vendredi 31 décembre 2010

Bonne Année !

Gros merci à vous qui venez tous le jours voir
mon humble blog.
De retour le 3 Janvier
666 messages en 2010...quand même!

Bizarre ?

Avec un volume de plus de
2,7 M hier, il faut mettre ce ipo du 21 décembre sur la votre watch list.

jeudi 30 décembre 2010

US Listed Chinese Companies ...des petites nouvelles

Sinopec Group, the parent of Sinopec Corp (NYSE: SNP), said Wednesday it expected its revenue to increase 41% to ¥1.96 trillion and its total assets to increase 13.3% to ¥1.5 trillion in 2010. Overseas sales have accounted for 27.3% of the total, compared to 10% in 2006.(NASDAQ: JOBS), China's top online human resource service provider, has denied that it would axe employees and relocate its headquarters to Wuhan from Shanghai. AirMedia Group Inc (NASDAQ: AMCN), a leading Chinese operator of out-of-home advertising platforms, said Thursday that it recently renewed its contract with China Eastern Airlines to operate digital TV screens on its airplanes on an exclusive basis for ten years until December 31, 2020. Huaneng Power International Inc (NYSE: HNP) said Wednesday that it has completed the transaction of acquisition of the interests in Time Shipping and Hainan Nuclear General Steel Holdings Inc (NYSE: GSI), one of China's leading non-state-owned producers of steel products and aggregators of domestic steel companies, said Wednesday that it will appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs as its independent registered public accounting firm, replacing Frazer Frost

Message aux Couillons (nes)

Dans la dérape boursière ( crise ) de 2009 , certains investisseurs ont vendu leurs actions de CNH global à 5.69$....CNH.nyse. À l'Aube de 2011, techniquement sur le graphique , l'Action est à 47.93$ et est "encore" un buy !
sorry losers !.......


Voici quelques stocks que j'ai sur ma watch list....j'ai envis de faire ça simple...

OCLR.q OCLARO inc Le stock a 2 gap en a fermé un aujourd'hui avec un haut à 13.24$..La prochaine "job" est de fermer celui à 16.53$ du 18 octobre....Dans le domaine de la fibre optique, une rumeur court que Finisar FNSR.q aurait un oeil sur la petite Oclaro...qui n'a pas de dette.
Les "régimes"......les bouffe.....le temps des fêtes qui donne des remords....
Une année de cul pour NTRI en 2010....mais malgré la compétition de weight watchers, la compagnie
a passée à travers la "récession" et la direction à compris que dans le domaine de l'amaigrissement
il ne suffit pas de montrer des "stars" qui ont perdues du poids mais bien des gens normaux
du monde simple que nous côtoyions tout les jours. Justement Donny et Marie Osmond viennent de se faire "vidanger" .......maudite bonne nouvelle! .....même Dan Marino le grand QB est out !
Le 3 em Compétiteur est dans la, Inc DIET.q ....Les MA 50 et 200 pointent vers le nord maintenant et malgré les apparences, le gap down du 29 juillet à 22.12$ n'a pas été comblé le 23 décembre avec un high à 22.03$ Possibilité de short squeeze avec 8,3 M actions sur un float de 25, ça grimpe ils vont suivre.
Le plus grand producteur Chinois de de "silicon carbide" qui faut pas oublier est essentiel au light-emitting diode (LED).

mercredi 29 décembre 2010

Les Chinois ont-ils le droit de réduire leurs exportations des métaux rares ?

OPEC can set export and production quotas. China cannot set very tight limits on the export of its rare earth metals. The US says China does not have the right. Japan says the same. Each nation has large industries that rely on the metals. The problem could become so dire for some industries that the US may take its case to the World Trade Organization.
Most cases taken before the WTO are for the dumping of products at artificially low prices by one nations into another. The US has accused China of such behavior for years. Now, China has raised several cases of alleged US dumping of chicken parts and livestock feed. Cases based on pre-meditated export limits are much less prevalent if they exist at all.
China may have a right to its own minerals. The People’s Republic claims it will not export a great deal of rare earth metal in the early part of 2011 because it wants to increase its stockpiles. The actual cut China has announced is 10% for the first half of next year compared to the same period in 2010. Most analysts believe that the stockpile excuse is not true. They view the rare earth gambit as a way to improve economic leverage the People’s Republic has over other large nations.
But, the metal is China’s, just like stockpiles of US grain belong to America and oil belongs to the Saudis. Who’s to say where the line is between unfair hording and simple property rights? Perhaps the WTO, but that will take years...

mardi 28 décembre 2010


Il y a eu du mouvement sur le titre d'EXFO.q les 2 jours où le marché Canadien était fermé....
Pas de 4X le volume
moyen ...?


La polémique enfle autour d'Apple et ses Apps. Un américain vient d'attaquer la firme à la Pomme en justice, l'accusant d'autoriser ces petits logiciels téléchargeables via l'iPhone et l'iPad à transmettre des données personnelles aux publicitaires sans l'accord des utilisateurs. Une technique révélée la semaine dernière par le Wall Street Journal .
D'après la plainte, que s'est procurée Bloomberg, Apple offre la possibilité aux publicitaires de savoir quelles applications sont téléchargées et la fréquence de leur utilisation. Elle reproche aussi à certaines Apps de revendre des informations, dont "la localisation, l'âge, le sexe, le revenu, l'origine ethnique, l'orientation sexuelle et la préférence politique".
L'enquête menée par le Wall Street Journal démontre que, sur 101 applications parmi les plus téléchargées sur l'iPhone (et aussi les appareils tournant grâce à Android), 56 fournissent à des tiers un identifiant unique à chaque téléphone (permettant de suivre à la trace l'utilisateur), 47 transmettent la localisation de l'abonné, et 5 vont même jusqu'à envoyer l'âge et le sexe du possesseur du smartphone. Search of "Romance"

lundi 27 décembre 2010

terres rares ( bulle ? )

Rare earth oxides (REOs) rare earth elements (REEs) aren’t just hot, nor are they just on fire. The have gone supernova. While there is an obvious bubble forming due to concerns of Chinese supply and due to the need of a domestic go-to source being vital to national security, Molycorp, Inc. (NYSE: MCP) has hit a new post-IPO high today on word that it was opening part of its mine that had been closed since 2002. Molycorp shares are up 8.1% at $49.04 and today marked a high of $49.99. Will it go higher? Why not… Bubbles and the markets often go long beyond logic and they defy reality, until they don’t. The move today is creating a surge elsewhere. Rare Element Resources Ltd. (NYSE/AMEX: REE) is up 8.75% at $11.05 on strong volume. The newer play in the sector is Avalon Rare Metals, Inc. (NYSE/AMEX: AVL) is up a whopping 30% on more than 7-times normal trading volume. Avalon is a rare earth player in Canada and is one of that large list of Canadian rare earth plays.
Le Market Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals ETF (NYSE: REMX) n'a pas suivit la parade aujourd'hui mais il va falloir le mettre sur la watch pourquoi pas y embarquer un penny stock Canadien .
""If China keeps its hard-ball stance against exporting rare earth elements or if the U.S. is willing to pay whatever it takes for a solid supplier of rare earth materials, this bubble may never burst. ""
The difference here between reality and perception is that Molycorp now has a market cap north of $4 billion without having generated any real revenues and without gone through the challenges of being a mining restart.

Ça va être long

Ceux qui ont "essayés" les derniers "earnings" de CISCO en novembre doivent respirer un peu aujourd'hui en voyant le stock en haut de 20$. Il y a un petit passage qui est inquiétant dans les derniers résultats..."Orders from state governments fell 25 percent compared with a year ago and were 48 percent lower than the previous quarter. Orders from cable operators fell 35 percent from a year ago. " je pense que ça va être long pour un retour dans les 24-25$...
la MA 200 affaiblissant les petites poussées du stock.....

Une c'est pas assez ! a fait état de ventes solides pour le Kindle pendant la période des fêtes en dépit de la concurrence croissante des tablettes multimédia qui permettent également de lire des livres électroniques, comme l'iPad d'Apple.
Le spécialiste de la vente sur internet, qui ne communique pas officiellement les chiffres des ventes sur ce segment, a indiqué que ses ventes de livres numériques destinés à son appareil avaient battu un record à Noël.
Amazon a également précisé que la dernière version du Kindle était le produit qui avait rencontré le plus de succès dans l'histoire de la société.
"Nous constatons bon nombre de personnes achetant des Kindle possèdent également une tablette", a déclaré dans un communiqué le directeur général d'Amazon, Jeff Bezos.
Selon les analystes, les consommateurs qui préfèrent disposer d'un appareil conçu spécifiquement pour la lecture permettent aux " liseuses " électroniques comme le Kindle ou le Nook de Barnes & Noble de résister à la concurrence des tablettes.
"Les clients indiquent qu'ils utilisent les tablettes pour les jeux vidéo, les films ou la navigation sur internet et le Kindle pour la lecture", a indiqué Jeff Bezos.

Salaire minimum

Le salaire minimum dans la capitale chinoise augmentera de 21% l'année prochaine, a annoncé lundi l'agence officielle Chine nouvelle, signe que les coûts du travail dans la deuxième économie mondiale croîtront à nouveau fortement en 2011.
Pékin va relever le plancher des salaires de 200 yuans, à 1.160 yuans par mois (environ 133 euros) à compter du 1er janvier, après une hausse de 20% six mois plus tôt, a indiqué l'agence de presse.
Les villes et les provinces à travers le pays ont régulièrement relevé les salaires minimum au cours de la dernière décennie, mais ces augmentations ont fortement augmenté depuis un an. L'essor économique de la Chine s'étend davantage à l'arrière-pays et les différentes régions sont entrées en compétition pour attirer une main-d'oeuvre qui se fait de plus en plus rare. La capitale chinoise va également augmenter le montant des pensions pour les ouvriers retraités de 10,2%, à 2.268 yuans (260 euros) par mois, selon Chine nouvelle.

Ça va être plaisant mercredi du côté Canadien.


Published: December 24, 2010 05:58 PM
China's film industry saw box office receipts surge 65.2% to ¥10.2 billion, according to an industry report. However, Avatar alone contributed to almost 1/10 of the box office revenue, and 70% to 80% of homegrown movies, particularly those on a small budget, lost money, a movie theater executive told the China Securities Journal, asking for anonymity. More foreign movies are expected to hit China's screens in 2011, weighing further on Chinese movies, said the executive. China's box office receipts are expected to hit ¥30 billion by 2015 to become the world's second largest market, the China Film Association has estimated. The number of screens in the country is expected to double to 12,000 by 2015.


Le 9 décembre dernier , une petite compagnie a fait son entrée en bourse
dans le domaine du Cinéma sur le territoire y a sûrement un peu de fouinage
à faire là-dedans !

mercredi 22 décembre 2010

Un autre

La Belgique doit prendre des mesures d'austérité début 2011 faute de quoi elle sera la cible d'attaques spéculatives, estime le ministre des Finances Didier Reynders. Les problèmes de dette de la Grèce et de l'Irlande rendent les investisseurs nerveux vis-à-vis d'autres pays de la zone euro, en particulier la Belgique à cause de sa dette élevée et de ses problèmes politiques internes.
L'agence Standard & Poor's a placé la semaine dernière la Belgique sous surveillance avec perspective négative.
"Je suis sûr que les spéculateurs vont attaquer la Belgique si, au début de 2011, au premier trimestre, des décisions budgétaires ne sont pas prises soit par le nouveau gouvernement, soit par le gouvernement actuel", a déclaré Didier Reynders ce soir.


SIRIUS XM Radio Inc.SIRI.q is surging today on what seemed to be too much at first look. The company signed a pact for BMW. The pact calls for SIRIUS to be standard equipment on new radio-equipped Model Year 2011 R 1200 RT, K 1600 GT, and K 1600 GTL Touring Motorcycles. It includes a one-year introductory subscription in MINIs. That alone is not really enough to drive SIRIUS XM up this much, but a published research note may be.
A published report in Forbes from Joan Lappin at Gramercy Capital calls it a call on the U.S. auto industry, and noted that it was working with Liberty the recent Howard Stern contract and NFL pact....The most interesting aspect of SIRIUS today is that the 8% gain takes it to $1.60. That is one-cent under the 52-week high of $1.61.

mardi 21 décembre 2010


Copper prices soared to $4.2760 this morning on the New York Mercantile Exchange after China, the world’s largest consumer of the red industrial metal, said its November refined copper imports surged 37% compared with October’s number. News that a Chilean copper mine, Collahuasi, is shutting down production for the time being due to a port accident may also be contributing to copper’s ascent today as traders speculate that supplies may be crimped by the closure. Collahuasi is the world’s third-largest copper mine.

Voici une liste des stocks Canadiens.

Câlisse "! le boss ouvre les valves !

Michael Dell is trying to show a token of good faith that all is well inside Dell Inc. (NASDAQ: DELL). An SEC filing just showed that Michael Dell spent $100 million to acquire some 7.37 million shares of Dell common stock on December 17 at a volume-weighted average price of $13.5688 per share.
This puts his personal Direct holdings at 232,912,682 shares. Another 26,984,832 shares is listed as “held by spouse,” and another 98,184 are listed under his 401K plan and another 2,964,869 shares is listed as held by family trusts.
Many insider selling transactions are paid attention to while others are ignored. Even for a billionaire, an acquisition of $100 million is usually meant to draw attention.

Flash !

lundi 20 décembre 2010

Sanofi prolonge son offre de 69.00$ par action sur GENZ.q jusqu'au 21 janvier

Genzyme a fait valoir lundi que son traitement expérimental contre la sclérose en plaques afficherait un chiffre d'affaires nettement supérieur à celui estimé par Sanofi-Aventis, alors que la biotech américaine cherche à obtenir d'être rachetée à un prix nettement plus élevé que les 18,5 milliards de dollars proposés par le laboratoire français. Genzyme, spécialisée dans le traitement des maladies rares, maintient que son médicament expérimental Campath contre la sclérose en plaques pourrait atteindre un chiffre d'affaires de 3,5 milliards de dollars et a tenté d'en convaincre des investisseurs lundi soir lors d'une réunion à New York. Peu d'analystes estiment que le Campath, pour l'instant vendu comme traitement contre le cancer et connu sous le nom générique d'alemtuzumab, affichera le genre de chiffre d'affaires projeté par Genzyme.
"C'est une thérapie unique", a déclaré le directeur général de Genzyme, Henri Termeer. "C'est une thérapie qui modifie le soin pour ces patients et donne la promesse de transformer complètement ce domaine."
Selon lui, ce médicament a le potentiel pour devenir le plus efficace, le moins coûteux et le plus aisé à utiliser de tous les traitements contre la sclérose en plaques.
Le marché est très important, c'est un marché de 14 milliards de dollars .


samedi 18 décembre 2010

Nommé comme le meilleur blogeur boursier par CNN/Money, Eddy Elfenbein vous offre sa liste d'achat pour 2011.


.....à chaque mois il y a toujours un analyste qui monte le prix cible du titre d'Apple.

Shares of Apple AAPL.q are up 77 cents at $322.02 after Gabelli & Co. analyst Hendi Susanto initiated coverage of the stock with a Buy recommendation and a price target of $450. That target is based on a 12 times P/E on Apple’s fiscal 2012 (the year ending September of 2012) estimated EPS of $25, plus a projected $103 per share in cash by that time.
That EPS estimates is high: the Street is currently modeling about $22, on average.
The note is a hoot: Susanto actually includes the old Apple “rainbow” logo at the top, and the title is, “The King Is Dead, Long Live The King.”
Susanto sees multiple factors boosting revenue this fiscal year ending in September to $98 billion, which is about $10 billion more than the Street has been looking for.
And the analysis is a lot about content and about the Apple “ecosystem,” not the devices, per se. Susanto sees Apple having 290 million users of its media consuming devices — meaning iPad, iPhone, and iPod — by this September. That number of users may more than double by 2015 to 680 million.
Susanto figures each of those individuals consume about $25 per year, on average — Apple’s content “ARPU.” But “the network effect due to the expanding universe of Apple users is cementing iTunes as an industry standard platform for content.” And as a result, Susanto expects that ARPU to rise over time.
The most glaring caveat in the report: by September of 2012, Apple should have $97 billion in cash — that’s Billion with a “B.” Hence, Susanto warns,
Thee is still no clarity on use of cash. Management indicates that it plans to retain its strong cash position for strategic opportunities in the future. We believe Apple is going to encounter increasing pressure on using its cash for share buyback or dividend.

Lobster cage ?

vendredi 17 décembre 2010

Sujet de ce matin sur XM172 RADIOPIRATE.COM

2 IPO de 2010 à surveiller en 2011

Les sables bitumineux

Belle sortie de cage à homard de mon coté...mon idée d'avoir une patte dans les sables bitumineux était bonne.....un "ti-peu" trop en avance....Quand il y a du mouvement des "major".....ça brasse les moyens et les petits.
French oil major Total SA (NYSE: TOT) and Canada’s Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE: SU) have agreed to form an alliance that combines the two companies’ interests in a number of projects in the oil sands of Canada’s Alberta province.
Total will pay about $1.74 billion to Suncor to gain an additional 19.2% stake in Suncor’s Fort Hills project and a 49% stake in Suncor’s Voyageur upgrader project. The deal bumps Total’s interest in the Fort Hills project to 39.2%. Suncor owns 40.8% of the project and is the operator. Teck Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK) owns the remaining 20% and is not involved in this deal.
In exchange for the stake in the Voyageur project, Total passes a 36.75% stake in its Joslyn project to Suncor, retaining 38.25% for itself. Total will be the operator at Joslyn. Occidental Petroleum Corp. (NYSE: OXY) owns 15% of the project and Japan’s Inpex owns the remaining 10%, and neither is involved in the announced deal.
Total will also cancel work on an upgrader it had planned as part of the Joslyn project. Instead the Voyageur upgrader will process the bitumen from both Fort Hills and Joslyn at a rate of 200,000 barrels/day once the upgrader is completed, now scheduled for 2016. Suncor expects to more than double its output by 2020, to more than 1 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.


DIRECTV Latin America, a subsidiary of DIRECTV (NYSE: DTV) is further expanding its operations and ambitions into Latin America. Today’s news is the closure news rather than onset of news. Still, this just shows much greater ambition of the satellite TV operator into such a high growth market like Latin America. The company announced that it has completed its $604.8 million cash for stock transaction with Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A.
The closure of these deal with Globo brings DIRECTV’s ownership of SKY Brasil up to approximately 93% from 74%, leaving Globo with the remaining 7% stake.
DIRECTV acquired 178,830,000 shares, or 18.9% of SKY Brasil in the deal from Globo and its affiliates.

Les arches d' Or

McDonald's will increase its investment in China by 40% and open 175 to 200 new stores in the country in 2011 and 1,000 stores by 2013, McDonald's China CEO Zeng Qishan said Wednesday.Half of the new openings by 2013 will be drive thru stores, which currently account for 10% of the Golden Arches' total restaurants in China. The number of drive thru stores are expected to reach 550 by 2013, Zeng said. KFC, its bitter foe, has less than 70 drive thru stores in the country.

jeudi 16 décembre 2010


Les actions des Groupes de cartes de crédit MasterCard et Visa ont baissés respectivement de 8,7% (à 227,3$) et 11,8% (à 67,8$) aujourd'hui à Wall Street. Les investisseurs se montrent méfiants face à la nouvelle proposition de la Reserve Fédérale américain concernant la limitation des frais de transactions aux Etats-Unis, payés par les distributeurs, lors d'achats effectués par cartes bancaires.

The demand for metals and minerals of all kinds is pushing up sales and profits in the makers of the equipment used to extract the commodities.

Joy Global’s CEO told the Financial Times that the equipment maker is “entering the earlier stages of another multiyear expansion of the industry.” Miners including BHP Billiton Ltd. (NYSE: BHP), Vale SA (NYSE: VALE), Rio Tinto plc (NYSE: RIO), Xstrata plc (OTC: XSRAY), and Anglo American plc (OTC: AAUKY) expect to invest as much as $120 billion in 2011 to boost production.

mercredi 15 décembre 2010

Buy list le stock passe 4.25$ stop 5$


Pardonnez-moi les "gros" mots mais il faut que quelqu'un le dise...à chaque fin d'année il y a des Analystes ( spécialistes) qui s'énervent et parlent que les stocks solaires vont avoir une année fantastique...voir même des résulats jamais vu à cause
de la montée du pétrole....ah ouin?
Alors voici les stocks les plus "hot" pour 2011....selon les "mange marde".
Solarfun Power Holdings(Nasdaq:SOLF)
market cap $626M
China Sunergy(Nasdaq:CSUN)
marlet cap $196M
market cap $1.33B
Yingli Green Energy(NYSE:YGE)
market cap$1.55B

mardi 14 décembre 2010

The Gold rally isn’t over

.... according to UBS analyst Julien Garran, who hiked the metal’s 2011 price target to $1550 an ounce in a note to clients yesterday. With a number of high-profile investors counting gold-tied stakes among their top-U.S.-listed equity positions, it will be interesting to see whether the analyst is on target.

Les compagnies aériennes vont réaliser cette année et la prochaine des bénéfices plus élevés que prévu, en raison du redressement du marché et d'une meilleure utilisation des capacités, annonce mardi l'IATA....l'Association internationale du transport aérien. "Nos prévisions de bénéfices ont augmenté à la fois pour 2010 et pour 2011, en raison de performances exceptionnelles au troisième trimestre", a déclaré le directeur général de l'IATA qui regroupe 230 compagnies aériennes qui représentent 93% du trafic international régulier.
Le chiffre d'affaires attendu est de 565 milliards de dollars pour 2010 et de 599 milliards en 2011, après 482 milliards en 2009.


JCPenney JCP.nyse has set up shop on Facebook, allowing consumers to buy the company’s clothes and tell their friends about it. The retailer worked with Usablenet on the site, which also lets users “like,” share and review products.
JCPenney currently has 1.3 million fans on Facebook. The company moved closer to Facebook integration in October when it began running Facebook “like” buttons in its banner ads. JCPenney’s not the first retailer to sell its wares on the world’s largest social networking site.
1-800-Flowers started offering Facebook-based transactions last year and in August, Delta Airlines began letting users book tickets from its Page. Procter & Gamble also runs an e-commerce site on the network.

lundi 13 décembre 2010

Yum! Brands, Inc.

After spending two decades introducing fried chicken and pizza to Chinese consumers, Yum Brands Inc. now sees Africa as its next international jewel.
By 2014, the Louisville, Ky., restaurant-holding company expects to double its number of KFC outlets in Africa to 1,200. In the next four years, it aims to more than double its revenue on the continent to $2 billion.
"Africa wasn't even on our radar screen 10 years ago, but now we see it exploding with opportunity," says David Novak, Yum's chairman and chief executive officer.

Festival du IPO cette semaine !

BG Medicine (BGMD), which markets a biomarker diagnostic test for heart failure and is developing others, plans to raise $67 million by offering 4.75 million shares at a price range of $13-$15. At the mid-point of the proposed range, BG Medicine will command a market value of $248 million. BG Medicine, which was founded in 2000, booked $1 million in sales over the last 12 months.
FleetCor Technologies (FLT), which is a leading provider of electronic payment cards to commercial fleets/oil companies, plans to raise $311 million by offering 12.7 million shares at a price range of $23-$26. At the mid-point of the proposed range, FleetCor Technologies will command a market value of $2 billion. FleetCor Technologies, which was founded in 1986, booked $425 million in sales over the last 12 months.
Fortegra Financial Corp. (FRF), which provides payment protection products and back-office services for insurers, plans to raise $116 million by offering 7.7 million shares at a price range of $14-$16. At the mid-point of the proposed range, Fortegra Financial Corp. will command a market value of $327 million. Fortegra Financial Corp., which was founded in 1981, booked $94 million in sales over the last 12 months.
Gain Capital Holdings (GCAP), which provides an online foreign exchange trading platform for retail customers, plans to raise $154 million by offering 11 million shares at a price range of $13-$15. At the mid-point of the proposed range, Gain Capital Holdings will command a market value of $562 million. Gain Capital Holdings, which was founded in 1999, booked $180 million in sales over the last 12 months.
iSoftStone Holdings (ISS), which is a leading China-based provider of outsourced IT services and solutions, plans to raise $130 million by offering 10.8 million ADSs at a price range of $11-$13. At the mid-point of the proposed range, iSoftStone Holdings will command a market value of $612 million. iSoftStone Holdings, which was founded in 2001, booked $180 million in sales over the last 12 months.
RigNet (RNET), which provides telecom services for remote offshore/onshore oil & gas rigs, plans to raise $75 million by offering 5 million shares at a price range of $14-$16. At the mid-point of the proposed range, RigNet will command a market value of $239 million. RigNet, which was founded in 2000, booked $84 million in sales over the last 12 months.
Swift Transportation Company (SWFT), the largest truckload carrier in North America with 12,300 company-owned tractors, plans to raise $943 million by offering 67.3 million shares at a price range of $13-$15. At the mid-point of the proposed range, Swift Transportation Company will command a market value of $1.8 billion. Swift Transportation Company, which was founded in 1966, booked $2.8 billion in sales over the last 12 months.
Walker & Dunlop (WD), which originates and services commercial real estate loans for GSEs and HUD, plans to raise $150 million by offering 10 million shares at a price range of $14-$16. At the mid-point of the proposed range, Walker & Dunlop will command a market value of $328 million. Walker & Dunlop, which was founded in 1937, booked $112 million in sales over the last 12 months.
QR Energy, LP (QRE), a partnership formed by the founders of Quantum Energy Partners to own oil and natural gas properties in North America, plans to raise $300 million by offering 15 million units at a price range of $19-$21. At the mid-point of the proposed range, QR Energy will command a total market capitalization of $715 million. In the nine months ended September 30, 2009, QR Energy generated $74 million in total revenue, $55 million in adjusted EBITDA and $23 million in operating income.


Dates limites de négociation pour règlement en 2010 : Si vous souhaitez vendre un placement dans le but de réaliser un gain ou une perte en capital en 2010, veuillez noter que vous devez respecter les dates limites de négociation ci-dessous ;

Marchés canadiens : le vendredi 24 décembre 2010 à 13 h - Marchés américains : le mardi 28 décembre 2010 à 16 h

Round-the-clock trading

Shanghai plans to be Asia's top stock market by 2013 and launch 24-hour trading by the end of the decade as it works towards setting up an international board, state media said Monday. The Shanghai Stock Exchange aims to be "one of the most influential" bourses in the world by 2020, the Shanghai Securities News said, citing a long-term development plan for the stock market. Over the next three years, Shanghai will "vigorously promote the construction of the international board", which will allow foreign companies and overseas-registered Chinese firms to list shares.
No official timeline has been announced for the launch of the board.
"Round-the-clock trading is a dream for any stock exchange," Liu Xiaodong, deputy general manger of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, was quoted as saying in the China Daily at the weekend. "Based on our current technology, it is very likely that we will launch it within 10 years. We are devoting great efforts to achieve that goal."
Liu said the 24-hour trading service would help facilitate transactions on the country's planned international board, helping overseas traders overcome time differences.

dimanche 12 décembre 2010


India and France signed crucial nuclear cooperation agreements during French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to India, which has triggered the uranium prices up in the global market.Till now, China’s increasing appetite used to spur uranium prices in the global market with Beijing planning to set up more and more nuclear power plants. However, with France inking crucial pacts with India in nuclear energy sector, uranium prices are set to shoot up further.
Expectations of demand from India and Chinese nuclear reactors have also pushed uranium spot prices to recent highs and threatens to cause a supply deficit. China’s need for nuclear fuel to serve its growing energy requirements had heightened the potential for supply problems in the uranium industry.The Chinese bumped long-term forecasts for their nuclear build-out and although there is actually no physical demand it has totally changed the psychology. There has been a major movement in the spot price since September.The spot prices have gone up to above $60 a pound, which is certainly at least a 50 per cent rise in the last four months.When the weapons processing program finishes in 2013 there is just generally a shortage of uranium going forward.In the post-Cold War era, secondary sources of the metal, such as from decommissioning Russian nuclear weapons, became a significant supply for the energy industry.Just a few days ago, uranium futures touched $61 a pound, up from $40 last June. Uranium futures have surged almost 20% in the past month. The uptick in pricing is a direct result of several factors, the most obvious being China’s 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015), which gave nuclear energy development top priority.According to a report, the country currently has 11 nuclear reactors in operation with a generating capacity of 9.1 gigawatts (gW). In 2005, the plan was to increase nuclear power to 40 gW by 2020. The new plan doubles that goal for nuclear energy to 70 to 80 gW by 2020.The country has contracts with France’s Areva for 52 million pounds; with Canada’s Cameco for 48 million pounds, and with Kazakhstan’s state-owned nuclear power company for 63 million pounds by 2020.


C'est une fin de semaine difficile et stressante pour les actionnaires de la compagnie The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea/ GAP.nyse. La chaîne de super marché a annoncé quelle avait engagé une firme d'avocat spécialisée pour négocier le refinancement et trouver un moyen pour éviter la faillite. Vendredi à 13h24 la bourse de NY à tirer la "plug" et le titre a été mis sur "halt" à 0.93$ ....le stock perdait 67 % de sa valeur . Ce qui est spécial dans cette histoire c'est que cette compagnie existe depuis 1859 !

samedi 11 décembre 2010

Rachat d'actions

INK Research indique que plus de 140 sociétés canadiennes ont puisé dans leurs surplus de liquidités pour racheter de leurs actions . Les deux championnes ont été le fabricant du BlackBerry Research In Motion (410 M$), et le conglomérat média Rogers Communications (329 M$). Quatre des dix compagnies qui ont investi le plus pour racheter de leurs actions au cours du trimestre ont leur siège social au Québec. Il s'agit du Canadien National, de BCE, du Groupe CGI ainsi que de l'épicier Metro.
" Nous adorons les entreprises qui rachètent leurs actions, car habituellement, elles le font parce que leur titre est sous-évalué ", dit Marc L'Écuyer, gestionnaire de portefeuilles chez Cote 100.
Du coté Américain il y en a pour 15 milliards de dollard seulement en décembre...!
Aetna Inc. (NYSE: AET), Chubb Corporation (NYSE: CB), ConAgra Foods, Inc. (NYSE: CAG), Encana Corp. (NYSE: ECA), The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE: HD), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), Markel Corp. (NYSE: MKL), Safeway Inc. (NYSE: SWY), Stryker Corp. (NYSE: SYK) et (NASDAQ: TEVA).


The Board of Directors of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE) today raised the Company’s quarterly dividend 17% from $0.12 per outstanding share of the Company’s common stock to $0.14 per outstanding share of the Company's common stock. The Board declared that the dividend is payable January 25, 2011 to shareowners of record at the close of business on December 27, 2010. The ex-dividend date is December 22, 2010.
“We are able to increase the GE dividend for the second time this year because of continued strong cash generation, accelerated recovery at GE Capital and solid underlying performance in our Industrial businesses through year-end 2010,” GE CEO Jeff Immelt said. “In addition, the Company plans to continue capitalizing on complementary and financially attractive inorganic growth opportunities, opportunistic share repurchases and investing in innovation as part of our thoughtful capital-allocation efforts.”


According to a survey of 1,000 iPad users by the Reynolds Journalism Institute, many owners of the tablet computer use it “consume news.” More than 58% of the respondents “who subscribe to printed newspapers and use their iPad at least an hour a day for news said they are very likely to cancel their print subscriptions within the next six months,” according to a press release. This raises some interesting questions.
Newspapers are not going to be able to charge premium subscription rates. In fact, participants in the survey cited “a price lower than the price of a print subscription” as the reason why they would buy a subscription to a news aps or an iPad newspaper subscription. Readers are used to getting content basically for free though paywalls are springing up. The other challenge will be is in creating a unique user experiences. Having only static text and pictures just is not going to cut it. Publishers, though, have plenty of opportunities.
For one thing, iPad users are bound to attract advertisers eager to reach their educated and well-heeled audience. More than half the respondents — 55.6% — said they had an annual household income of $100,000. The average age of all respondents is 48. That’s not the young demographic that advertisers covet, but it’s not bad either.
That is probably the reason why Rupert Murdoch is developing an iPad only publication called The Daily which he calls his “No. 1 most exciting project.” The iPad isn’t the savior of the newspaper industry but it may slow its fade into oblivion.