'un joueur veut donner des coups d'épaules....AMZN !..


The Digitimes reported that Amazon's much rumored tablet is expected to start shipping in October. The 7-inch tablet, supplied by Quanta Computer, is expected to begin shipping some time in October. The news was reported from sources along Amazon's component suppliers. Additionally, Amazon is also expected to begin shipping a 10.1 inch version of the tablet beginning in 2012. Foxconn Electronics (no stranger to Apple) will handle the orders.

If the tablet is powered on Google's Android operating systeme, it could finally be a way for Google to get Android firmly in the tablet market and make it count.

...SONY aussi semble vouloir mettre son grain de sel avec sa nouvelle bébelle...

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