samedi 15 janvier 2011

La fin du festival "rare earths" ?

Toyota Motor , the world’s top seller of hybrid cars, a prime market for rare earths metals, is exploring ways to build hybrid and electric vehicles in the future without rare earths due to lingering concerns about supply disruptions, according to Bloomberg. The news may be having a negative impact on the high-flying rare earths sector today as the Rare Earths Stocks Index is down 4.1%.
China, the world’s dominant supplier of rare earths with control of more than 90% of the market, has recently slashed export quotas for the second time in less than a year, driving the price of the metals higher.

c'est pas une blague...

Le taux de croissance de l'économie chinoise a atteint 10,1% en 2010, soit un peu plus que les 9,2% de 2009, a déclaré samedi soir le numéro deux de l'agence de planification économique.
Zhang Xiaoqiang, qui s'exprimait lors d'un forum commercial, a réaffirmé que la Chine visait en 2011 une croissance de l'ordre de 8%.

Ça passe ou ça casse...pour ce penny stock

La compagnie est allée chercher 1Millions de dollar en Octobre pour demeurer en affaire et "refaire" un demande à la FDA ...
Imaging3 plans to resubmit its application for clearance of the Dominion Vi Scanner under the FDA's 510(k) process," stated Dean Janes, Chairman and CEO of Imaging3, Inc. According to Mr. Janes, "The results of our review with counsel has determined that the 510(k) program remains the most appropriate and efficient route for FDA approval. It was determined that the 'De Novo' and 'PMA' processes were not necessary and with some minor adjustments to our existing package along with some additional information and potentially a pre-submission meeting with the FDA, the 510(k) submission should be successful. I am confident that with the assistance of our newly hired FDA consultants and our new strategy we will be able to provide the Agency with a package that meets their needs to expeditiously approve our device," Mr. Janes added.

The terms of the securities purchase agreement include the sale of 4,587,157 shares of common stock at $0.218. The warrants include: (i) Series A Warrants, which are immediately exercisable for a period of 5 years into 4,587,157 shares at $0.2725 per share.

Hors- série 1985

Fuck Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

Les 2 Indiennes

vendredi 14 janvier 2011

Gold rush.....les ANALystes sont-ils sur la poudre?

More and more economists, analysts and financial writers, 122 in fact, have taken the bold step of projecting the price at which gold will achieve its parabolic peak. Some have adjusted their previous prognostications higher given gold’s strong advance again in 2010 while others have jumped aboard what has become a bandwagon of optimism. The majority (84) maintain that $5,000 or more for gold is possible. Six individuals have even gone so far as to claim that the parabolic peak will be realized sometime in 2011.


Nous avons discuté "très sérieusement" de....

jeudi 13 janvier 2011


EXFO notice of intent to sell !
19:35 ET

fausse Alerte....Germain LAMONDE PASSE À LA CAISSE.....
EXFO Inc.'s shareholder, Germain Lamonde, intends to sell up to one million subordinate voting shares of EXFO, according to the Toronto Stock Exchange. As in Mr. Lamonde's notice of intention dated Jan. 12, 2011, he will begin selling the shares through the TSX. He currently holds 36,644,000 multiple voting shares. Mr. Lamonde will convert five million of the multiple voting shares into five million subordinate voting shares, and then sell one million of those in the market.

weight loss

.... the number one home delivery weight loss company, was ranked as the "most searched for" brand of the New Year's resolution's weight loss category by top search engine Bing. In the category of weight loss resolutions, Nutrisystem ranked number five overall, and the first brand name among such terms as "calories," "calorie counter," "bmi" and "fitness."...
J'ai plein d'actions de NTRI.q ....malgré les "shorts".....

Dang-dang....Amazon achète du Amazon Chinois

waaaaaaaaaBAM! $DANG ! (Jan 13-14:40) reportedly accumulates 12% stake in China DangDang Inc. (DANG) - filing on the way

Le cadavre ....bouge encore ? !

Wi-Fi Networker iPass Debuts in Solid IPO
A bubble-esque debut for the Wi-Fi networking provider -- or just solid demand for a solid company?
July 24, 2003 IPass is the latest Silicon Valley company to test the public equity markets with the issuing of its initial public offering on Thursday.
By midday during its first full day of trading, shares of the company had risen by over 30 percent to $18.35 after debuting at $14. They later closed up by $4.67, or 33 percent at $18.67.

iPass Inc.(NasdaqGS: IPAS )
After Hours: 1.55 +0.18 (13.14%) 7:59PM EST jan/12/2011


mercredi 12 janvier 2011

The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income is the amount of goods and services produced in a year, in a country. It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year.

EXFO (2)

.....le grenouillage n'était pas une fausse alerte....8,75$ en A.H
Telecom sales increase 62.9% year-over-year to US$65.7 million
Telecom bookings improve 92.0% year-over-year to US$89.8 million
QUEBEC CITY, Jan. 12, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EXFO Inc. (Nasdaq:EXFO) (TSX:EXF) reported today record sales and bookings for its first quarter ended November 30, 2010, with total sales and GAAP net earnings above the company's guidance range.

Des rumeurs courent cette nuit sur SQNM.nasdaq qu'il va y avoir une nouvelle importante dans le "British Medical Journal" demain... j'ai bien compris toutes les infos ( rumeurs )...le "sequencing DNA " serait officiellement plus efficace que l'amiosynthèse pour détecter la trisomie 21.


Une fermeture en haut de 1.25$ veut dire... selon mon ami "technicien" ...un beau breakout ! Voilà un beau petit stock d'Or pour les goldeux.


Google plans to tap into China's electronic book market in the second half of 2011, a Google official told Caijing magazine. The world's most used search engine launched its eBookstore in the United States a month ago, offering over three million ebooks. The majority of those ebooks were $10 to $15 per download, but prices will be fine-tuned for the Chinese market, said the source, without revealing how Google and publishers would share proceeds in China. According to Google spokesman Michael Kirkland, the company currently reaps 30% of the profits and book publishers 70%.

mardi 11 janvier 2011

UNE CHEVROLET VOLT À 2 000 $.....dans 5 ans

Après avoir entendu une entrevue très intéressante d'un journaliste auto il y a une chose qui m'agace par rapport à la nouvelle VOLT de GM. La voiture va se vendre 39 000$can à part les taxes....donc faisons un chiffre rond à 44 000$.Le gouvernement du Qc va offrir un "crédit d'impôt" de 3000$ non un rabais à l'achat.

Le problème n'est pas de faire les paiements de 850.00$ par mois....(44 000 à 6% sur 5 ans)mais de revendre la bagnole !! La batterie a "une vie garantie" de 5 ans 120 000km après ça elle va avoir des problèmes majeurs de perte d'é combien coûte une batterie neuve ? 12 000$ sans les taxes bien sû ce montant va être officiellement déduit par le futur acheteur à moins qu'il soit un abruti ou bien un crétin. Quelle sera la valeur de revente d'une VOLT dans 5 ans ???

Une Toyota Avalon XLS 2006 avec 97 000km se vend 14 000$ aujourd'hui et pourtant dans le show room en 2006 elle valait 44 milles piasses !!!


TATA....donnez moi votre avis....please !

cliquez pour agrandir >

Est-ce que ça vidange ...ou bien c'est une occasion au niveau de la MA200?

2 850 000 000 000 de dollars

China’s foreign-exchange reserves climbed by a record last quarter and lending exceeded the government’s annual target....
The currency holdings, reported by the central bank rose by $199 billion to $2.85 trillion, the biggest quarterly gain since 1996

lundi 10 janvier 2011

Fidelity investments

Fidelity discloses 17.6% stake in DANG in13G filing this afternoon....
Often referred to as the of China, Dangdang generated $218 million in sales in 2009, an increase of 90% over 2008.

bye bye mon lapin...

Playboy Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: PLA) has been in talks to go private for some time. It appears to be happening. The company just announced this morning that Icon Acquisition Holdings, L.P., a limited partnership controlled by Hugh M. Hefner, will acquire the public shares of Playboy at a price of $6.15 per share.
The deal is a 56% premium to back when a going private deal was first announced in July 2010 and it still represents a 18.3% premium over the closing price on Friday.

dimanche 9 janvier 2011

Effacer le passé

Il y a certaines situations qui arrivent qui "brise" les données "technique" d'un graphique. Des avions dans les buildings..des nationalisations par exemple.

Dans le cas de "Wimm-Bill-Dann" une entreprise Russe en agro-alimentaire c'est Pepsi qui a pris possession de 66% des actions à 33.00$ ....donc selon mon avis il faut effacer le passé et voir le graph comme si la compagnie venait de "naître" le jour ou Pepsi est entré dans le décor.
Et pourquoi pas ! Voici la liste de stocks Russes listés aux USA.

David Descôteaux....est un maître...mais je suis fier de mon coup !

....Le 26 novembre dernier sur mon humble blog.....

....à lire dans le journal demain le 10 janvier.....