samedi 2 octobre 2010


Le pays de la samba qui élira le successeur de Lula affiche une forme olympique. Il a raflé l’organisation du Mondial de 2014 et des JO de 2016 et la crise financière n’est déjà plus pour lui qu’un lointain souvenir.
Cette année, sa croissance atteindra 6%, son taux de chômage n’a jamais été aussi bas et ses réserves de change culminent à plus de 240 milliards de dollars si bien que c’est lui, maintenant, qui prête de l’argent au Fonds monétaire international (FMI).
Je suis bourré de Gafisa depuis cet été je commence à aimer ça l'immobilier !

vendredi 1 octobre 2010

Stem cells
Voici le stock de cellules souches , le sujet de ce matin sur
"techniquement" il y a un mini gap up de 2 cents d'ouvert...pas si pire.
Il commence une "ride" vers le nord ..... à mon humble avis.

Initial public offering

2 Nouvelles Chinoiseries ....
CCIH sur le nasdaq Chinacache holding
MY à new-york China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited

Satellite radio

SIRIUS XM Radio Inc. SIRI.q is at it again on the raised guidance front for subscribers. CEO Mel Karmazin has now announced that SIRIUS is expected to end 2010 with approximately 20.1 million subscribers.
This would represent an all-time high in subscribers as the company .


jeudi 30 septembre 2010

MSFT...bonne nouvelle.

Bing, Microsoft's search engine, has teamed up with Shenzhen Winhi Technologies Co to promote its business in China.

Microsoft hopes to leverage Winhi's rich experience in ecommerce for some 30,000 small- and midsized clients in the country, said Bing China's manager Huang Dinglong. Winhi is Microsoft's first Chinese partner. The Chinese search market grew 45% to ¥4.6 billion in the first half of 2010 compared to a year earlier. .

Question ?

Si pour peu de frais vous aviez le téléphone sur votre facebook....pourquoi paierez-vous une ligne de cellulaire ? réfléchis....
There are rumors that Skype, the Voice over Internet Protocol service, and social network Facebook may join forces. Each has hundreds of millions of members. In Facebook’s case, the number is over 500 million. Skype claims more than 400 million subscribers. A Skype/Facebook communications system will almost certainly encourage the members of Facebook to turn to Skype for voice and perhaps data service. A large number of call and video communications done through Skype are free.

Olé !

Moody's downgrades Spanish gov't debt.

"The lines of contagion from Greece are growing," said Win Thin, senior currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York Zapatero garde le sourire du socialiste sot et imprudent.

mercredi 29 septembre 2010

CAT.nyse a touché le 80$...all time breakout soon ?

Caterpillar Inc said Tuesday night that it will build a plant in Wujiang, Jiangsu province to manufacture small-sized hydraulic excavators weighing less than eight tons. It did not say how much it will spend. Construction will begin later this year and complete by 2012, according to the California-based machinery giant. China is the world's largest market for excavators of eight tons or lighter, according to a Caterpillar senior manager. It established a wholly-owned factory in Suzhou, Jiangsu province for midsized wheel loaders and graders to supply the Asian, African and Mideast markets.

Voici toute la ligne "d' excavators" de 8 tonnes et moins.

hum ? BBD.b

cliquez pour agrandir
buy list....
la ma50 semble vouloir remonter
la ma200 stable...

Ils ont faim.

China's Soybean Imports Projected to Be Triple Domestic Production

It is widely predicted that China's soybean imports will crack the 50 million ton mark this year, triple domestic production. The commerce ministry put the amount at 51 million tons, compared to 47.5 million forecast by the National Grain and Oil Information Center earlier in the year. The US Department of Agriculture estimated China would import 55 million tons between 2010 and 2011. The nation's soybean imports rose 20% to 35.5 million tons in the first eight months of 2010 compared to the same period last year.

mardi 28 septembre 2010

" Tourniquets " à vent.

According to 21st Century Business Herald report, the head of China’s National Energy Administration said the country may spend as much as 1.5 trillion yuan, or $224 billion, on wind power over the next decade. That would represent 30% of the five-trillion yuan in alternative energy spending the country has planned through 2020, according to NEA representative Jiang Bing’s remarks in July.
Le gouvernement Chinois semble vouloir mettre le paquet dans les Éoliennes...
alors voici 2 Chinoiseries dans le domaine.

short squeeze ?

SKECHERS inc. SKX.nyse a été un de mes stocks les plus payant de 2009.Voilà qu'aujourd'hui, le stock est shorté en fou ...près de 30% du float. 9,019,300 actions sur 35,768,770 .
Est-il le temps d'acheter à nouveau ?

Toujours en vie.

In March 2009, the five ethanol-producing plants owned by a subsidiary of Pacific Ethanol, Inc. PEIX.q filed for bankruptcy protection. The plants exited bankruptcy in June 2010, under ownership of several banks.

Pacific staffed, managed, and operated the plants for a fee, and marketed the products under a profit-sharing agreement. Pacific also had an option to purchase up to 25% of the plants for a price up to $30 million. Pacific’s problem was that it had almost no cash.
Now, some of the company’s institutional investors have agreed to purchase $35 million in senior convertible notes, to put Pacific back on its feet. Pacific will also sell its minority interest in another ethanol producer for $18.5 million, and use $23.3 million of the $53.3 million in total proceeds to buy 20% of its previously owned plants. The company will also use $17 million to retire debt, and keep $10 million in cash reserves

lundi 27 septembre 2010


Research in Motion, connu pour son téléphone multifonctions BlackBerry, a dévoilé
Aujourd'hui à San Francisco une nouvelle tablette informatique tactile baptisée PlayBook, qui se veut "la première tablette professionnelle".
"Tout le monde a besoin d'un formidable PlayBook, tout le monde comptera sur son PlayBook pour rester concentré et tenir toute la journée", a affirmé le co-directeur général de RIM Mike Lazaridis lors d'une conférence à San Francisco ."Il est toujours branché, toujours mobile, et ultra-mince à 9,7 mm", a-t-il ajouté.Le PlayBook, attendu sur le marché américain début 2011 et dans d'autres pays au deuxième trimestre, concurrencera l'iPad mais aussi d'autres appareils que plusieurs autres fabricants informatiques ont déjà annoncés ou lancés, comme la petite Streak de Dell ou la Galaxy Tab annoncée par Samsung.

IPhone Demand Outstrips Supply in China

China Unicom Ltd. said its supply of Apple Inc.'s iPhone 4 handsets is insufficient to meet user demand but that it will increase its supply as quickly as possible. Sales of the model started at a much faster pace than when older versions of the iPhone went on sale in China last year.
Unicom had received more than 200,000 iPhone 4 preorders by early Saturday, the day sales started, and more than 40,000 buyers received the phone and a bundled mobile-service plan that day, Unicom said. By comparison, Unicom last year sold 100,000 iPhone handsets in roughly six weeks after officially introducing the devices in China in late October.

dimanche 26 septembre 2010