le prix du cotton va continuer à grimper selon les experts à cause des innondations en Australie....IPATH DJ-AIG COTTON ETN BAL.nyse
Cotton prices jumped the most allowed by ICE Futures U.S. after the worst floods in half a century damaged crops in Australia, the world’s fourth-largest exporter.
Crop losses total about 300,000 bales, and damage may worsen if wet weather continues, the Australian Cotton Shippers Association said today. The industry group had forecast record production of more than 4 million bales before the floods. Prices have almost doubled in the past 12 months as growers struggled to meet rising demand from China.
Crop losses total about 300,000 bales, and damage may worsen if wet weather continues, the Australian Cotton Shippers Association said today. The industry group had forecast record production of more than 4 million bales before the floods. Prices have almost doubled in the past 12 months as growers struggled to meet rising demand from China.
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