jeudi 12 février 2009

Salut Salauds

Les gens font plus attention à leurs dépenses c'est temps-ci.....libre à eux.
Les émetteurs de cartes de crédit ne semblent pas aimer ça....les gens
remboursent leurs cartes et les utilisent moins.
Les salauds commencent à mettre de la pression........
Loretta Maxwell of Troy, Mich., thought her credit score of 790 buffered her against most of the fallout of the credit crunch. When Chase closed her $6,000-limit card in December without warning after two years of inactivity, she called to fight it. She was unsuccessful.
"If you're not using it, they entice you to do so, and then the moment you don't spend enough, they cut your limit," she says. (Chase says it is standard practice is to review inactive accounts. "Inactive cards with large open credit lines present a real risk of fraudulent use and large potential liabilities for Chase," says spokeswoman Stephanie Jacobson.)
In December, Discover reported that it closed three million accounts during 2008 due to inactivity, and plans to cull up to two million more. A Discover spokeswoman says the issuer is constantly reevaluating cardholder's credit and assessing whether they have the most appropriate credit line and product.

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