jeudi 31 mars 2011

chinoiseries 360

Qihoo 360 Technology Co. (NYSE: QIHU) is not just another Chinese IPO for American investors. This one brought the growth theme of China, the internet, and security all in one offering. It might also be bringing up yet another bubble or worries of a bubble in Chinese companies wanting to sell shares to Americans. If you have seen all of the newly public Chinese companies which either have had accounting issues or which fall under those speculated or rumored to have possible accounting issues, then at least some concern is merited. Maybe this was just extreme opportunity knocking. Qihoo is said to be China’s third most popular internet company due to its secure browser. Ecommerce China Dangdang (NYSE: DANG) and Inc. (NYSE: YOKU) would likely have been followed by many more Chinese internet IPO filings had it not been for some concerns being brought up over reverse merger companies. Both of those were legitimate IPOs, but as Herb Greenberg points out on CNBC it is hard for a US investor to really know which companies are which. has held up rather well, while China Dangdang is considerably off its highs.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

j'ai du mal à comprendre la nouvelle...J'ai investit dans DANG autour de 28$...dois-je casher mes actions ou ré-investir encore?

GERRY a dit…

Certaines compagnies chinoises listées en bourse ont eu des problèmes avec leurs firme de comptable...
les chiffres ont été "embellis" et la SEC n'a pas aimer ça...
C'est pourquoi le "mood" est négatif présentement sur les stocks chinois.
cette nouvelle de mai 2010 en dit long sur la grosseur du nouvel logistic hub de dang-dang.

Anonyme a dit…

ok merci

Donc je vais rester sur mes positions avec Dang