vendredi 11 novembre 2011

Tiger Woods is now "Powered by Fuse."

Vous savez que le Tigre a eu des problèmes dans les derniers mois avec ses commanditaires et que son golf erratique ne lui donne pas de chances. Mais imaginez qu'il reprenne confiance et gagne des tournoi ! Son image de marque va redevenir payante pour les compagnies qui ont continué à lui faire confiance. Une petite firme viens tout juste de mettre son nom sur son sac de golf...FUSE !
Fusescience*, announced today that it has entered into an exclusive endorsement agreement with Tiger Woods in the sports nutrition and energy categories. Woods will endorse Fuse Science as a primary spokesperson in professional sports.
One of the world's most recognizable athletes .
"When I learned about Fuse Science's groundbreaking technology, I immediately understood that this will be a game-changer in how we live our lives every day, said Woods. "We will improve energy, nutrition and medication delivery in several global categories and we will enhance every athlete's ability to perform at their natural best. This company is laying the foundation for some very significant things and after personally talking to them; I wanted to be Powered by Fuse."
"This is a very big day for our company and what it means to be Powered by Fuse," added Brian Tuffin, President and Chief Operating Officer. "Our partnership with the world's best is an enabler to have a worldwide impact sooner than later. Tiger recognizes the significance of the journey we're on as a company, and wants to be part of our growth while leverage the technology to make a difference globally."
"Beyond sports, this technology applies in so many ways," added Tiger. "The long-term potential is significant. To me, that's something much bigger than golf."
Woods will represent the Fuse Science technology, intellectual property, unique delivery system, and future products to be developed in the sports nutrition and energy categories.
"In some countries, millions of children grow up in a nutritional void," Tuffin said. "With Fuse Science technology, we can create new, incredible nutritional opportunities, enhance access to medicines, and improve the quality of life for millions everywhere around the world including right here in the US."
Fuse Science technology can be used to more effectively deliver vitamins and minerals in a variety of unique applications that can address nutritional deficiencies in thousands of impoverished communities across the globe – creating opportunities for malnourished children, in particular, to lead healthier, more productive lives.

C'était un de mes sujets de boursicotage sur RADIOPIRATE.COM avec Jeff aujourd'hui....malheureusement il était impossible pour moi d'être en onde.....donc je remet ça 2 fois la semaine prochaine.(*!)

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