jeudi 12 avril 2012

Suivre le Chinois....never more* !

Les stocks Chinois ont été très payants dans le passé mais depuis 1 an , les scandales et les "crosses" commencent à faire fuir les investisseurs ...en voilà un autre...

AutoChina International Limited (“AutoChina” or the “Company”) AUTCF, China’s largest commercial vehicle sales, servicing, leasing, and support network, today responded to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) lawsuit against the Company and 11 investors, alleging that the Company deliberately manipulated trading in its shares to create the appearance of a liquid and active market.

AutoChina has reviewed the SEC’s complaint and believes that it is without merit. The Company intends to defend against the claims vigorously and believes that all of the evidence it is aware of contradicts the SEC’s allegations. AutoChina continues to work closely with its legal counsel and advisors to defend the Company.

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