samedi 30 avril 2011

truck loaded


The Annual Shareholder Meeting is Saturday, April 30th at the Qwest Center, in Omaha, NE.

Un renseignement important pour les boursicoteurs ; le puissant conglomérats continue d'emmagasiner les action de WFC.nyse. Wells Fargo est un groupe financier américain dont le siège social est à San Francisco en Californie est la quatrième banque des États-Unis en termes d'actif...

À la fin du 3em trimestre de 2010 , Berkshire possèdait 336 millions de voilà qu' à partir d'Aujourd'hui c'est 358 936 125 !!!!

Ça donne le goût de mettre la main dans le plat de bonbons....non ?

vendredi 29 avril 2011

Total TOT.nyse said it has plans to acquire a 60% stake in SunPower SPWRA.q , valuing the solar power firm at about $2.3 billion. Under the terms of the deal, Total will pay $23.25 for each Class A and Class B share it acquires.

Will All Oil Companies Buy Into Solar Future ??

petite liste de stock " soleil";


Research in Motion (NASDAQ:RIMM) is losing fans at a fast clip after lowering guidance yet again:- Jefferies is lowering their rating to Underperform from Buy with a $35 price target (prev. $80) noting that based on their checks RIMM will see continued execution issues, product delays, and lackluster product launches for the next year. Firm believes Blackberry OS 7.0 (renamed, formerly 6.1) and QNX will be delayed and that carriers are withdrawing support. They have cut their FY12 (Feb) EPS to $5.50 (guidance $7.50), FY13 to $5 (St $7.37).

Today’s commodities news starts off with bursting warehouses full of zinc, an unexpected rise in cocoa futures, and an equally unexpected fall in corn and wheat prices.
The stockpile of zinc at the bonded warehouses of the London Metal Exchange is at its highest point since 1995, at over 800,000 metric tons. Like its stockpiles, the price of zinc is also relatively high, currently over $2,300/metric ton. Demand is expected to rise by 5.5% in 2011 while supply is expected to rise just 2.2%.
One longer term supply issue is that about 1 million tons of zinc will drop from supply by 2014 as several currently operating mines close down. Leading zinc producers include Teck Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK), Xstrata plc (OTC: XSRAY), and Anglo American plc (OTC: AAUKY)

jeudi 28 avril 2011

Vous aimez ça le "social " ?

Operates the leading online social network in China with 117 million users.

En bourse la semaine prochaine RENN.nasdaq


Il y a une "attaque" de short sur SIRI . Depuis que le titre a touché 2$ , la meute de sauvages en remet et il y a maintenant un peu plus de 270 264 000 actions à découverts !! Son haut de l'année...Ce qui est surprenant présentement c'est que le stock semble ré ? **Imaginez un short-squeeze....le stock pourrait prendre 50 cents dans 2-3 jours....

**Dans mes rêves...zzz...zzz

mercredi 27 avril 2011

" la pomme " observe...

Apple a démenti aujourd'hui enregistrer la localisation des possesseurs d'iPhone tout en annonçant qu'il diffuserait prochainement une mise à jour logicielle réduisant le stockage de données.
"Apple ne piste pas la localisation de votre iPhone", précise la firme dans un communiqué en assurant qu'elle "ne l'a jamais fait et n'a aucun projet" en ce sens.
Pour autant, Apple précise que son smartphone conserve "une base de données des points d'accès Wi-fi et des antennes relais autour de votre position (...) pour aider votre iPhone à calculer rapidement et précisément sa position sur simple demande".
Certaines de ces informations de géolocalisation sont stockées dans chaque appareil et sauvegardées dans iTunes, ce qui signifie qu'un tiers utilisant l'ordinateur du propriétaire d'un iPhone pourrait accéder à ces données.
Pour couper court à la polémique, le groupe californien compte diffuser dans les semaines à venir une nouvelle mise à jour logicielle. Cela permettra de limiter la quantité de données concernant les points d'accès aux réseaux sans fil stockées dans les iPhone et d'interrompre la sauvegarde de ces données dans iTunes.
La polémique concernant l'enregistrement et la transmission des données de géolocalisation a émergé après la publication d'un rapport de deux programmeurs et n'a pas épargné Google, qui tente de concurrencer Apple dans le segment de l'internet


Morgan Stanley is out positive on Molycorp raising their Bull case to $240/share (prev. $140) & reiterating their Overweight rating on the rare earths miner.Ok, seems I got your attention. The actual (base case) target is raised to $90 but who cares, we're talking about MCP here. Morgan Stanley notes they have a constructive view of rare earth oxides and of Molycorp’s prospects. REO fundamentals look favorable based on high-growth end markets and tight availability. They believe news flow regarding future Chinese rare earth policies, spot REO prices and advancement of MCP’s Mountain Pass project will be the key determinants of MCP share price until the start of production in mid-2012. MCP’s Mountain Pass mine is one of only two new REO projects (Mt. Weld in Australia being the other) outside China expected to come on line by 2012.


Roche Holding AG hopes that China will be its top 3 global market by 2015, up from 10th last year, said chairman Franz Humer during a visit to China.

The Swiss pharmaceutical company, one of the largest of its kind in the world, has recently announced a plan to spend ¥450 million building a research and development center in suburban Shanghai's Zhangjiang area, increasing its total investment in China to ¥1.4 billion. Roche relocated its Asia Pacific headquarters to Shanghai in 2009. Its business in China currently concentrates on the top ranking hospitals and should expand down further as the government's healthcare reform is to benefit smaller hospitals and community clinics, said Roche China president Chen Peiqian.


Le stock IIVI.nasdaq a surpris les ANALystes ..." 3Q profit surges on sales of optics products"...

+ 11.10$ 23 % à 59.17$

Et les autres stocks "lasers" eu aussi montent...sur un mois + 8.5%


lundi 25 avril 2011

cliquez pour agrandir

avec une RSI à 88,38...les believers sont rois !

nb; Julie Graff avait raison.

....bon ok ! c'est juste un Feeling...

cliquez pour agrandir....

Cette petite "mer.d..," va aller fermer son gap down du 15 Mars.....à 0.50$

dans les semaines à venir...



Jamba Juice Company and Venus Williams announced today the signing of a non-binding letter of intent to form a joint venture to develop up to five Jamba Juice stores in the Washington D.C./Maryland marketplace over the next two years. The venture will also provide a platform for a long-term relationship, which would provide Ms. Williams’ organization with the certain exclusive rights to franchise the Jamba Juice brand throughout the Washington D.C./Maryland marketplace.
The two organizations’ goal in establishing this partnership is to leverage the strength of their respective brands to promote health and wellness in the D.C. area and to work together to help promote lifestyle changes to fight childhood obesity. In addition, the expansion of Jamba stores in this marketplace will help promote economic development and provide job opportunities for local residents.
“I have been a long-time fan of Jamba Juice and its mission to help inspire and simplify healthy living,” said Venus Williams, tennis star and entrepreneur.


Transocean Ltd , the owner and operator of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that exploded last year, will pay shareholders $1 billion in dividends even after the payout was blocked by a court ruling, the Sunday Times reported, without saying where it got the information.
Swiss authorities blocked the dividend in August because it expected litigation, according to the report. Zug, Switzerland- based Transocean plans to pay the dividend under a transaction that doesn’t require their approval, the newspaper said.

dimanche 24 avril 2011

Publicité Américaine

Pour ceux qui mangent leurs bas avec leurs stocks d'Uranium ( comme moi )....C'est toujours plaisant à lire ça....quand même.