Le cloud computing , informatique en nuage ou "infonuagique" est un concept qui consiste à déporter sur des serveurs distants des traitements informatiques traditionnellement localisés sur des serveurs locaux ou sur le poste client de l'utilisateur....
Difficile de savoir qui seront les gagnants dans ce domaine très pointu, y investir demande beaucoup de recherche et de temps. Il y a un ETF qui rassemble des joueurs importants et qui vaut la peine de regarder de plus près dans 3 grand segments....
pure-play cloud computing companies: direct service providers for the cloud or companies that deliver goods and services that utilize cloud computing technology;
non-pure-play cloud computing companies: companies that focus outside the cloud computing space, but those which provide goods and services in support of the cloud computing space;
Technology Conglomerate Cloud Computing Companies: These are large broad-based companies that indirectly utilize or support the use of cloud computing technology.
non-pure-play cloud computing companies: companies that focus outside the cloud computing space, but those which provide goods and services in support of the cloud computing space;
Technology Conglomerate Cloud Computing Companies: These are large broad-based companies that indirectly utilize or support the use of cloud computing technology.
Le fond possède en pourcentage...
Netflix inc. NFLX 4.46%; RightNow Technologies Inc. RNOW 4.15%; Open Text Corp. OTEX 4.13%; Rackspace Hosting Inc. RAX) 4.11%; TIBCO Software Inc. TIBX 3.91%; Informatica Corp. INFA 3.89%; Acme Packet Inc. APKT 3.87%; Teradata Corp. TDC 3.80%; Aruba Networks Inc. ARUN 3.78%; and Equinix Inc. EQIX 3.70%.
En gros ça donne > software 32.53%, Internet software & services 22.61%, communications equipment 16.75%, et computer & peripherals at 11.15%.
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