samedi 13 novembre 2010


Haut 16 sept 8.82$
Bas 1 nov 8.98$
Voici un gap up "pas tout à fait fermé" C'est embêtant parceque le graph est pas mal beau.

vendredi 12 novembre 2010

Un Ours m'a envoyé cette image....

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Starbucks s'aggrandit........trop?

Après avoir passé les années 2007 et 2008 difficilement à cause de la baisse des ventes en même temps qu'une expantion des restos , SBUX semble vouloir à nouveau mettre les gaz à fond.

Starbucks CEO and founder, Howard Schultz, was in China to open a coffee farm and, according to Bloomberg News, he said that the company’s “ability to navigate through the financial crisis and come out much stronger gives us reason to start growing the company again.” Schultz plans to open 500 stores in the company’s 2011 fiscal year, which began in October. Of those, 400 will be outside the US.
Schultz also predicted that China will be Starbucks’ highest growth market in two years. Starbucks operates 400 stores in China, where all coffee sales grew by 9% last year, to about $700 million, according to research firm Euromonitor International cited by The Wall Street Journal. Having cut about $600 million in operating costs since 2008, Starbucks has felt the effects of the modest economic recovery as customers return to its stores. Even the premium pricing has not kept them away.
In China, Starbucks plans to open a thousand more stores in the next few years. The coffee farm that is being developed will offer Starbucks a ready supply of beans beginning in 2014, helping the company keep a lid on the rising price of coffee worldwide. China’s annual per capita coffee consumption is an anemic 22 grams, compared with Japan’s 3.3 kilograms. There is a lot of room for growth there

Faut pas oublier qu'en 2009, 45 restos ont été fermé le stock est passé de 10$ à 24$


Netflix, Inc. NFLX.q may not seem like a monopoly since it has many competitors. The “monopoly in the making” is in the streaming and mail rental business.
Netflix is expected to have more than 19 million subscribers at the end of 2010. Its growth may explode in the coming years Back in April, Trefis Research predicted that it would eventually reach as many as 47 million subscribers. That represents 39% of US households with DVD players. Where Netflix wins is with its library of more than 20,000 titles and its flexible business model that accommodates streaming or DVD by mail.
To be sure, many companies do what Netflix does. Hulu is available for online TV and now movies. Coinstar Inc. CSTR.q its Redbox rental kiosks and is expanding online. Cable companies also offer video on demand for a fee though they have many free offerings as well. Amazon and iTunes offer downloads of movies and television shows. Vudu is another competitor, but its movie library has yet to approach a critical mass even though it claims to be the HD king
Netflix’s biggest risk is the movie studios. Now that they have figured out how to win in the digital world where piracy is rampant, having access to the company’s distribution network will be far more cost-effective than dealing with smaller upstarts. It seems that the biggest challenge for Netflix may be staying an independent company.

CHU a un vieux gap d`août 2008 à fermer à 19 $ ??

China Unicom Ltd CHU.nyse SHA: 600050, HKG: 0762, the nation's second biggest wireless carrier, has launched its WoStore, a platform of applications for cellphones that support almost all WCDMA-backed models used in the country. WoStore will take 30% of the revenues and application developers the remaining 70%. More than 2,300 applications are currently available at WoStore, most of them for gaming and reading purposes.
China Unicom is rumored to unveil a customized Nokia 3G C7 handset that will be sold at its Huasheng subsidiary. The flagship model will be another exclusive model like Apple's iPhone, according to people familiar with the matter.

jeudi 11 novembre 2010

Fiasco systems

Cisco CSCO.q posted a reasonable improvement in earnings for its most recently reported quarter–fiscal first year profit was $1.93 billion compared to $1.79 billion in the same period a year ago. But, CEO John Chambers gave a remarkably poor assessment of the big tech company’s future. Cisco expects revenue in the current quarter to rise as little as 3%. This sent its stock down 15% which destroyed $30 billion in market cap.
Several securities analysts who cover the company insulted shareholders by downgrading the stock after the its steep drop. These analysts are close to Cisco, but did not see any of the trouble coming.
The list of research firms that missed the call include Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, William Blair, and Wunderlich.

Content delivery network / CDN

CCIH.q China cache
IPO octobre 10-12$ 6 millions d'actions / upgradé à 13.90$ par deutshe Bank / open à 27$ folie !!
Dans le même domaine..mettez sur votre watch list la petite Américaine LLNW.q
Limelight commence à déranger le gros AKAM.q avec le renouvellement pour 3 ans avec Netflix. "Look at the posts from netflix subscribers-they keep complaining about streaming quality. That is where limelight networks steps in."
Le "Limelight STREAM" viens de prendre les devant... cette technologie
sera-t-elle la nouvelle norme ?

1.05 milliard de dollars en Cash....0 $ dette.

To tha moon ? To infinity......!

mercredi 10 novembre 2010

Apple...2011 veut dire des nouvelles bébelles

Les rumeurs sont fortes sur les produits 2011 de la Pomme.
1-) Des petits Macbook ultra rapide sans mémoire flash pas trop cher 2-) iPad mini 3-) iPad 2
4-) et des Apps à plus finir...

The housing crisis is far from over

L'An dernier 21,7 % des propriétaires de maison aux États-Unis devaient plus d'argent à la banques ( hypothèque ) que la valeur de leurs maisons ( si elles étaient vendues ). En ce moment c'est 23,2%..
""In Miami, for example, 42% of homes have negative equity, compared to 45.1% in 2009. That’s in part because many of these underwater homes have been foreclosed on.""

Boeing delay number 9

Boeing a annoncé aujourd'hui l'arrêt des essais en vol de son long-courrier 787 "Dreamliner" dont la première livraison a déjà été reportée de plusieurs années, au lendemain de l'atterrissage d'urgence d'un appareil au Texas en raison de la présence de fumée dans la cabine. "Nous avons décidé de ne pas faire voler les autres appareils le temps de mieux comprendre l'incident. On ne sait pas encore si cela durera toute la journée, moins longtemps ou plus longtemps. Dans l'intervalle, les équipes se concentreront sur les objectifs au sol", a déclaré Loretta Gunter, porte-parole de l'avionneur américain.
Le stock viens de se mettre les fesses sur sa MA50....à suivre !!
Delay Number 1 – September 2007A three-month delay due to a parts shortage.
Delay Number 2 – October 2007A three-month delay due to supply chain problems.
Delay Number 3 – January 2008A three-month delay due to lack of progress on “traveled work”.
Delay Number 4 – April 2008A delay on deliveries until the third quarter of 2009, 15 months behind schedule. The first test flight rescheduled to the fourth quarter of 2008.
Delay Number 5 – November 2008A delay on the first flight until the fourth quarter of 2008 due to a machinist’s strike and other problems.
Delay Number 6 – December 2008A delay on the first flight until the second quarter of 2009 due to parts supply problems.
Delay Number 7 – June 2009A delay in the maiden flight due to a need to reinforce part of the aircraft’s body.
Delay Number 8 – July 2010Delayed first delivery until early 2011 due to an explosion of one of the aircraft’s engines while on a test bed.

mardi 9 novembre 2010

Gaz de Schiste

Natural gas producer Atlas Energy soared by 36% on Tuesday after energy giant Chevron agreed to buy the firm for $3.2 billion, or $38.25 per share in cash . Chevron vice chairman George Kirkland said, “We are acquiring a company that has one of the premier acreage positions in the prolific Marcellus [Shale],” adding, “The Atlas Energy assets further advance Chevron’s global shale gas position.”
Voici 4 compagnies gazières qui peuvent être des cibles pour les grands...

Canada - Uranium list

270 millions de personnes de classe moyenne

Another 270 million people, 70% of them from small cities, will be classified middle class or upper class in China in the next decade, according to a BCG report released Monday. Such groups will make up 51% of the nation's urban population by 2020

Chinese consumers, the most confident in the world, are to take 9% of the global market this year ranking third and account for 14% overtaking Japan as the second largest by 2015. China's gap with the United States will be narrowed to 22% vs 35% by 2020, according to the report. China's middle and upper classes will amount to over 400 million 10 years from now, of which 2/3 will be living outside large cities.

The report defines a household with ¥60,000 to ¥100,000 ($1 = ¥6.7) in annual income as middle class. Middle and upper classes currently represent 24% of its population.

lundi 8 novembre 2010


Amazon acquiert Quidsi pour environ 500 millions $ en cash....
Le géant met la main sur, et
Jeff Bezos was even quoted as saying, “I’m not sure which is more unpleasant—changing diapers, paying too much for them, or running out of them.”

Il passe à la caisse...

Un membre de la haute direction du détaillant à rabais vient de liquider pour près de 670 000 $ en actions à un moment où le titre flirte avec des sommets.


I love you Porky !

si Gandhi l'a dit...

Les masses affamées ne réclament qu'un seul poème : de la nourriture réconfortante. On ne doit pas la leur donner en aumône Il faut qu'elles la gagnent à la sueur de leur front.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

vodka and oysters night whim

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Prédiction d'un pauvre boursicoteur ....
Les Chinois vont acheter MO.nyse
d'ici 12 mois.