jeudi 13 août 2009

H1N1 encore.....

Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School will be the site of a National Guard riot control drill Thursday morning to prepare in the event of a panic over distribution of serum to treat the swine flu.
The National Guardsmen will take on the roles of panicked citizens and military police and practice what they would do, such as using tear gas, in the case of a riot.
"This is just a component of moving the stuff from point A to B," said Oxford County Emergency Management Agency Director Scott Parker. The plan will be put into place only if needed, he said.

Il semble que cet Automne il va y avoir une "foire"....une panique avec la grippe du cochon.

Bon...alors en bon boursicoteur il faut trouver où est le y a une multitude de choix!

Je mis quelques dollars dans VICL.nasdaq.......
43 millions en cash et zéro dette.

Congrats to Vical Inc. , but here's a reality check.... you and 500 of your competitors are in the hunt for a similar treatment, and a bunch of them are a lot further ahead than you. To their credit, the vaccine seems to be 100% effective - something that hasn't been said by anyone else yet. Unfortunately, there is still going to be a lengthy process between where the vaccine is now (preclinical) to an endpoint - and approval - during clinical testing. A lot can happen in that time. And, the rumor is that the government will need to supply the money to test the vaccine.

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